JBoss Tools SVN: r21136 - in branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins: org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/console and 7 other directories.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: vyemialyanchyk
Date: 2010-03-30 09:36:44 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21136
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE-6070 - update
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/build.properties
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/build.properties 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/build.properties 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,30 +1,15 @@
bin.includes = plugin.xml,\
- lib/,\
- lib/tools/jtidy-r8-20060801.jar,\
- lib/annotations/hibernate-entitymanager.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/javassist.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/ehcache-1.2.3.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/c3p0-0.9.1.jar,\
- lib/annotations/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar,\
- lib/annotations/hibernate-validator.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/log4j-1.2.15.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8.jar,\
- plugin.properties,\
- lib/hibernate/cglib-2.2.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/commons-collections-3.1.jar,\
- lib/hibernate/hibernate-jmx.jar
+ plugin.properties
jars.compile.order = org.hibernate.eclipse.jar
source.org.hibernate.eclipse.jar = src/
output.org.hibernate.eclipse.jar = bin/
src.includes = src/,\
-bin.excludes = lib/.cvsignore
Deleted: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/hibernate-log4j.properties
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/hibernate-log4j.properties 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/hibernate-log4j.properties 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-### This file is used to control the logging done by the hibernate tools eclipse plugins
-### You can modfiy these to be more or less verbose depending on your needs
-### Direct messages to Eclipse logging system (will be shown in Error Log)
-log4j.appender.eclipselog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %p %t %c - %m
-### Direct messages from Eclipse loggin system to .metadata/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/hibernate-tools.log
-log4j.appender.pluginlog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-6r [%15.15t] %-5p %30.30c %x - %m\n
-### set log levels - for more verbose logging change 'info' to 'debug' ###
-log4j.rootLogger=warn, eclipselog, pluginlog
-# Disable superflous PARSER errors.
-### log just the SQL
-### log JDBC bind parameters ###
-### log schema export/update ###
-### log cache activity ###
-### log JDBC resource acquisition
-### enable the following line if you want to track down connection ###
-### leakages when using DriverManagerConnectionProvider ###
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/console/KnownConfigurations.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/console/KnownConfigurations.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/console/KnownConfigurations.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -22,11 +22,9 @@
package org.hibernate.console;
import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
@@ -45,14 +43,10 @@
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
-import org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsolePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsole;
-import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleManager;
-import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsole;
-import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsoleStream;
import org.hibernate.console.node.BaseNode;
import org.hibernate.console.node.ConfigurationListNode;
import org.hibernate.mediator.ConsoleQueryParameter;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.logging.LoggingStreamManager;
import org.hibernate.mediator.stubs.HibernateConsoleRuntimeException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
@@ -196,7 +190,7 @@
- removeLoggingStream( oldConfig );
+ LoggingStreamManager.getInstance().removeLoggingStream(oldConfig.getName());
@@ -267,34 +261,6 @@
return rootNode;
- // TODO: decouple this logging from Eclipse platform!
- private Map<String, Object[]> loggingStreams = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
- public MessageConsoleStream findLoggingStream(String name) {
- Object[] console = loggingStreams.get(name);
- if(console==null) {
- console = new Object[2];
- String secondaryId = ConsoleMessages.KnownConfigurations_hibernate_log + (name==null?ConsoleMessages.KnownConfigurations_unknown:name);
- console[0] = new MessageConsole(secondaryId, null);
- IConsoleManager consoleManager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager();
- consoleManager.addConsoles(new IConsole[] { (IConsole) console[0] });
- console[1] = ((MessageConsole)console[0]).newMessageStream();
- loggingStreams.put(name, console);
- }
- return (MessageConsoleStream) console[1];
- }
- private void removeLoggingStream(ConsoleConfiguration oldConfig) {
- Object[] object = loggingStreams.remove( oldConfig.getName() );
- if(object!=null) {
- MessageConsole mc = (MessageConsole)object[0];
- MessageConsoleStream stream = (MessageConsoleStream)object[1];
- try { stream.close(); } catch(IOException ie) { /* ignore */ };
- IConsoleManager consoleManager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager();
- consoleManager.removeConsoles( new IConsole[] { mc } );
- }
- }
public ConsoleConfiguration find(String lastUsedName) {
if(configurations==null) return null;
if(lastUsedName==null) return null;
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/HibernatePlugin.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/HibernatePlugin.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/HibernatePlugin.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -21,13 +21,7 @@
package org.hibernate.eclipse;
-import java.net.URL;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
-import org.hibernate.eclipse.logging.LoggingHelper;
-import org.hibernate.eclipse.logging.PluginLogManager;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
@@ -38,31 +32,9 @@
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
- configureLog4jHooks();
- Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernatePlugin.class);
- log.info("HibernatePlugin Started"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- private void configureLog4jHooks() {
- URL entry = getBundle().getEntry("hibernate-log4j.xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if(entry==null) {
- entry = getBundle().getEntry("hibernate-log4j.properties"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- if(entry==null) {
- // should log this!
- } else {
- LoggingHelper helper = LoggingHelper.getDefault();
- PluginLogManager manager = new PluginLogManager(this, helper, entry);
- }
- }
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
- LoggingHelper.getDefault().stop(context);
super.stop( context );
Deleted: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/LoggingHelper.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/LoggingHelper.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/LoggingHelper.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.hibernate.eclipse.logging;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
-import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
-public class LoggingHelper {
- private static LoggingHelper helper;
- private List<PluginLogManager> logManagers = new ArrayList<PluginLogManager>();
- public LoggingHelper() {
- super();
- }
- synchronized public static LoggingHelper getDefault() {
- if(helper==null) { helper = new LoggingHelper(); }
- return helper;
- }
- /**
- * Iterates over the list of active log managers and shutdowns each one
- * @see Plugin#stop
- */
- public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
- synchronized (this.logManagers) {
- for (PluginLogManager logManager : logManagers) {
- logManager.internalShutdown();
- }
- this.logManagers.clear();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds a log manager object to the list of active log managers
- */
- void addLogManager(PluginLogManager logManager) {
- synchronized (this.logManagers) {
- if (logManager != null)
- this.logManagers.add(logManager);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes a log manager object from the list of active log managers
- */
- void removeLogManager(PluginLogManager logManager) {
- synchronized (this.logManagers) {
- if (logManager != null)
- this.logManagers.remove(logManager);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginFileAppender.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginFileAppender.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginFileAppender.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.hibernate.eclipse.logging;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
-import org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.hibernate.mediator.Messages;
- * PluginFileAppender
- * This class is a custom Log4J appender that sends Log4J events to
- * the Eclipse plug-in state location. It extends the RollingFileAppender class.
- * @author Manoel Marques
- */
-public class PluginFileAppender extends RollingFileAppender {
- private IPath stateLocation;
- private boolean activateOptionsPending;
- private boolean translatePath = true;
- /**
- * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
- */
- public PluginFileAppender() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
- * @param layout layout instance.
- * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
- */
- public PluginFileAppender(Layout layout,IPath stateLocation) {
- super();
- setLayout(layout);
- setStateLocation(stateLocation);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
- * @param layout layout instance.
- * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
- * @param file file name
- * @param append true if file is to be appended
- */
- public PluginFileAppender(Layout layout,IPath stateLocation, String file, boolean append)
- throws IOException {
- super();
- setLayout(layout);
- setStateLocation(stateLocation);
- setFile(file);
- setAppend(append);
- activateOptions();
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
- * @param layout layout instance.
- * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
- * @param file file name
- */
- public PluginFileAppender(Layout layout,IPath stateLocation, String file) throws IOException {
- super();
- setLayout(layout);
- setStateLocation(stateLocation);
- setFile(file);
- activateOptions();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the state location. If activateOptions call is pending, translate the file name
- * and call activateOptions
- * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
- */
- public void setStateLocation(IPath stateLocation) {
- this.stateLocation = stateLocation;
- if (this.stateLocation != null && this.activateOptionsPending) {
- this.activateOptionsPending = false;
- setFile(getFile());
- activateOptions();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the file name.Translate it before setting.
- * @param file file name
- */
- public void setFile(String file) {
- super.setFile(getTranslatedFileName(file));
- }
- /**
- * Set file options and opens it, leaving ready to write.
- * @param file file name
- * @param append true if file is to be appended
- * @param bufferedIO true if file is to buffered
- * @param bufferSize buffer size
- * @throws IOException - IO Error happend or the state location was not set
- */
- public void setFile(String fileName,boolean append,boolean bufferedIO,int bufferSize) throws IOException {
- if (this.stateLocation == null)
- throw new IOException(Messages.PluginFileAppender_missing_plugin_state_location);
- fileName = (this.translatePath) ? getTranslatedFileName(fileName) : fileName;
- super.setFile(fileName,append,bufferedIO,bufferSize);
- }
- /**
- * Finishes instance initialization. If state location was not set, set activate as
- * pending and does nothing.
- */
- public void activateOptions() {
- if (this.stateLocation == null) {
- this.activateOptionsPending = true;
- return;
- }
- // base class will call setFile, don't translate the name
- // because it was already translated
- this.translatePath = false;
- super.activateOptions();
- this.translatePath = true;
- }
- /**
- * Any path part of a file is removed and the state location is added to the name
- * to form a new path. If there is not state location, returns the name unmodified.
- * @param file file name
- * @return translated file name
- */
- private String getTranslatedFileName(String file) {
- if (this.stateLocation == null || file == null)
- return file;
- file = file.trim();
- if (file.length() == 0)
- return file;
- int index = file.lastIndexOf('/');
- if (index == -1)
- index = file.lastIndexOf('\\');
- if (index != -1)
- file = file.substring(index + 1);
- IPath newPath = this.stateLocation.append(file);
- return newPath.toString();
- }
- public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
- super.append( event );
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogAppender.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogAppender.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogAppender.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.hibernate.eclipse.logging;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-import java.io.StringWriter;
-import org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorCode;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
-import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsoleStream;
-import org.hibernate.console.ConsoleMessages;
-import org.hibernate.console.KnownConfigurations;
-import org.hibernate.mediator.logging.CurrentContext;
- * PluginLogAppender
- * This class is a custom Log4J appender that sends Log4J events to
- * the Eclipse plug-in log.
- * @author Manoel Marques
- */
-public class PluginLogAppender extends AppenderSkeleton {
- private ILog pluginLog;
- /**
- * Sets the Eclipse log instance
- * @param log plug-in log
- */
- void setLog(ILog pluginLog) {
- this.pluginLog = pluginLog;
- }
- /**
- * Log event happened.
- * Translates level to status instance codes:
- * level > Level.ERROR - Status.ERROR
- * level > Level.WARN - Status.WARNING
- * level > Level.DEBUG - Status.INFO
- * default - Status.OK
- * @param event LoggingEvent instance
- */
- public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
- if (this.layout == null) {
- this.errorHandler.error(ConsoleMessages.PluginLogAppender_missing_layout_for_appender +
- this.name,null,ErrorCode.MISSING_LAYOUT);
- return;
- }
- String text = this.layout.format(event);
- Throwable thrown = null;
- if (this.layout.ignoresThrowable()) {
- ThrowableInformation info = event.getThrowableInformation();
- if (info != null)
- thrown = info.getThrowable();
- }
- /*
- Level level = event.getLevel();
- int severity = IStatus.OK;
- if (level.toInt() >= Priority.ERROR_INT)
- severity = IStatus.ERROR;
- else
- if (level.toInt() >= Priority.WARN_INT)
- severity = IStatus.WARNING;
- else
- if (level.toInt() >= Priority.DEBUG_INT)
- severity = IStatus.INFO;
- this.pluginLog.log(new Status(severity,
- this.pluginLog.getBundle().getSymbolicName(),
- level.toInt(),text,thrown));*/
- Object peek = CurrentContext.peek();
- MessageConsoleStream stream = KnownConfigurations.getInstance().findLoggingStream( (String)peek );
- if(stream!=null) {
- stream.println(text);
- if(thrown!=null) {
- StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
- thrown.printStackTrace( new PrintWriter(stringWriter) );
- stream.println(stringWriter.getBuffer().toString());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Closes this appender
- */
- public void close() {
- this.closed = true;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if this appender requires layout
- * @return true if layout is required.
- */
- public boolean requiresLayout() {
- return true;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogListener.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogListener.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogListener.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.hibernate.eclipse.logging;
-import org.apache.log4j.Level;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILogListener;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
- * PluginLogListener
- * This class is responsible for adding itself to the plug-in logging framework
- * and translating plug-in log requests to Logger events.
- * @author Manoel Marques
- */
-public class PluginLogListener implements ILogListener {
- private ILog log;
- private Logger logger;
- /**
- * Creates a new PluginLogListener. Saves the plug-in log and logger instance.
- * Adds itself to the plug-in log.
- * @param plugin the plug-in object
- * @param logger logger instance
- */
- public PluginLogListener(ILog log,Logger logger) {
- this.log = log;
- this.logger = logger;
- log.addLogListener(this);
- }
- /**
- * Removes itself from the plug-in log, reset instance variables.
- */
- public void dispose() {
- if (this.log != null) {
- this.log.removeLogListener(this);
- this.log = null;
- this.logger = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Log event happened.
- * Translates status instance to Logger level and message.
- * Status.ERROR - Level.ERROR
- * Status.WARNING - Level.WARN
- * Status.INFO - Level.INFO
- * Status.CANCEL - Level.FATAL
- * default - Level.DEBUG
- * @param status Log Status
- * @param plugin plug-in id
- */
- public void logging(IStatus status, String plugin) {
- if (null == this.logger || null == status)
- return;
- int severity = status.getSeverity();
- Level level = Level.DEBUG;
- if (severity == IStatus.ERROR)
- level = Level.ERROR;
- else if (severity == IStatus.WARNING)
- level = Level.WARN;
- else if (severity == IStatus.INFO)
- level = Level.INFO;
- else if (severity == IStatus.CANCEL)
- level = Level.FATAL;
- plugin = formatText(plugin);
- String statusPlugin = formatText(status.getPlugin());
- String statusMessage = formatText(status.getMessage());
- StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
- if (plugin != null) {
- message.append(plugin);
- message.append(" - "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- if (statusPlugin != null &&
- (plugin == null || !statusPlugin.equals(plugin))) {
- message.append(statusPlugin);
- message.append(" - "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- message.append(status.getCode());
- if (statusMessage != null) {
- message.append(" - "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- message.append(statusMessage);
- }
- this.logger.log(level,message.toString(),status.getException());
- }
- static private String formatText(String text) {
- if (text != null) {
- text = text.trim();
- if (text.length() == 0) return null;
- }
- return text;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogManager.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogManager.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogManager.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
- */
-package org.hibernate.eclipse.logging;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import org.apache.log4j.Appender;
-import org.apache.log4j.Category;
-import org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy;
-import org.apache.log4j.Level;
-import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.HierarchyEventListener;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.RepositorySelector;
-import org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILogListener;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
- * PluginLogManager
- * This class encapsulates a Log4J Hierarchy and centralizes all Logger access.
- * @author Manoel Marques
- */
-public class PluginLogManager {
- private ILog log;
- private IPath stateLocation;
- private Hierarchy hierarchy;
- private HashMap<String, ILogListener> hookedPlugins = new HashMap<String, ILogListener>();
- private LoggingHelper helper;
- private class PluginEventListener implements HierarchyEventListener {
- /**
- * Called when a new appender is added for a particular level.
- * Internally it checks if the appender is one of our custom ones
- * and sets its custom properties.
- * @param category level
- * @param appender appender added for this level
- */
- public void addAppenderEvent(Category cat, Appender appender) {
- if (appender instanceof PluginLogAppender) {
- ((PluginLogAppender)appender).setLog(log);
- }
- if (appender instanceof PluginFileAppender) {
- ((PluginFileAppender)appender).setStateLocation(stateLocation);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Called when a appender is removed from for a particular level.
- * Does nothing.
- * @param category level
- * @param appender appender added for this level
- */
- public void removeAppenderEvent(Category cat, Appender appender) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new PluginLogManager. Saves the plug-in log and state location.
- * Creates a new Hierarchy and add a new PluginEventListener to it.
- * Configure the hierarchy with the properties passed.
- * Add this object to the list of active plug-in log managers.
- * @param plugin the plug-in object
- * @param properties log configuration properties
- */
- public PluginLogManager(Plugin plugin, LoggingHelper helper, URL log4jUrl) {
- this.log = plugin.getLog();
- this.stateLocation = plugin.getStateLocation();
- this.hierarchy = new Hierarchy(new RootLogger(Level.DEBUG));
- this.hierarchy.addHierarchyEventListener(new PluginEventListener());
- LogManager.setRepositorySelector(new RepositorySelector() {
- public LoggerRepository getLoggerRepository() {
- return hierarchy;
- }
- }, "hibernate-tools"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(log4jUrl, null, this.hierarchy);
- this.helper = helper;
- helper.addLogManager(this);
- }
- /**
- * Hooks a plug-in into this PluginLogManager. When the hooked plug-in uses the
- * Eclipse log API, it will be channeled to this logging framework.
- * @param id logger name (usually the the plug-in id)
- * @param pluginLog plug-in log
- */
- public boolean hookPlugin(String id, ILog pluginLog) {
- synchronized(this.hookedPlugins) {
- if (pluginLog == null || id == null || this.hookedPlugins.containsKey(id))
- return false;
- PluginLogListener listener = new PluginLogListener(pluginLog,getLogger(id));
- this.hookedPlugins.put(id,listener);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Unhooks a plug-in from this PluginLogManager. The Eclipse log API
- * won't be channeled to this logging framework anymore.
- * @param id logger name (usually the the plug-in id)
- */
- public boolean unHookPlugin(String id) {
- synchronized(this.hookedPlugins) {
- if (id == null || !this.hookedPlugins.containsKey(id))
- return false;
- PluginLogListener listener = (PluginLogListener) this.hookedPlugins.get(id);
- listener.dispose();
- this.hookedPlugins.remove(id);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if this PluginLogManager is disabled for this level.
- * @param level level value
- * @return boolean true if it is disabled
- */
- public boolean isDisabled(int level) {
- return this.hierarchy.isDisabled(level);
- }
- /**
- * Enable logging for logging requests with level l or higher.
- * By default all levels are enabled.
- * @param level level object
- */
- public void setThreshold(Level level) {
- this.hierarchy.setThreshold(level);
- }
- /**
- * The string version of setThreshold(Level level)
- * @param level level string
- */
- public void setThreshold(String level) {
- this.hierarchy.setThreshold(level);
- }
- /**
- * Get the repository-wide threshold.
- * @return Level
- */
- public Level getThreshold() {
- return this.hierarchy.getThreshold();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a new logger instance named as the first parameter
- * using the default factory. If a logger of that name already exists,
- * then it will be returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated
- * and then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children.
- * @param name logger name
- * @return Logger
- */
- public Logger getLogger(String name) {
- return this.hierarchy.getLogger(name);
- }
- /**
- * The same as getLogger(String name) but using a factory instance instead of
- * a default factory.
- * @param name logger name
- * @param factory factory instance
- * @return Logger
- */
- public Logger getLogger(String name, LoggerFactory factory) {
- return this.hierarchy.getLogger(name,factory);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the root of this hierarchy.
- * @return Logger
- */
- public Logger getRootLogger() {
- return this.hierarchy.getRootLogger();
- }
- /**
- * Checks if this logger exists.
- * @return Logger
- */
- public Logger exists(String name) {
- return this.hierarchy.exists(name);
- }
- /**
- * Removes appenders and disposes the logger hierarchy
- *
- */
- public void shutdown() {
- internalShutdown();
- helper.removeLogManager(this);
- }
- /**
- * Used by LoggingHelper to shutdown without removing it from the LoggingHelper list
- *
- */
- void internalShutdown() {
- synchronized(this.hookedPlugins) {
- Iterator<String> it = this.hookedPlugins.keySet().iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- String id = it.next();
- PluginLogListener listener = (PluginLogListener) this.hookedPlugins.get(id);
- listener.dispose();
- }
- this.hookedPlugins.clear();
- }
- this.hierarchy.shutdown();
- }
- /**
- * Returns all the loggers in this manager.
- * @return Enumeration logger enumeration
- */
- public Enumeration<?> getCurrentLoggers() {
- return this.hierarchy.getCurrentLoggers();
- }
- /**
- * Resets configuration values to its defaults.
- *
- */
- public void resetConfiguration() {
- this.hierarchy.resetConfiguration();
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/.classpath
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/.classpath 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/.classpath 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/annotations/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" sourcepath="D:/Temp/_hibernate/hibernate-entitymanager-3.4.0.GA-sources.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/javassist.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/annotations/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
- <classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/log4j-1.2.15.jar"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/log4j-1.2.15.jar" sourcepath="D:/Temp/_hibernate/log4j-1.2.15-sources.jar "/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/hibernate-jmx.jar" sourcepath="D:/Temp/_hibernate/hibernate-jmx-3.3.2.GA-sources.jar "/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/commons-collections-3.1.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar" sourcepath="D:/Temp/_hibernate/slf4j-api-1.5.8-sources.jar"/>
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/annotations/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" sourcepath="D:/Temp/_hibernate/hibernate-commons-annotations-3.1.0.GA-sources.jar "/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/annotations/ejb3-persistence.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/c3p0-0.9.1.jar"/>
- <classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/concurrent-1.3.2.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/connector.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/hibernate/ehcache-1.2.3.jar"/>
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -55,10 +55,6 @@
- org.apache.log4j,
- org.apache.log4j.helpers,
- org.apache.log4j.spi,
- org.apache.commons.logging,
@@ -73,3 +69,4 @@
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: registered
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
+Bundle-Activator: org.hibernate.mediator.MediatorPlugin
Copied: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/hibernate-log4j.properties (from rev 21120, branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/hibernate-log4j.properties)
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/hibernate-log4j.properties (rev 0)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/hibernate-log4j.properties 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+### This file is used to control the logging done by the hibernate tools eclipse plugins
+### You can modfiy these to be more or less verbose depending on your needs
+### Direct messages to Eclipse logging system (will be shown in Error Log)
+log4j.appender.eclipselog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %p %t %c - %m
+### Direct messages from Eclipse loggin system to .metadata/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/hibernate-tools.log
+log4j.appender.pluginlog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-6r [%15.15t] %-5p %30.30c %x - %m\n
+### set log levels - for more verbose logging change 'info' to 'debug' ###
+log4j.rootLogger=warn, eclipselog, pluginlog
+# Disable superflous PARSER errors.
+### log just the SQL
+### log JDBC bind parameters ###
+### log schema export/update ###
+### log cache activity ###
+### log JDBC resource acquisition
+### enable the following line if you want to track down connection ###
+### leakages when using DriverManagerConnectionProvider ###
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/MediatorPlugin.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/MediatorPlugin.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/MediatorPlugin.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
- * Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * This program is made available under the terms of the
- * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
- *
- * Contributor:
- * Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * This program is made available under the terms of the
+ * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+ * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ *
+ * Contributor:
+ * Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
+ ******************************************************************************/
package org.hibernate.mediator;
+import java.net.URL;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.logging.LoggingHelper;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.logging.PluginLogManager;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
@@ -26,7 +32,7 @@
// The shared instance
private static MediatorPlugin plugin;
* The constructor
@@ -40,20 +46,38 @@
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
+ configureLog4jHooks();
+ Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MediatorPlugin.class);
+ log.info("HibernateMediatorPlugin Started"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private void configureLog4jHooks() {
+ URL entry = getBundle().getEntry("hibernate-log4j.xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ if (entry == null) {
+ entry = getBundle().getEntry("hibernate-log4j.properties"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ if (entry == null) {
+ // should log this!
+ } else {
+ LoggingHelper helper = LoggingHelper.getDefault();
+ PluginLogManager manager = new PluginLogManager(this, helper, entry);
+ }
+ }
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin#stop(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
+ LoggingHelper.getDefault().stop(context);
* Returns the shared instance
- *
+ *
* @return the shared instance
public static MediatorPlugin getDefault() {
@@ -63,47 +87,40 @@
private static void setPlugin(MediatorPlugin plugin) {
MediatorPlugin.plugin = plugin;
* Log message
- *
private static void log(int severity, String message, Throwable e) {
getDefault().getLog().log(new Status(severity, PLUGIN_ID, message, e));
* Short exception log
- *
public static void logException(Throwable e) {
- log(IStatus.ERROR, e.getMessage(), e);
+ log(IStatus.ERROR, e.getMessage(), e);
* Short error log call
- *
public static void logError(String message) {
log(IStatus.ERROR, message, null);
* Short warning log call
- *
public static void logWarning(String message) {
log(IStatus.WARNING, message, null);
* Short information log call
- *
public static void logInfo(String message) {
log(IStatus.INFO, message, null);
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/Messages.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/Messages.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/Messages.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
//public static String JavaPage_no_info;
public static String JavaPage_not_allowed;
//public static String KnownConfigurations_could_not_write_state;
- //public static String KnownConfigurations_hibernate_log;
- //public static String KnownConfigurations_unknown;
+ public static String KnownConfigurations_hibernate_log;
+ public static String KnownConfigurations_unknown;
public static String DefaultExecutionContext_existing_classloader;
//public static String ClassNode_uninitialized_proxy;
//public static String ConfigurationNode_mapped_entities;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
//public static String StandAloneConsoleConfigurationPreferences_could_not_resolve_classpaths;
//public static String StandAloneConsoleConfigurationPreferences_errors_while_parsing;
public static String PluginFileAppender_missing_plugin_state_location;
- //public static String PluginLogAppender_missing_layout_for_appender;
+ public static String PluginLogAppender_missing_layout_for_appender;
public static String EntityPropertySource_identifier;
public static String EntityPropertySource_properties;
public static String DynamicSQLPreviewView_caused_by;
Copied: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/LoggingHelper.java (from rev 21120, branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/LoggingHelper.java)
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/LoggingHelper.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/LoggingHelper.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.hibernate.mediator.logging;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+public class LoggingHelper {
+ private static LoggingHelper helper;
+ private List<PluginLogManager> logManagers = new ArrayList<PluginLogManager>();
+ public LoggingHelper() {
+ super();
+ }
+ synchronized public static LoggingHelper getDefault() {
+ if(helper==null) { helper = new LoggingHelper(); }
+ return helper;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterates over the list of active log managers and shutdowns each one
+ * @see Plugin#stop
+ */
+ public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
+ synchronized (this.logManagers) {
+ for (PluginLogManager logManager : logManagers) {
+ logManager.internalShutdown();
+ }
+ this.logManagers.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a log manager object to the list of active log managers
+ */
+ void addLogManager(PluginLogManager logManager) {
+ synchronized (this.logManagers) {
+ if (logManager != null)
+ this.logManagers.add(logManager);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a log manager object from the list of active log managers
+ */
+ void removeLogManager(PluginLogManager logManager) {
+ synchronized (this.logManagers) {
+ if (logManager != null)
+ this.logManagers.remove(logManager);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/LoggingStreamManager.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/LoggingStreamManager.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/LoggingStreamManager.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package org.hibernate.mediator.logging;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsolePlugin;
+import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsole;
+import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleManager;
+import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsole;
+import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsoleStream;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.Messages;
+public class LoggingStreamManager {
+ private static LoggingStreamManager instance;
+ public static synchronized LoggingStreamManager getInstance() {
+ if (instance == null) {
+ instance = new LoggingStreamManager();
+ }
+ return instance;
+ }
+ private Map<String, Object[]> loggingStreams = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
+ public MessageConsoleStream findLoggingStream(String name) {
+ Object[] console = loggingStreams.get(name);
+ if (console == null) {
+ console = new Object[2];
+ String secondaryId = Messages.KnownConfigurations_hibernate_log
+ + (name == null ? Messages.KnownConfigurations_unknown : name);
+ console[0] = new MessageConsole(secondaryId, null);
+ IConsoleManager consoleManager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager();
+ consoleManager.addConsoles(new IConsole[] { (IConsole) console[0] });
+ console[1] = ((MessageConsole) console[0]).newMessageStream();
+ loggingStreams.put(name, console);
+ }
+ return (MessageConsoleStream) console[1];
+ }
+ public void removeLoggingStream(String consoleConfigName) {
+ Object[] object = loggingStreams.remove(consoleConfigName);
+ if (object != null) {
+ MessageConsole mc = (MessageConsole) object[0];
+ MessageConsoleStream stream = (MessageConsoleStream) object[1];
+ try {
+ stream.close();
+ } catch (IOException ie) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ IConsoleManager consoleManager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager();
+ consoleManager.removeConsoles(new IConsole[] { mc });
+ }
+ }
Copied: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginFileAppender.java (from rev 21120, branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginFileAppender.java)
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginFileAppender.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginFileAppender.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.hibernate.mediator.logging;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
+import org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.Messages;
+ * PluginFileAppender
+ * This class is a custom Log4J appender that sends Log4J events to
+ * the Eclipse plug-in state location. It extends the RollingFileAppender class.
+ * @author Manoel Marques
+ */
+public class PluginFileAppender extends RollingFileAppender {
+ private IPath stateLocation;
+ private boolean activateOptionsPending;
+ private boolean translatePath = true;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
+ */
+ public PluginFileAppender() {
+ super();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
+ * @param layout layout instance.
+ * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
+ */
+ public PluginFileAppender(Layout layout,IPath stateLocation) {
+ super();
+ setLayout(layout);
+ setStateLocation(stateLocation);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
+ * @param layout layout instance.
+ * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
+ * @param file file name
+ * @param append true if file is to be appended
+ */
+ public PluginFileAppender(Layout layout,IPath stateLocation, String file, boolean append)
+ throws IOException {
+ super();
+ setLayout(layout);
+ setStateLocation(stateLocation);
+ setFile(file);
+ setAppend(append);
+ activateOptions();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new PluginFileAppender.
+ * @param layout layout instance.
+ * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
+ * @param file file name
+ */
+ public PluginFileAppender(Layout layout,IPath stateLocation, String file) throws IOException {
+ super();
+ setLayout(layout);
+ setStateLocation(stateLocation);
+ setFile(file);
+ activateOptions();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the state location. If activateOptions call is pending, translate the file name
+ * and call activateOptions
+ * @param stateLocation IPath containing the plug-in state location
+ */
+ public void setStateLocation(IPath stateLocation) {
+ this.stateLocation = stateLocation;
+ if (this.stateLocation != null && this.activateOptionsPending) {
+ this.activateOptionsPending = false;
+ setFile(getFile());
+ activateOptions();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the file name.Translate it before setting.
+ * @param file file name
+ */
+ public void setFile(String file) {
+ super.setFile(getTranslatedFileName(file));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set file options and opens it, leaving ready to write.
+ * @param file file name
+ * @param append true if file is to be appended
+ * @param bufferedIO true if file is to buffered
+ * @param bufferSize buffer size
+ * @throws IOException - IO Error happend or the state location was not set
+ */
+ public void setFile(String fileName,boolean append,boolean bufferedIO,int bufferSize) throws IOException {
+ if (this.stateLocation == null)
+ throw new IOException(Messages.PluginFileAppender_missing_plugin_state_location);
+ fileName = (this.translatePath) ? getTranslatedFileName(fileName) : fileName;
+ super.setFile(fileName,append,bufferedIO,bufferSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finishes instance initialization. If state location was not set, set activate as
+ * pending and does nothing.
+ */
+ public void activateOptions() {
+ if (this.stateLocation == null) {
+ this.activateOptionsPending = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // base class will call setFile, don't translate the name
+ // because it was already translated
+ this.translatePath = false;
+ super.activateOptions();
+ this.translatePath = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Any path part of a file is removed and the state location is added to the name
+ * to form a new path. If there is not state location, returns the name unmodified.
+ * @param file file name
+ * @return translated file name
+ */
+ private String getTranslatedFileName(String file) {
+ if (this.stateLocation == null || file == null)
+ return file;
+ file = file.trim();
+ if (file.length() == 0)
+ return file;
+ int index = file.lastIndexOf('/');
+ if (index == -1)
+ index = file.lastIndexOf('\\');
+ if (index != -1)
+ file = file.substring(index + 1);
+ IPath newPath = this.stateLocation.append(file);
+ return newPath.toString();
+ }
+ public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
+ super.append( event );
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogAppender.java (from rev 21120, branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogAppender.java)
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogAppender.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogAppender.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.hibernate.mediator.logging;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.io.StringWriter;
+import org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorCode;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
+import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsoleStream;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.Messages;
+ * PluginLogAppender This class is a custom Log4J appender that sends Log4J events to the Eclipse
+ * plug-in log.
+ *
+ * @author Manoel Marques
+ */
+public class PluginLogAppender extends AppenderSkeleton {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private ILog pluginLog;
+ /**
+ * Sets the Eclipse log instance
+ *
+ * @param log
+ * plug-in log
+ */
+ void setLog(ILog pluginLog) {
+ this.pluginLog = pluginLog;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Log event happened. Translates level to status instance codes: level > Level.ERROR -
+ * Status.ERROR level > Level.WARN - Status.WARNING level > Level.DEBUG - Status.INFO default -
+ * Status.OK
+ *
+ * @param event
+ * LoggingEvent instance
+ */
+ public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
+ if (this.layout == null) {
+ this.errorHandler.error(Messages.PluginLogAppender_missing_layout_for_appender
+ + this.name, null, ErrorCode.MISSING_LAYOUT);
+ return;
+ }
+ String text = this.layout.format(event);
+ Throwable thrown = null;
+ if (this.layout.ignoresThrowable()) {
+ ThrowableInformation info = event.getThrowableInformation();
+ if (info != null)
+ thrown = info.getThrowable();
+ }
+ /** /
+ Level level = event.getLevel();
+ int severity = IStatus.OK;
+ if (level.toInt() >= Priority.ERROR_INT)
+ severity = IStatus.ERROR;
+ else if (level.toInt() >= Priority.WARN_INT)
+ severity = IStatus.WARNING;
+ else if (level.toInt() >= Priority.DEBUG_INT)
+ severity = IStatus.INFO;
+ this.pluginLog.log(new Status(severity, this.pluginLog.getBundle().getSymbolicName(), level
+ .toInt(), text, thrown));
+ /**/
+ Object peek = CurrentContext.peek();
+ MessageConsoleStream stream = LoggingStreamManager.getInstance().findLoggingStream(
+ (String) peek);
+ if (stream != null) {
+ stream.println(text);
+ if (thrown != null) {
+ StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
+ thrown.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter));
+ stream.println(stringWriter.getBuffer().toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Closes this appender
+ */
+ public void close() {
+ this.closed = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if this appender requires layout
+ *
+ * @return true if layout is required.
+ */
+ public boolean requiresLayout() {
+ return true;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogListener.java (from rev 21120, branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogListener.java)
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogListener.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogListener.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.hibernate.mediator.logging;
+import org.apache.log4j.Level;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILogListener;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+ * PluginLogListener
+ * This class is responsible for adding itself to the plug-in logging framework
+ * and translating plug-in log requests to Logger events.
+ * @author Manoel Marques
+ */
+public class PluginLogListener implements ILogListener {
+ private ILog log;
+ private Logger logger;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new PluginLogListener. Saves the plug-in log and logger instance.
+ * Adds itself to the plug-in log.
+ * @param plugin the plug-in object
+ * @param logger logger instance
+ */
+ public PluginLogListener(ILog log,Logger logger) {
+ this.log = log;
+ this.logger = logger;
+ log.addLogListener(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes itself from the plug-in log, reset instance variables.
+ */
+ public void dispose() {
+ if (this.log != null) {
+ this.log.removeLogListener(this);
+ this.log = null;
+ this.logger = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Log event happened.
+ * Translates status instance to Logger level and message.
+ * Status.ERROR - Level.ERROR
+ * Status.WARNING - Level.WARN
+ * Status.INFO - Level.INFO
+ * Status.CANCEL - Level.FATAL
+ * default - Level.DEBUG
+ * @param status Log Status
+ * @param plugin plug-in id
+ */
+ public void logging(IStatus status, String plugin) {
+ if (null == this.logger || null == status)
+ return;
+ int severity = status.getSeverity();
+ Level level = Level.DEBUG;
+ if (severity == IStatus.ERROR)
+ level = Level.ERROR;
+ else if (severity == IStatus.WARNING)
+ level = Level.WARN;
+ else if (severity == IStatus.INFO)
+ level = Level.INFO;
+ else if (severity == IStatus.CANCEL)
+ level = Level.FATAL;
+ plugin = formatText(plugin);
+ String statusPlugin = formatText(status.getPlugin());
+ String statusMessage = formatText(status.getMessage());
+ StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
+ if (plugin != null) {
+ message.append(plugin);
+ message.append(" - "); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ if (statusPlugin != null &&
+ (plugin == null || !statusPlugin.equals(plugin))) {
+ message.append(statusPlugin);
+ message.append(" - "); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ message.append(status.getCode());
+ if (statusMessage != null) {
+ message.append(" - "); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ message.append(statusMessage);
+ }
+ this.logger.log(level,message.toString(),status.getException());
+ }
+ static private String formatText(String text) {
+ if (text != null) {
+ text = text.trim();
+ if (text.length() == 0) return null;
+ }
+ return text;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogManager.java (from rev 21120, branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse/src/org/hibernate/eclipse/logging/PluginLogManager.java)
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogManager.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/logging/PluginLogManager.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.hibernate.mediator.logging;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import org.apache.log4j.Appender;
+import org.apache.log4j.Category;
+import org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy;
+import org.apache.log4j.Level;
+import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.HierarchyEventListener;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.RepositorySelector;
+import org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILogListener;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.logging.PluginFileAppender;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.logging.PluginLogAppender;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.logging.PluginLogListener;
+ * PluginLogManager
+ * This class encapsulates a Log4J Hierarchy and centralizes all Logger access.
+ * @author Manoel Marques
+ */
+public class PluginLogManager {
+ private ILog log;
+ private IPath stateLocation;
+ private Hierarchy hierarchy;
+ private HashMap<String, ILogListener> hookedPlugins = new HashMap<String, ILogListener>();
+ private LoggingHelper helper;
+ private class PluginEventListener implements HierarchyEventListener {
+ /**
+ * Called when a new appender is added for a particular level.
+ * Internally it checks if the appender is one of our custom ones
+ * and sets its custom properties.
+ * @param category level
+ * @param appender appender added for this level
+ */
+ public void addAppenderEvent(Category cat, Appender appender) {
+ if (appender instanceof PluginLogAppender) {
+ ((PluginLogAppender)appender).setLog(log);
+ }
+ if (appender instanceof PluginFileAppender) {
+ ((PluginFileAppender)appender).setStateLocation(stateLocation);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when a appender is removed from for a particular level.
+ * Does nothing.
+ * @param category level
+ * @param appender appender added for this level
+ */
+ public void removeAppenderEvent(Category cat, Appender appender) {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new PluginLogManager. Saves the plug-in log and state location.
+ * Creates a new Hierarchy and add a new PluginEventListener to it.
+ * Configure the hierarchy with the properties passed.
+ * Add this object to the list of active plug-in log managers.
+ * @param plugin the plug-in object
+ * @param properties log configuration properties
+ */
+ public PluginLogManager(Plugin plugin, LoggingHelper helper, URL log4jUrl) {
+ this.log = plugin.getLog();
+ this.stateLocation = plugin.getStateLocation();
+ this.hierarchy = new Hierarchy(new RootLogger(Level.DEBUG));
+ this.hierarchy.addHierarchyEventListener(new PluginEventListener());
+ LogManager.setRepositorySelector(new RepositorySelector() {
+ public LoggerRepository getLoggerRepository() {
+ return hierarchy;
+ }
+ }, "hibernate-tools"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(log4jUrl, null, this.hierarchy);
+ this.helper = helper;
+ helper.addLogManager(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Hooks a plug-in into this PluginLogManager. When the hooked plug-in uses the
+ * Eclipse log API, it will be channeled to this logging framework.
+ * @param id logger name (usually the the plug-in id)
+ * @param pluginLog plug-in log
+ */
+ public boolean hookPlugin(String id, ILog pluginLog) {
+ synchronized(this.hookedPlugins) {
+ if (pluginLog == null || id == null || this.hookedPlugins.containsKey(id))
+ return false;
+ PluginLogListener listener = new PluginLogListener(pluginLog,getLogger(id));
+ this.hookedPlugins.put(id,listener);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unhooks a plug-in from this PluginLogManager. The Eclipse log API
+ * won't be channeled to this logging framework anymore.
+ * @param id logger name (usually the the plug-in id)
+ */
+ public boolean unHookPlugin(String id) {
+ synchronized(this.hookedPlugins) {
+ if (id == null || !this.hookedPlugins.containsKey(id))
+ return false;
+ PluginLogListener listener = (PluginLogListener) this.hookedPlugins.get(id);
+ listener.dispose();
+ this.hookedPlugins.remove(id);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if this PluginLogManager is disabled for this level.
