Yes that's correct. It's what I presented at the last developer meeting for AS8.
I just wasn't aware that we think about product plugins in general. Because up to this
point, the current extension mechanism fits the product reality quiet well. But I agree,
once products can be enriched by adding components at will, we need an alternative
On Dec 19, 2012, at 8:06 PM, Jason Greene <jason.greene(a)> wrote:
> Because you can't drop in new capabilities without
recompiling. If an ISV or user decides to write a subsystem, they have to recompile the
console with all of the appropriate plugins to get the functionality, which sucks. So EAP7
we have to be more data-driven and dynamic.
I think we agreed on this part right. I mean the last discussions we had with you Stan
and David etc was that this is where we are going? Although maybe you just meant it was
worth looking into and you hadn't made up your mind.