Elizabeth Clayton created DROOLS-4270:
Summary: Visual design: Highlighting treatment for GDST/DMN 7.5 Find results
Key: DROOLS-4270
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Story
Components: DMN Editor
Affects Versions: 7.23.0.Final
Reporter: Elizabeth Clayton
Assignee: Elizabeth Clayton
Attachments: Example.png, Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at 5.14.30 PM.png
This is a community epic for the [
The epic was created according to the [definition of
that advices what needs to be agreed before each feature implementation.
h1. Requirements
See referenced document.
h1. Documentation
- Replace picture of GDT and DMN editor where they become obsolete
h1. Acceptance test
- Enter to large amount of data in search box
- Search is possible when you type only the part of indicated word. For example, if you
type text like 'test', the words 'testing', 'tester' should be
- Searching for non-existing result
- Result appearing once
- Result appearing multiple times
- Set of inputs:
*- A-Z
*- a-z
*- 0-9
*- Symbols: } { ] [ ) ( ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ` | \ : " ; ' < > ? , . ⁄ - +
*- Blank spaces
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