Yes, thats a good point: static configuration vs. Runtime changes. Typically you would
expect the later from a management tool, but we do actually provide the means to modify
the "static" configuration as well. To make this distinction more clear, we are
going to provide operation response headers that indicate if the changes have been applied
at runtime or if a server reboot is necessary. Brian is currently working on that.
On Jun 1, 2011, at 9:00, David Bosschaert <david(a)> wrote:
Hi Thomas,
If you look at the management console (and you'll see that it
provides an interface to control the static information that is configured in
standalone.xml/domain.xml as well as a way to interact with the dynamic information in the
When I started looking at the management stuff in OSGi I noticed that the way the static
configuration is currently provided is quite different from other subsystems, and it's
read-only: it doesn't support changes through the console.
So this piece has a couple of purposes:
* Make the OSGi-Management API conformant with the other Management API's
* Make the OSGi configuration editable throught the console
* For me to learn this stuff :)
Yes, I agree, the bundle level runtime API (start/stop) etc should and will also be
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Diesler" <thomas.diesler(a)>
> To: "David Bosschaert" <david(a)>
> Cc: jboss-as7-dev(a)
> Sent: Wednesday, 1 June, 2011 7:35:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [jboss-as7-dev] Request for review: AS7 management additions
> What is the ultimate purpose of this? AFAICS this would add a module
> to
> the osgi subsystem description, which could on subsystem startup
> provide
> packages that are available on the osgi system classloader. These
> packages would however only be visible if corresponding export
> statements are defined too.
> From an osgi subsystem management perspective, I'd think it is more
> useful to provide management functionality like start/stop of a
> bundle.
> Another obvious candidate would be the management of ConfigAdmin
> properties.
> cheers
> -thomas
> On 05/31/2011 02:22 PM, David Bosschaert wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm currently learning the AS7 management API so I can work on
>> providing additional management functionality.
>> As a start, I've extended the OSGi management API so that a
>> pre-loaded module can be added/removed.
>> Before I go add more stuff to this I would appreciate if someone
>> could quickly review what I did, just to make sure I didn't miss
>> anything...
>> The changes are this branch:
>> Thanks!
>> David
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> Thomas Diesler
> JBoss OSGi Lead
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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