Darran Lofthouse moved WFLY-8192 to WFCORE-2464:
Project: WildFly Core (was: WildFly)
Key: WFCORE-2464 (was: WFLY-8192)
Component/s: Security
(was: Security)
CS tool, Add possibility to produce masked password
Key: WFCORE-2464
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Security
Reporter: Martin Choma
Assignee: Darran Lofthouse
Labels: credential-store, user_experience
This JIRA is requesting for specialized feature (option) of getting masked string.
Now you can get value of masked password, but as a side effect of adding alias into
credential store and parameter --summary have to be used.
java -jar wildfly-elytron-tool.jar credential-store --add myalias --secret
supersecretpassword --location="test.store" --uri
"cr-store://test?modifiable=true;create=true;keyStoreType=JCEKS" --password
mycspassword --salt 12345678 --iteration 230 --summary
Alias "myalias" has been successfully stored
Credential store command summary:
And in output there is masked string {{MASK-uNWeyrmbByBEjgZM1FAPQW==;12345678;230}}