[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-5885) jconsole.sh should fail fast if JBOSS_HOME is incorrect instead of starting the console with an incorrecdt classpath
by Marek Kopecký (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-5885?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Marek Kopecký updated WFLY-5885:
Affects Version/s: 16.0.0.Final
> jconsole.sh should fail fast if JBOSS_HOME is incorrect instead of starting the console with an incorrecdt classpath
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-5885
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-5885
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: JMX, Scripts
> Affects Versions: 16.0.0.Final
> Reporter: Cosmin Stroe
> Priority: Minor
> If {{$JBOSS_HOME}} is incorrectly set, we get a vague WARNING message when the script starts, but jconsole is run and shows the GUI window. This is misleading, because jconsole won't have the correct classpath and won't be able to connect to Wildfly, leading to an ambiguous "Cannot connect" error.
> {{jconsole.sh}} should fail fast if it cannot find the {{jboss-cli-client.jar}} and avoid this entire confusion.
> ---
> Steps to reproduce:
> # export JBOSS_HOME=/no/existing/path
> # ./standalone.sh
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5 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-5885) jconsole.sh should fail fast if JBOSS_HOME is incorrect instead of starting the console with an incorrecdt classpath
by Marek Kopecký (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-5885?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Marek Kopecký updated WFLY-5885:
If {{$JBOSS_HOME}} is incorrectly set, we get a vague WARNING message when the script starts, but jconsole is run and shows the GUI window. This is misleading, because jconsole won't have the correct classpath and won't be able to connect to Wildfly, leading to an ambiguous "Cannot connect" error.
{{jconsole.sh}} should fail fast if it cannot find the {{jboss-cli-client.jar}} and avoid this entire confusion.
Steps to reproduce:
# export JBOSS_HOME=/no/existing/path
# ./standalone.sh
If {{$JBOSS_HOME}} is incorrectly set, we get a vague WARNING message when the script starts, but jconsole is run and shows the GUI window. This is misleading, because jconsole won't have the correct classpath and won't be able to connect to Wildfly, leading to an ambiguous "Cannot connect" error.
{{jconsole.sh}} should fail fast if it cannot find the {{jboss-cli-client.jar}} and avoid this entire confusion.
> jconsole.sh should fail fast if JBOSS_HOME is incorrect instead of starting the console with an incorrecdt classpath
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-5885
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-5885
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: JMX, Scripts
> Reporter: Cosmin Stroe
> Priority: Minor
> If {{$JBOSS_HOME}} is incorrectly set, we get a vague WARNING message when the script starts, but jconsole is run and shows the GUI window. This is misleading, because jconsole won't have the correct classpath and won't be able to connect to Wildfly, leading to an ambiguous "Cannot connect" error.
> {{jconsole.sh}} should fail fast if it cannot find the {{jboss-cli-client.jar}} and avoid this entire confusion.
> ---
> Steps to reproduce:
> # export JBOSS_HOME=/no/existing/path
> # ./standalone.sh
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5 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-6097) Error response handling from bean validation ignores Accept header
by Marek Kopecký (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-6097?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Marek Kopecký reassigned WFLY-6097:
Assignee: Ron Sigal (was: Weinan Li)
> Error response handling from bean validation ignores Accept header
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-6097
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-6097
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: REST
> Affects Versions: 10.0.0.Final
> Environment: Mac OS X El Captain
> java version "1.8.0_66"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)
> Reporter: Renann Prado
> Assignee: Ron Sigal
> Priority: Major
> Attachments: delivery-optimization-ear-1.0.Final.ear
> Basically I have a very simple application that has request validation in the REST endpoints.
> According to the documentation of RESTEasy, I should get a JSON error response if I put "application/json" in Accept header in the request.
> https://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.0.13.Final/userguide/html/Validati...
> The mentioned feature worked just fine in Wildfly 9.0.2.Final. Now, however, it doesn't.
> I have tried to upgrade the dependencies in the pom.xml to use dependencies from Wildfly 10.0.0.Final, but still no luck. Though the attached application deploys just fine in Wildfly 9.0.2.Final and Wildfly 10.0.0.Final.
