Brian Stansberry commented on WFCORE-1497:
https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-core/compare/master...bstansberry:WFCO... has my
work on this. On the wildfly-dev list discussion the consensus was to go in a different
direction in terms of how the role is configured, and I didn't have time to get to
that. But the branch ^^^ is a reasonable starting point.
RBAC roles scoped to addresses that match a regex
Key: WFCORE-1497
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Domain Management
Reporter: Brian Stansberry
Assignee: Brian Stansberry
Host scoped roles and server group scoped roles work via a constraint that checks the
address being manipulated against a calculated group of allowed addresses. That
calculation is complex in the server group and host cases to account for the complex
semantics of those kinds of scoping while requiring very little config from the user, but
we could also have a similar kind of scoping that requires more config from the user but
is also more flexible. The user configures one or more regex strings, and any address (or
canonical mbean object name) that matches meets the constraint.
Example, a "log-maintainer" role that gets Maintainer privileges for the
logging subsystem but is Monitor for everything else:
<pattern-scoped-role name="log-maintainer" base-role="Maintainer>
<pattern value="(/profile=[^/]+)?/subsystem=logging(/.*)?"/>
I use logging as an example as it's a use case I can imagine easily enough -- a
server is largely locked down but tweaks to logging are allowed to allow diagnostic data
to be gathered.
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