Edson Goncalez updated JBCL-98:
Attachment: generated_source_classes.zip
This zip file contains the source webservice client classes.
JBoss does't unload web services classes
Key: JBCL-98
Project: JBoss ClassLoader
Issue Type: Bug
Environment: Windows 2003 Server, JBoss 5.0.0.GA, Java 1.6.0_12.
Reporter: Edson Goncalez
Priority: Critical
Attachments: generated_source_classes.zip, screenshot-1.jpg, screenshot-2.jpg,
screenshot-3.jpg, screenshot-4.jpg
We have an application that comunicate with a webservice (Federal Government of Brazil)
constantly, step by 5 or 10 seconds.
We have created web service consumer classes by using the following command point to the
WSDL file:
wsconsume -k -p br.com.compliancefiscal.nfe.ejb.sefaz.ws.nfestatusservico -v
This tool, was generated this classes:
The problem is. When running... every call this webservice generate a new loadclass.
Viewing in the JConsole tool, we can note that whe app starts it have aproximatelly 15000
classes loaded, and afeter 10 hours running we can se that the jvm has increased up to
70000 classes loaded, and only 252 classes unloaded.
I have the screenshot that show this.
What can occours to causing this BIG load classes for same class ?
PS: The app does not run any other service. It just start a method that connect to the
specified webservice and return a String info. A TimerService trigger start the process
steb by 5 seconds.
Edson Gonçalez.
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