Elizabeth Clayton resolved DROOLS-4746.
Resolution: Done
[~karreiro][~tirelli] I made the changes that we discussed, so I'm going to go ahead
and mark this resolved. But do let me know if you need any additional changes. Thanks!
UX for DMN "quick test" tool
Key: DROOLS-4746
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Story
Components: DMN Editor
Reporter: Elizabeth Clayton
Assignee: Elizabeth Clayton
Priority: Major
Labels: UX, UXTeam, drools-tools
Attachments: Fine.png, Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 4.34.49 PM.png, Screen Shot
2020-04-08 at 5.01.51 PM.png, Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 9.29.34 AM.png,
decision-logic-2-2.png, decision-logic-3-2.png
As a DMN author, I'd like to probe the DMN model during the authoring phase without
leaving the DMN Editor. Actually, it's really important to explore the DMN model to
understand with values are required by the test.
When the user run the test he can get back the results of the DMN execution.
Moreover, it would be handy to add those input/output to an existing (or new) test
*Acceptance criteria*
Users are able to:
* Execute a single node boxed expression by providing node inputs (within the DMN
* Explore the DMN model and provide inputs necessary to run a scenario test.
* Obtain results (Expected) within the DMN editor once the test is run.
* Try to dissociate this feature from the "test scenario" concept and think of
this more as a partial execution. When we're thinking about the concept of a
"test scenario", we think about input values and expected outputs... however, in
this new component, users will be able to provide inputs and just check the current
* Out of scope: Saving or exporting the "quick test."