unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.web.\"jboss-as-helloworld.war\" missing [ jboss.web.host.localhost
by Martin Schwartzman
I downloaded and built wolfc-jboss-as-f896114.zip this morning at 8:39am
MDT from https://github.com/wolfc/jboss-as/tree/AS7-579. I added
Dependencies: org.hornetq.ra in the war's MANIFEST.MF. I started up the
server and then deployed my test war. The first time I tried this the
server responded to the console with something like: "to deploy war
create file jboss-as-helloworld.war.dodeploy". I did this and my test
war deployed. I ran a test where I sent a message to a jms queue and my
EJB 3 MDB's onMessage() was invoked! However, I decided to make a small
modification to my war and try again. When I deploy the war the server
deploys it without asking for the jboss-as-helloworld.war.dodeploy file
and I get the following error:
09:59:01,400 ERROR [org.jboss.as.deployment] (DeploymentScanner-threads
- 1) {"Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that
failed:" => {"Operation step-2" => {"Services with missing/unavailable
dependencies" => ["jboss.web.\"jboss-as-helloworld.war\" missing [
jboss.web.host.localhost ]"]}}}
Any help will be appreciated.
13 years, 4 months
Listening for EJBs appearing / JNDI registrations
by David Bosschaert
I have a piece of code that needs to kick into action when a particular
EJB is registered. What would be the best way to do this? The code is in
user-space, it's an OSGi bundle that needs to do something once the EJB
is available...
So I thought about the following:
* register a DeploymentUnitProcessor, however this is a bit heavyweight
to ask a EJB/OSGi developer to do...
* maybe register an MSC service that waits for an MSC service registered
by the EJB to appear? this is also a bit heavyweight and I don't think
the MSC services registered by the EJB are documented/part of the public
* It would be nice if I could simply listen for the JNDI registration...
is that possible?
As a workaround, I also thought about this:
* If I deploy my artifacts in a certain order, will the appserver deploy
them again in the same order on a restart?
13 years, 4 months
CLI - change IP address
by Rostislav Svoboda
Hi guys.
I was trying to change bind address on AS7 (standalone) using CLI.
I did it by defining new interface and changing default-interface attribute of socket-binding-group.
/interface=publicIP:add(criteria=[("inet-address" => "")])
/socket-binding-group=standard-sockets:write-attribute(name="default-interface", value="publicIP")
How can I edit directly default interface named "public" which uses ?
13 years, 4 months
Why is JNDI view not showing any messaging object?
by Vimal Kansal
I am running, standloane with standalone-preview.xml. On wweb console,
looking at JMS subsystem, I can see JNDI entrie :
java:ConnectionFactory, RemoteConnectionFactory and queue/Test. But when
I run the command /subsystem=naming:jndi-view, I don't see these
entries, I get the following output :
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=naming:jndi-view
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"java: contexts" => {
"java:jboss" => {
"jaas" => {
"class-name" =>
"children" => {"other" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"TransactionManager" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"orb" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "org.jacorb.orb.ORB@cead6"
"datasources" => {
"class-name" => "javax.naming.Context",
"children" => {"ExampleDS" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"irpoa" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "org.jacorb.poa.POA@3acf34"
"poa" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "org.jacorb.poa.POA@2cb491"
"TransactionSynchronizationRegistry" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"corbanaming" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"java:global" => {"Hello" => {
"class-name" => "javax.naming.Context",
"children" => {
"Salutation!packt.Salutation" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Proxy for view class:
packt.Salutation of EJB: Salutation"
"Salutation" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Proxy for view class:
packt.Salutation of EJB: Salutation"
"applications" => {"Hello.war" => {
"java:app" => {
"AppName" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Hello"
"Hello" => {
"class-name" => "javax.naming.Context",
"children" => {
"Salutation!packt.Salutation" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Proxy for view class:
packt.Salutation of EJB: Salutation"
"Salutation" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Proxy for view class:
packt.Salutation of EJB: Salutation"
"modules" => {"Hello" => {"java:module" => {
"Salutation!packt.Salutation" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Proxy for view class: packt.Salutation
of EJB: Salutation"
"Validator" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"TimerService" => {"class-name" =>
"Salutation" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Proxy for view class: packt.Salutation
of EJB: Salutation"
"UserTransaction" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Transaction: unknown"
"ValidatorFactory" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"ModuleName" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" => "Hello"
"TransactionSynchronizationRegistry" => {
"class-name" =>
"value" =>
"EJBContext" => {"class-name" =>
[standalone@localhost:9999 /]
Also, I am trying to inject Connection factory and queue ina simple
servlet as follows :
package packt;
* Servlet implementation class HelloServlet
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Resource(mappedName = "java:/ConnectionFactory")
private QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory;
@Resource(mappedName = "queue/test")
private Queue queue;
I get the following exception :
missing/unsatisfied dependencies:
service jboss.naming.context.java.ConnectionFactory (missing)
jboss.naming.context.java.module.Hello.Hello.env/queue/test (missing)
I am not sure if it is a bug with AS7 or I am doing something wrong?
13 years, 4 months
Release schedule
by Heiko Braun
Can someone please enlighten me?
Will there be a 7.0.1? I thought 7.1 will be the next step.
What does the roadmap look like?
13 years, 4 months
Arquillian + AS7 domain in tests
by Rostislav Svoboda
I wanted to see example of Arquillian test using domain controller, tests in AS7 are using standalone version.
In jboss-as repo there is module called jboss-as-arquillian-container-managed-domain which should contain the functionality.
Testsuite module jboss-as-testsuite-integration-domain has dependency on jboss-as-arquillian-container-managed-domain but it seems that tests in this module aren't using Arquillian at all (no @RunWith(Arquillian.class) in java code).
Could you please point me to example test where Arquillian uses AS 7 in domain mode?
13 years, 4 months
by Wolfgang Knauf
Hi all,
probably a dumb question, but I ask it anyway ;-): all previous JBoss
versions had JBoss specific deployment descriptors for the JavaEE
modules (jboss.xml, jboss-web.xml, jboss-app.xml, jboss-client.xml).
Brian updated the DTD/XSD wiki at
http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossDTDs and I see that e.g.
"jboss_7_0.xsd" still exists.
But when taking a look at e.g. "standalone.xml", it seems that the "new"
xsds are used for module specific parts of this big config file. So, is
there some equivalent to e.g. "jboss.xml" for ejb modules in AS7. or
will a "jboss.xml" in the ejb jar have the same effect as adding it's
content to an appropriate location in "standalone.xml"?
Best regards
Wolfgang Knauf
13 years, 4 months