> In WF 9.0.2.Final I used to get the below error *JSON*
> {code:json}
> {
> "exception": null,
> "fieldViolations": [],
> "propertyViolations": [],
> "classViolations": [],
> "parameterViolations": [{
> "constraintType": "PARAMETER",
> "path": "registerLogisticsNetwork.arg0.name",
> "message": "may not be null",
> "value": ""
> }],
> "returnValueViolations": []
> }
> {code}
> In WF 10.0.0.Final I get this:
> {code}
> [registerLogisticsNetwork.arg0.name]
> [may not be null]
> []
> {code}
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
5 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-6097) Error response handling from bean validation ignores Accept header
by Marek Kopecký (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-6097?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Marek Kopecký commented on WFLY-6097:
[~ron_sigal] Simple reproducer not provided after 3 years (see [this comment|https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-6097?focusedCommentId=131586...]). RESTEASY-1264 is closed. Can you please close this jira?
> Error response handling from bean validation ignores Accept header
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-6097
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-6097
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: REST
> Affects Versions: 10.0.0.Final
> Environment: Mac OS X El Captain
> java version "1.8.0_66"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)
> Reporter: Renann Prado
> Assignee: Weinan Li
> Priority: Major
> Attachments: delivery-optimization-ear-1.0.Final.ear
> Basically I have a very simple application that has request validation in the REST endpoints.
> According to the documentation of RESTEasy, I should get a JSON error response if I put "application/json" in Accept header in the request.
> https://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.0.13.Final/userguide/html/Validati...
> The mentioned feature worked just fine in Wildfly 9.0.2.Final. Now, however, it doesn't.
> I have tried to upgrade the dependencies in the pom.xml to use dependencies from Wildfly 10.0.0.Final, but still no luck. Though the attached application deploys just fine in Wildfly 9.0.2.Final and Wildfly 10.0.0.Final.
> In WF 9.0.2.Final I used to get the below error *JSON*
> {code:json}
> {
> "exception": null,
> "fieldViolations": [],
> "propertyViolations": [],
> "classViolations": [],
> "parameterViolations": [{
> "constraintType": "PARAMETER",
> "path": "registerLogisticsNetwork.arg0.name",
> "message": "may not be null",
> "value": ""
> }],
> "returnValueViolations": []
> }
> {code}
> In WF 10.0.0.Final I get this:
> {code}
> [registerLogisticsNetwork.arg0.name]
> [may not be null]
> []
> {code}
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
5 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-11810) Fix 'org.jboss.msc.Service' API to enable proper service installation
by Jan Stourac (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-11810?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Jan Stourac commented on WFLY-11810:
I want to mention also WFLY-11387 here, although based on the provided fix, that was probably a different issue with different root-cause to what this issue is aimed at. So just for a reference...
> Fix 'org.jboss.msc.Service' API to enable proper service installation
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-11810
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-11810
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: MSC
> Affects Versions: 16.0.0.Final
> Reporter: Jan Stourac
> Assignee: Jeff Mesnil
> Priority: Major
> I have no necessary insight regarding to the code but based on the discussion in WFLY-11603 ([comment|https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-11603?focusedCommentId=13687...]) it is not possible to use 'org.jboss.msc.Service' API to properly install service and deprecated 'org.jboss.msc.service.Service' API has to be used instead.
> It is necessary to fix the behavior of the new API so when we switch to it, we don't introduce the issue described and fixed in WFLY-11603 again. As it was an intermittent NPE, there is a risk that during the simple switch from deprecated API the introduced issue is not caught right-away but after some time...
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5 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-11810) Fix 'org.jboss.msc.Service' API to enable proper service installation
by Jan Stourac (Jira)
Jan Stourac created WFLY-11810:
Summary: Fix 'org.jboss.msc.Service' API to enable proper service installation
Key: WFLY-11810
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-11810
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Bug
Components: MSC
Affects Versions: 16.0.0.Final
Reporter: Jan Stourac
I have no necessary insight regarding to the code but based on the discussion in WFLY-11603 ([comment|https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-11603?focusedCommentId=13687...]) it is not possible to use 'org.jboss.msc.Service' API to properly install service and deprecated 'org.jboss.msc.service.Service' API has to be used instead.
It is necessary to fix the behavior of the new API so when we switch to it, we don't introduce the issue described and fixed in WFLY-11603 again. As it was an intermittent NPE, there is a risk that during the simple switch from deprecated API the introduced issue is not caught right-away but after some time...
