Currently the console provides management operations for a very basic set of use cases.
This needs to be extended for AS 7.1.
Going forward we require your feedback. What do you think should be tackled next?
Most of these questions are very problem domain specific. It would be great if all
component leads
could take some time and think about the following:
- does my component expose reasonable management operations?
- what would developers expect? what about system administrators?
- how does play within a managed domain?
- is my component part of a layered product? what's needed there?
We don't expect you to provide the UI, but at least the low level management
operations need to be implemented by your team.
Think about the most frequently used operations. We don't need to expose every nitty
gritty details of you configuration schema.
It would be really great help, if you could assign somebody to be our point of contact for
all questions management related.
Make sure you plan some time early in this iteration so we can work through these issues.
Prepare for change requests and new component releases.
Last but not least, some areas that I believe can be improved:
- security
- clustering
- ejb, jpa, weld
- transactions
- messaging (non JMS)
- infinispan
Thanks for your help,