Tom Jenkinson reassigned WFLY-1033:
Assignee: Gytis Trikleris
Enhance XTS AS7 configuration
Key: WFLY-1033
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: XTS
Reporter: Andrew Dinn
Assignee: Gytis Trikleris
Priority: Minor
Fix For: 11.0.0.Alpha1
The current integration of XTS into AS7 as an AS7 extension allows optional configuration
of the coordinator URL from the <xts/> element in the AS7 standalone configuration
file. No other configuration options are currently supported.
XTS ought to support more precise configuration. IN particular, it ought to be possible
to enable or disable deployment of coordinator, participant or client services
independently and also to choose whether to deploy WS-AT or WS-BA services or both. This
requires selectively deploying only the required web service endpoints, selectively
executing the required initialization routines and selectively loading the required high
level service implementations and context factory implementations.
The XTS implementation has already been factored so as to to support such discriminated
bootstrapping. So this task only requires modifying the AS7 extension code to manage the
relevant configuration information and install the relevant values into the XTS
environment configuration beans before starting the XTS service.