Brian Stansberry updated WFCORE-5262:
Component/s: (was: CLI)
Add a timestamp at the beginning of image startup in EAP images
Key: WFCORE-5262
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Scripts
Reporter: Katarína Hermanová
Assignee: Katarína Hermanová
Priority: Optional
I'm currently investigating some test failures, and I suspect the tests are failing
because of a nonstandard manifestation of JBEAP-17984. To verify that, ideally without
rerunning each test and measuring the EAP startup time, I'd like to have a timestamp
at the very beginning of the image startup script:
<-- insert timestamp here
^[[0;33mWARN Configuration of an embedded messaging broker within the appserver is
enabled but is not recommended. Support for such a configuration will be removed in a
future release.^[[0m
INFO If you are not configuring messaging destinations, to disable configuring an
embedded messaging broker set the DISABLE_EMBEDDED_JMS_BROKER environment variable to
^[[0;33mWARN No password defined for JGroups cluster. AUTH protocol will be disabled.
^[[0;33mWARN Environment variable OPENSHIFT_KUBE_PING_NAMESPACE undefined. Clustering
will be unavailable. Please refer to the documentation for configuration.^[[0m
INFO Configuring JGroups discovery protocol to openshift.KUBE_PING
INFO Configuring JGroups cluster traffic encryption protocol to SYM_ENCRYPT.
^[[0;33mWARN Detected missing JGroups encryption configuration, the communication within
the cluster WILL NOT be encrypted.^[[0m
Using PicketBox SSL configuration.
^[[0;33mWARN Missing SSO_URL. Unable to properly configure SSO-enabled applications^[[0m
INFO Access log is disabled, ignoring configuration.
INFO Running jboss-eap-7/eap72-openj9-11-openshift-rhel8 image, version 7.2
-XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:GCTimeRatio=4
-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=100m -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError
JBoss Bootstrap Environment
JBOSS_HOME: /opt/eap
JAVA: /usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-openj9/bin/java
JAVA_OPTS: -server
-Xms1303m -Xmx1303m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m
-Dsun.util.logging.disableCallerCheck=true -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:GCTimeRatio=4 -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom
--add-exports=jdk.unsupported/sun.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-modules=java.se
JVMJ9VM085W Malformed option:
Nov 11, 2019 9:40:13 PM java.lang.System$LoggerFinder lambda$getLoggerFinder$0
WARNING: Failed to instantiate LoggerFinder provider; Using default.
There are other ways of finding out how long this took, e.g. events, but each has certain
drawbacks. The events for example, get cleaned up after two hours, in default OpenShift
configuration. I'd like the timestamp information to be persisted in the pod logs, and
be present by default.
Once the EAP startup commences, EAP prints timestamps, so that's fine. I just need to
also measure the time before the EAP startup begins.