TBH, I don't know what the thinking was that led to the tx subsystem
using complex attributes instead of resources. I suspect it was just an
early subsystem and a simple approach was followed.
Using resources is better where possible and IMO should be done here.
The (fairly minor) impediment is deciding the key (aka child-type) to
use, e.g. /subsystem=transactions/???=core-environment ,
/subsystem=transactions/???=coordinator etc.
We use key/value pairs as elements in addresses to make it
straightforward to eventually expose all the resources as MBeans.
The only rules on the keys are
1) Keys must be valid for use in an ObjectName
2) No key can appear in two locations in the same address
3) Use singular form, e.g. connector=http not connectors=http.
On 5/22/11 4:45 PM, Scott Stark wrote:
It seems a bit arbitrary as to whether a subsystems content is
addressable or not. What I see for the logging subsystem vs the
transactions is that I can ls the logging subsystem and individually
read the children while transactions has no children, hence nothing to
ls, but there no obvious reason why one or more of the transactions
attributes could not be addressable resources. What goes into that choice?
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] ls subsystem=logging
periodic-rotating-file-handler size-rotating-file-handler
logger file-handler
async-handler console-handler
[standalone@localhost:9999 /]
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"autoflush" => true,
"encoding" => undefined,
"formatter" => "%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t)
"level" => "INFO",
"queue-length" => undefined
"compensating-operation" => undefined
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] ls subsystem=transactions
[standalone@localhost:9999 /]
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] ./subsystem=transactions:read-resource
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"core-environment" => {
"process-id" => {"uuid" => "uuid"},
"node-identifier" => undefined
"recovery-environment" => {
"socket-binding" => "txn-recovery-environment",
"status-socket-binding" => "txn-status-manager"
"coordinator-environment" => {
"enable-statistics" => undefined,
"default-timeout" => undefined
"object-store" => {
"relative-to" => undefined,
"path" => undefined
"compensating-operation" => undefined
On 5/21/11 2:10 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> CHILDREN is used for describing the relationship of a parent resource to
> a child resource. A resource is addressable, has attributes and
> operations, and may have children.
> ATTRIBUTE is used for describing attributes. Attributes don't have to be
> simple types; they can be complex, which is the case with the attributes
> in the transactions subsystem. But attributes aren't directly
> addressable; e.g. if you want to read some detail of the
> CORE_ENVIRONMENT you'd have to read the entire attribute and then access
> the detail.
> This is discussed in more detail on
> On 5/21/11 12:48 PM, Scott Stark wrote:
>> I see that some subsystems use CHILDREN as the model key to describe the
>> subsystem root children, while others are using ATTRIBUTES. It does not
>> appear to make a different right now, but I assume it will at some point?
>> Logging:
>> subsystem.get(CHILDREN, CommonAttributes.ROOT_LOGGER,
>> DESCRIPTION).set(bundle.getString("root.logger"));
>> Transactions:
>> DESCRIPTION).set(bundle.getString("core-environment"));
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