On 04/06/2011 11:00 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
The management API exposes a command "shutdown" on the root
resource for
a standalone server.
Here's a hack that worked for me for executing that from the CLI:
pingguo:bin bstansberry$ (echo :shutdown; echo quit) | ./jboss-admin.sh
--connect controller=localhost:9999
JBoss Admin Command-line Interface
JAVA: .....
Connected to localhost:9999
[localhost:9999 /] :shutdown
Communication error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
java.io.EOFException: Connection closed
[localhost:9999 /] quit
Closed connection to localhost:9999
pingguo:bin bstansberry$
The "--connect" argument passed to jboss-admin.sh tells it to connect
when it starts, without a separate command after it starts. The
"controller=localhost:9999" bit tells it how to connect. In this case
it's unnecessary; since localhost:9999 is the default.
Once I merge JBAS-9839 there will be a --file=xxx.txt option whereby
multiple commands can be read from a file.
The hack I did with (echo :shutdown; echo quit) was to get the CLI to
read two commands from stdin: the server shutdown command and an
instruction that the CLI itself should exit. I'm sure there are better
ways to do that.
Alexey, WDYT about something like this:
./jboss-admin.sh --connect --exec=:shutdown
Basically --exec means "execute one command and exit".
I had the same thought and actually created a jira issue for that. At
the moment I have
./jboss-admin.sh --connect file=file_path
where file_path points to the file with commands to execute and quit
after the last one.
The actual syntax/argument names can/should be discussed. I can't say
I'm completely comfortable with the current one.
On 4/6/11 3:29 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> Now that the JIRA has been resolved, what's the script/command to
> shutdown the server? I'm configuring some hudson jobs which will need
> this shutdown command to start/stop the server.
> -Jaikiran
> On Tuesday 22 March 2011 05:49 AM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>> Looks like we are missing an operation for standalone mode:
>> I'll get that to you ASAP.
>> So right now the only reliable way is to send it a SIGINT or SIGTERM.
>> On 3/21/11 6:50 PM, Scott Stark wrote:
>>> For the current usage I need to be able to shutdown a standalone node,
>>> so we could just add shutdown option to the standalone.sh, or have the
>>> shutdown.sh. What is the syntax for shutting down a standalone instance
>>> via the CLI?
>>> On 3/21/11 4:38 PM, Jason Greene wrote:
>>>> The intention was that we would just use the CLI to do that. Although
currently we do t have the convenience commands yet, the CLI just executes management
operations. We could make a shutdown.sh that calls the CLI with the convenience command,
if you think people will expect it. It would not work for domain mode though.
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Mar 21, 2011, at 6:29 PM, Scott Stark<sstark(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> What is the as7 equivalent of the shutdown.sh command?
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