I can't do anything about that. No matter what we implement it will
still not be portable.
On 5/31/11 10:23 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> The point of the story here is don't use mappedName. It's not portable,
> and it's essentially deprecated.
Tell that to all the examples, tutorials and IDE's out there ;)
> On 5/31/11 9:04 AM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>> The test is wrong. mappedName is a bit of a bummer.
>> Basically if I specify @Stateless(mappedName="A") and
>> @EJB(mappedName="A") they should match up via the interface of the
>> as view. The registry that is used for mappedName is left unspecified.
>> Carlo
>> On 05/31/2011 12:24 PM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 31 May 2011 03:47 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> From what I can understand and see JBoss EJB3 have had different
implementations of this over time and in AS 7 have moved to simply completely ignore the
mappedname attribute.
>>> mappedName on @Stateless, @Stateful and @MessageDriven has always been
>>> ignored by JBoss EJB3 and isn't something new in AS7.
>>> mappedName on @Resource and @EJB is expected to work in AS7 (and
>>> previous versions). If this is currently broken in AS7 upstream, then it
>>> is a bug. I don't think it's broken because we have a testcase for
>>> exactly this specific attribute
>>> If there's some specific application running into a problem, then please
>>> point me to that.
>>> -Jaikiran
>>>> Does there exist any forum threads and documentation (beyond the that
>>>> the reasons why JBoss EJB3 isn't aligning with what seems to be the
consensus across the various servers ?
>>>> I'm asking since it would make not only users but also tool
developers life much easier if one could actually write and generate almost portable code
>>>> /max
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> Jason T. Greene
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat