Basically, most operations that address a resource at the domain level
or the host level can effect multiple servers; e.g. change a thread pool
size setting in profile=dev,subsystem=threads and that affects all
servers in server groups that run profile=dev
The update plan specifies how the operation is rolled out to the
individual servers.
My thinking is any operations that affects multiple servers will execute
with a plan. If the user doesn't provide one, the DomainController will
generate a default one.
Alpha1 included a convenience API to help people create "deployment
plans". [1] Exactly what will happen to that with the shift to a
detyped API is unclear (it could be converted). But poking at that API,
particularly DeploymentSetActionsCompleteBuilder is a quick way at
getting the idea of what kind of policy I had in mind for update plans.
On 1/13/11 8:35 AM, Heiko Braun wrote:
Ref to:
Can somebody give me a brief description, what management operation plans cover?
jboss-as7-dev mailing list
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat