Brian Stansberry updated WFLY-14262:
Summary: Nightly test jobs Galleon linux Alt FP - JDK 8 and Master - Linux - Alt Dist-
JDK 8 are failing (was: Nightly test job Galleon linux Alt FP - JDK 8 is failing)
Nightly test jobs Galleon linux Alt FP - JDK 8 and Master - Linux -
Alt Dist- JDK 8 are failing
Key: WFLY-14262
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Build System, Test Suite
Reporter: Brian Stansberry
Priority: Major
I haven't looked closely but at a glance the MP TCK modules for the MP observability
specs are failing. My guess is this job is still trying to run these against the ee-build,
which will no longer work.