[JBoss JIRA] (WFCORE-5026) Organize feature pack code to facilitate separate EE 8 and EE 9 variants
by Brian Stansberry (Jira)
Brian Stansberry created WFCORE-5026:
Summary: Organize feature pack code to facilitate separate EE 8 and EE 9 variants
Key: WFCORE-5026
URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFCORE-5026
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Task
Components: Build System
Reporter: Brian Stansberry
Assignee: Brian Stansberry
Fix For: 13.0.0.Beta1
Separate feature pack code for EE 8 API modules and other modules we may not want in a EE 9 feature pack from the others.
See if the maven dependency set from those two sections can be used by both the legacy feature pack and the galleon feature pack, thus eliminating the duplication of dependency declaration we currently have.
License.xml generation will likely require https://github.com/wildfly/maven-plugins/issues/10 as the split would mean the input would be split as well.
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
4 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-13276) Galleon provisioning is failing intermittently on s390
by Yeray Borges Santana (Jira)
[ https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-13276?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Yeray Borges Santana resolved WFLY-13276.
Fix Version/s: 21.0.0.Beta1
Resolution: Done
After upgrading the wildfly core version, see https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-13618, CI shows a much better rate of passed tests, and the project is built successfully. Marked as resolved.
> Galleon provisioning is failing intermittently on s390
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFLY-13276
> URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-13276
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: Build System
> Reporter: Yeray Borges Santana
> Assignee: Yeray Borges Santana
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 21.0.0.Beta1
> Attachments: provisioning-error.log
> It seems to be randomly between build and dist modules, but in s390 environment the builds fail with the following error:
> {noformat}
> org.jboss.galleon.ProvisioningException: Failed to generate host.xml on {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "composite",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [],
> [Step 3/4] "rollback-on-runtime-failure" => true,
> [Step 3/4] "steps" => [
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "disallowed-providers" => ["OracleUcrypto"],
> [Step 3/4] "final-providers" => "combined-providers"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"provider-loader" => "elytron"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "module" => "org.wildfly.security.elytron"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"provider-loader" => "openssl"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "module" => "org.wildfly.openssl"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"aggregate-providers" => "combined-providers"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "providers" => [
> [Step 3/4] "elytron",
> [Step 3/4] "openssl"
> [Step 3/4] ]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"identity-realm" => "local"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "identity" => "$local"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"file-audit-log" => "local-audit"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "format" => "JSON",
> [Step 3/4] "path" => "audit.log",
> [Step 3/4] "relative-to" => "jboss.domain.log.dir"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"constant-realm-mapper" => "local"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "realm-name" => "local"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"provider-http-server-mechanism-factory" => "global"}
> [Step 3/4] ]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"simple-permission-mapper" => "default-permission-mapper"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "mapping-mode" => "first",
> [Step 3/4] "permission-mappings" => [
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "principals" => ["anonymous"],
> [Step 3/4] "permission-sets" => [{"permission-set" => "default-permissions"}]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "match-all" => "true",
> [Step 3/4] "permission-sets" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"permission-set" => "login-permission"},
> [Step 3/4] {"permission-set" => "default-permissions"}
> [Step 3/4] ]
> [Step 3/4] }
> [Step 3/4] ]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"simple-role-decoder" => "groups-to-roles"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "attribute" => "groups"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"provider-sasl-server-factory" => "global"}
> [Step 3/4] ]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"mechanism-provider-filtering-sasl-server-factory" => "elytron"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "filters" => [{"provider-name" => "WildFlyElytron"}],
> [Step 3/4] "sasl-server-factory" => "global"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"configurable-sasl-server-factory" => "configured"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "properties" => {"wildfly.sasl.local-user.default-user" => "$local"},
> [Step 3/4] "sasl-server-factory" => "elytron"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"constant-role-mapper" => "super-user-mapper"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "roles" => ["SuperUser"]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"permission-set" => "login-permission"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "permissions" => [{"class-name" => "org.wildfly.security.auth.permission.LoginPermission"}]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"permission-set" => "default-permissions"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "permissions" => []
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"properties-realm" => "ManagementRealm"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "users-properties" => {
> [Step 3/4] "path" => "mgmt-users.properties",
> [Step 3/4] "relative-to" => "jboss.domain.config.dir",
> [Step 3/4] "digest-realm-name" => "ManagementRealm"
> [Step 3/4] }
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "write-attribute",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"properties-realm" => "ManagementRealm"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "name" => "groups-properties",
> [Step 3/4] "value" => {
> [Step 3/4] "path" => "mgmt-groups.properties",
> [Step 3/4] "relative-to" => "jboss.domain.config.dir"
> [Step 3/4] }
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"security-domain" => "ManagementDomain"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "default-realm" => "ManagementRealm",
> [Step 3/4] "permission-mapper" => "default-permission-mapper",
> [Step 3/4] "realms" => [
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "realm" => "ManagementRealm",
> [Step 3/4] "role-decoder" => "groups-to-roles"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "realm" => "local",
> [Step 3/4] "role-mapper" => "super-user-mapper"
> [Step 3/4] }
> [Step 3/4] ]
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"sasl-authentication-factory" => "management-sasl-authentication"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "mechanism-configurations" => [
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "mechanism-name" => "JBOSS-LOCAL-USER",
> [Step 3/4] "realm-mapper" => "local"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "mechanism-name" => "DIGEST-MD5",
> [Step 3/4] "mechanism-realm-configurations" => [{"realm-name" => "ManagementRealm"}]
> [Step 3/4] }
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "sasl-server-factory" => "configured",
> [Step 3/4] "security-domain" => "ManagementDomain"
> [Step 3/4] },
> [Step 3/4] {
> [Step 3/4] "operation" => "add",
> [Step 3/4] "address" => [
> [Step 3/4] {"host" => "master"},
> [Step 3/4] {"subsystem" => "elytron"},
> [Step 3/4] {"http-authentication-factory" => "management-http-authentication"}
> [Step 3/4] ],
> [Step 3/4] "http-server-mechanism-factory" => "global",
> [Step 3/4] "mechanism-configurations" => [{
> [Step 3/4] "mechanism-name" => "BASIC",
> [Step 3/4] "mechanism-realm-configurations" => [{"realm-name" => "Management Realm"}]
> [Step 3/4] }],
> [Step 3/4] "security-domain" => "ManagementDomain"
> [Step 3/4] }
> [Step 3/4] ]
> [Step 3/4] }: {"WFLYCTL0062: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:" => {"Operation step-2" => {
> [Step 3/4] "WFLYCTL0412: Required services that are not installed:" => ["elytron.security-properties"],
> [Step 3/4] "WFLYCTL0180: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["org.wildfly.security.providers.elytron is missing [elytron.security-properties]"]
> [Step 3/4] }}}
> [Step 3/4] at org.wildfly.galleon.plugin.config.generator.WfConfigGenerator.doHandle(WfConfigGenerator.java:356)
> [Step 3/4] at org.wildfly.galleon.plugin.config.generator.WfConfigGenerator.endBatch(WfConfigGenerator.java:272)
> [Step 3/4] at org.wildfly.galleon.plugin.config.generator.WfConfigGenerator.executeScript(WfConfigGenerator.java:494)
> [Step 3/4] at org.wildfly.galleon.plugin.config.generator.WfConfigGenerator.forkedForEmbedded(WfConfigGenerator.java:471)
> [Step 3/4] at org.wildfly.galleon.plugin.server.ForkedEmbeddedUtil.main(ForkedEmbeddedUtil.java:208)
> [Step 3/4] [INFO] Overall Galleon provisioning took 27.115 seconds
> {noformat}
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
4 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] (DROOLS-5449) ClassCastException upon unreferenced declare update
by Matteo Casalino (Jira)
[ https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DROOLS-5449?page=com.atlassian.jira.plug... ]
Matteo Casalino commented on DROOLS-5449:
Thanks [~mfusco]. I was indeed wondering if that could be somehow related with mvel jitting. I think you are right: adding this check would not be very useful. It is also good to know that executable model would solve this issue.
> ClassCastException upon unreferenced declare update
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Key: DROOLS-5449
> URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DROOLS-5449
> Project: Drools
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: core engine
> Affects Versions: 7.38.0.Final
> Reporter: Matteo Casalino
> Assignee: Mario Fusco
> Priority: Major
> Attachments: class-cast-exception-on-unreferenced-declare-update.zip
> After updating a declared type that is not referenced in the rules with _updateToVersion()_,
> running _fireAllRules()_ many times in a loop throws _ClassCastException_.
> E.g., when the following DRL:
> {noformat}
> declare UnreferencedType
> x : int
> end
> declare ReferencedType
> str : String
> end
> rule "example rule"
> when
> ReferencedType( str == "A" )
> then
> end{noformat}
> is updated to:
> {noformat}
> declare UnreferencedType
> x : int
> newField : String
> end
> declare ReferencedType
> str : String
> end
> rule "example rule"
> when
> ReferencedType( str == "A" )
> then
> end{noformat}
> the following exception it thrown by _fireAllRules()_:
> {noformat}
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Error evaluating constraint 'str == "A"' in [Rule "example rule" in org/example/rules.drl]
> at org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint.evaluate(MvelConstraint.java:277)
> at org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint.isAllowed(MvelConstraint.java:225)
> at org.drools.core.reteoo.AlphaNode.assertObject(AlphaNode.java:139)
> ...
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.example.ReferencedType cannot be cast to class org.example.ReferencedType (org.example.ReferencedType is in unnamed module of loader org.drools.dynamic.DynamicProjectClassLoader$DefaultInternalTypesClassLoader @46292372; org.example.ReferencedType is in unnamed module of loader org.drools.dynamic.DynamicProjectClassLoader$DefaultInternalTypesClassLoader @23b8d9f3)
> at ConditionEvaluator7ed8b2c57cad4e74b856fdba30554aa1.evaluate(Unknown Source)
> at org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint.evaluate(MvelConstraint.java:275)
> ... 43 more{noformat}
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
4 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] (DROOLS-5449) ClassCastException upon unreferenced declare update
by Mario Fusco (Jira)
[ https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DROOLS-5449?page=com.atlassian.jira.plug... ]
Mario Fusco commented on DROOLS-5449:
[~mcasalino] I understand that this behavior is misleading. It is caused by the fact that the problem gets triggered only after the engine have attempted to transform the mvel interpreted constraint into a java class for faster evaluation. I could maybe prevent this problem by checking if you're using the "right" FactType and throw an early error (or warning) in case you are not. However this additional check would be a useless waste of time in 99.9...% of cases and for this reason I'd prefer to avoid it. I hope you agree. Also consider that using the executable model you shouldn't have this issue.
> ClassCastException upon unreferenced declare update
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Key: DROOLS-5449
> URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DROOLS-5449
> Project: Drools
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: core engine
> Affects Versions: 7.38.0.Final
> Reporter: Matteo Casalino
> Assignee: Mario Fusco
> Priority: Major
> Attachments: class-cast-exception-on-unreferenced-declare-update.zip
> After updating a declared type that is not referenced in the rules with _updateToVersion()_,
> running _fireAllRules()_ many times in a loop throws _ClassCastException_.
> E.g., when the following DRL:
> {noformat}
> declare UnreferencedType
> x : int
> end
> declare ReferencedType
> str : String
> end
> rule "example rule"
> when
> ReferencedType( str == "A" )
> then
> end{noformat}
> is updated to:
> {noformat}
> declare UnreferencedType
> x : int
> newField : String
> end
> declare ReferencedType
> str : String
> end
> rule "example rule"
> when
> ReferencedType( str == "A" )
> then
> end{noformat}
> the following exception it thrown by _fireAllRules()_:
> {noformat}
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Error evaluating constraint 'str == "A"' in [Rule "example rule" in org/example/rules.drl]
> at org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint.evaluate(MvelConstraint.java:277)
> at org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint.isAllowed(MvelConstraint.java:225)
> at org.drools.core.reteoo.AlphaNode.assertObject(AlphaNode.java:139)
> ...
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.example.ReferencedType cannot be cast to class org.example.ReferencedType (org.example.ReferencedType is in unnamed module of loader org.drools.dynamic.DynamicProjectClassLoader$DefaultInternalTypesClassLoader @46292372; org.example.ReferencedType is in unnamed module of loader org.drools.dynamic.DynamicProjectClassLoader$DefaultInternalTypesClassLoader @23b8d9f3)
> at ConditionEvaluator7ed8b2c57cad4e74b856fdba30554aa1.evaluate(Unknown Source)
> at org.drools.core.rule.constraint.MvelConstraint.evaluate(MvelConstraint.java:275)
> ... 43 more{noformat}
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
4 years, 6 months