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5 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-1049) Add equivalent @WebContext for JAX-RS?
by Marek Kopecký (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-1049?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Marek Kopecký commented on WFLY-1049:
[~ron_sigal]: There is no activity for ~6 years. What is your plan with this feature request? Reject?
> Add equivalent @WebContext for JAX-RS?
> --------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-1049
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-1049
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Feature Request
> Components: REST
> Reporter: Fernando Rubbo
> Priority: Major
> Currently, in our application we use @WebContext to set a different contextRoot for JAX-WS. For example:
> {code:java}
> @Stateless
> @SecurityDomain("test2")
> @WebService(name = "HelloSoap", portName = "HelloSoapPort", serviceName = "HelloSoap", targetNamespace = "http://com.test")
> @WebContext(contextRoot = "/ws", urlPattern = "/HelloSoap", secureWSDLAccess = false, authMethod = "BASIC", transportGuarantee = "NONE")
> public class HelloSoap { ... }
> {code}
> We would like to have an equivalent annotation for JAX-RS? It is required whenever a web app uses FORM_AUTH and there exists web services (JAX-WS and JAX-RS), inside of the same package, using as BASIC_AUTH.
> Thankyou in advance,
> Fernando Rubbo
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5 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-4621) RESTEasy SMIME doesn't work with WildFly current module setup
by Marek Kopecký (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-4621?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Marek Kopecký commented on WFLY-4621:
[~ron_sigal] (cc [~weinanli]): I'm unable to run example from the description of this jira, but both linked PRs are merged. What is the status of this jira? Should this be resolved? There is no activity on this jira for ~3.5 years.
> RESTEasy SMIME doesn't work with WildFly current module setup
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-4621
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-4621
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: REST
> Affects Versions: 9.0.0.CR1
> Reporter: Weinan Li
> Assignee: Weinan Li
> Priority: Major
> Attachments: patch_WFLY-4621_all, patch_WFLY-4621_new
> RESTEasy provides the functions of SMIME encryption and here is an example that can be deployed into WildFly:
> https://github.com/liweinan/digital-signatures/tree/master/smime
> And currently resteasy-crypto module doesn't work properly in WildFly unless applied the following patch:
> {code:diff}
> power:modules weinanli$ git diff
> warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in system/layers/base/org/bouncycastle/main/module.xml.
> The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
> diff --git a/system/layers/base/org/bouncycastle/main/module.xml b/system/layers/base/org/bouncycastle/main/module.xml
> index 5d13395..83ae97c 100644
> --- a/system/layers/base/org/bouncycastle/main/module.xml
> +++ b/system/layers/base/org/bouncycastle/main/module.xml
> @@ -24,12 +24,17 @@
> <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="org.bouncycastle">
> <resources>
> + <!--
> <resource-root path="bcprov-jdk15on-1.52.jar"/>
> <resource-root path="bcmail-jdk15on-1.52.jar"/>
> + -->
> + <resource-root path="bcprov-jdk16-1.46.jar"/>
> + <resource-root path="bcmail-jdk16-1.46.jar"/>
> <resource-root path="bcpkix-jdk15on-1.52.jar"/>
> </resources>
> <dependencies>
> <module name="javax.api"/>
> + <module name="javax.mail.api"/>
> + <module name="javax.activation.api"/>
> </dependencies>
> -
> </module>
> {code}
> After applying the above patch then the example can pass all the tests:
> {code}
> power:smime weinanli$ mvn -q clean package
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0
> power:smime weinanli$ mvn -q wildfly:deploy
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0
> May 11, 2015 9:24:27 PM org.xnio.Xnio <clinit>
> INFO: XNIO version 3.3.0.Final
> May 11, 2015 9:24:27 PM org.xnio.nio.NioXnio <clinit>
> INFO: XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.3.0.Final
> May 11, 2015 9:24:27 PM org.jboss.remoting3.EndpointImpl <clinit>
> INFO: JBoss Remoting version 4.0.7.Final
> power:smime weinanli$ mvn -q integration-test
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0
> -------------------------------------------------------
> T E S T S
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Running org.jboss.resteasy.tests.smime.SMIMETest
> Encrypted Message From Server:
> Customer{name='Bill'}
> Signed Message From Server:
> Customer{name='Bill'}
> Customer{name='Bill'}
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.682 sec - in org.jboss.resteasy.tests.smime.SMIMETest
> Results :
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
> power:smime weinanli$
> {code}
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5 years, 10 months