On 5/31/11 11:11 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
Yes I realize that - it just seems it could be made portable at
between Glassfish and weblogic (possibly also later Websphere's)
The best we can achieve is "similar at least for today". There is a lot
of problems with the concept (ambiguities) that every one is going to
solve differently. For example you add an extra interface to your bean
and then BOOM.
That is a rather big and significant part.
That is why I was curious in hearing what causes the current mismatch
and from there try and figure out what kind of code we should be
pushing/promoting in examples/tools etc.
The problem is that the tutorials have not caught up with EE6, which
defines spec driven portable names. We should use these for everything
we publish.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat