Brian Stansberry reassigned WFCORE-2253:
Assignee: (was: Brian Stansberry)
Some AttributeDefinition instances are configured with default values
but say they are required
Key: WFCORE-2253
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Domain Management
Reporter: Brian Stansberry
An AD with a default value does not require the user to set it, so configuring it with
required = true fka allowNull = false is incorrect. WFCORE-2252 proposes to reject these.
This is to clean them up first.
Note that for any such attributes, if they existed in a previous release a transformer
must be written to go along with a change to required=false. Even though they had a
default before, the required=true setting made it as if it didn't exist, so this
change is the same as adding a default