+ * @param level level value
+ * @return boolean true if it is disabled
+ */
+ public boolean isDisabled(int level) {
+ return this.hierarchy.isDisabled(level);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable logging for logging requests with level l or higher.
+ * By default all levels are enabled.
+ * @param level level object
+ */
+ public void setThreshold(Level level) {
+ this.hierarchy.setThreshold(level);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The string version of setThreshold(Level level)
+ * @param level level string
+ */
+ public void setThreshold(String level) {
+ this.hierarchy.setThreshold(level);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the repository-wide threshold.
+ * @return Level
+ */
+ public Level getThreshold() {
+ return this.hierarchy.getThreshold();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a new logger instance named as the first parameter
+ * using the default factory. If a logger of that name already exists,
+ * then it will be returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated
+ * and then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children.
+ * @param name logger name
+ * @return Logger
+ */
+ public Logger getLogger(String name) {
+ return this.hierarchy.getLogger(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The same as getLogger(String name) but using a factory instance instead of
+ * a default factory.
+ * @param name logger name
+ * @param factory factory instance
+ * @return Logger
+ */
+ public Logger getLogger(String name, LoggerFactory factory) {
+ return this.hierarchy.getLogger(name,factory);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the root of this hierarchy.
+ * @return Logger
+ */
+ public Logger getRootLogger() {
+ return this.hierarchy.getRootLogger();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if this logger exists.
+ * @return Logger
+ */
+ public Logger exists(String name) {
+ return this.hierarchy.exists(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes appenders and disposes the logger hierarchy
+ *
+ */
+ public void shutdown() {
+ internalShutdown();
+ helper.removeLogManager(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used by LoggingHelper to shutdown without removing it from the LoggingHelper list
+ *
+ */
+ void internalShutdown() {
+ synchronized(this.hookedPlugins) {
+ Iterator<String> it = this.hookedPlugins.keySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ String id = it.next();
+ PluginLogListener listener = (PluginLogListener) this.hookedPlugins.get(id);
+ listener.dispose();
+ }
+ this.hookedPlugins.clear();
+ }
+ this.hierarchy.shutdown();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns all the loggers in this manager.
+ * @return Enumeration logger enumeration
+ */
+ public Enumeration<?> getCurrentLoggers() {
+ return this.hierarchy.getCurrentLoggers();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resets configuration values to its defaults.
+ *
+ */
+ public void resetConfiguration() {
+ this.hierarchy.resetConfiguration();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/stubs/ConfigurationStubFactory.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/stubs/ConfigurationStubFactory.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/plugins/org.hibernate.mediator/src/org/hibernate/mediator/stubs/ConfigurationStubFactory.java 2010-03-30 13:36:44 UTC (rev 21136)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
private Configuration buildAnnotationConfiguration() throws ClassNotFoundException,
InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
Class<?> clazz = ReflectHelper
- .classForName("org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration", ConfigurationStubFactory.class); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ .classForName("org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration", Object.class); //$NON-NLS-1$
Configuration annotationConfig = (Configuration)clazz.newInstance();
return annotationConfig;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
overrides.put("hibernate.archive.autodetection", "none"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
Class<?> clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
- "org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration", ConfigurationStubFactory.class); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ "org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration", Object.class); //$NON-NLS-1$
Object ejb3cfg = clazz.newInstance();
if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(entityResolver)) {
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21135 - in trunk: seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create and 1 other directory.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: lzoubek(a)redhat.com
Date: 2010-03-30 08:19:43 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21135
reverted SWTJBTExt constructor
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTJBTExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTJBTExt.java 2010-03-30 10:56:41 UTC (rev 21134)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTJBTExt.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
public class SWTJBTExt {
- SWTBotExt bot;
+ SWTWorkbenchBot bot;
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SWTJBTExt.class);
- public SWTJBTExt(SWTBotExt bot) {
+ public SWTJBTExt(SWTWorkbenchBot bot) {
this.bot = bot;
Modified: trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create/CreateSeamProjects.java
--- trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create/CreateSeamProjects.java 2010-03-30 10:56:41 UTC (rev 21134)
+++ trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create/CreateSeamProjects.java 2010-03-30 12:19:43 UTC (rev 21135)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
public class CreateSeamProjects extends TestControl{
- private SWTJBTExt swtJbtExt = new SWTJBTExt(new SWTBotExt());
+ private SWTJBTExt swtJbtExt = new SWTJBTExt(bot);
public void testCreateSeamProject12war(){
createSeamProject(seam12Settings, jbossEAPRuntime, TYPE_WAR);
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21134 - trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: lzoubek(a)redhat.com
Date: 2010-03-30 06:56:41 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21134
seam test compilation fix
Modified: trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create/CreateSeamProjects.java
--- trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create/CreateSeamProjects.java 2010-03-30 09:56:37 UTC (rev 21133)
+++ trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/ui/bot/test/create/CreateSeamProjects.java 2010-03-30 10:56:41 UTC (rev 21134)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test.create;
import org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test.TestControl;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTBotExt;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTJBTExt;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTUtilExt;
public class CreateSeamProjects extends TestControl{
- private SWTJBTExt swtJbtExt = new SWTJBTExt(bot);
+ private SWTJBTExt swtJbtExt = new SWTJBTExt(new SWTBotExt());
public void testCreateSeamProject12war(){
createSeamProject(seam12Settings, jbossEAPRuntime, TYPE_WAR);
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21133 - branches/modular_build/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.test/META-INF.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: mareshkau
Date: 2010-03-30 05:56:37 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21133
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDS-486 removed cycle dependency in tests
Modified: branches/modular_build/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
--- branches/modular_build/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
+++ branches/modular_build/vpe/tests/org.jboss.tools.vpe.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-30 09:56:37 UTC (rev 21133)
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
- org.jboss.tools.jsf.vpe.jsf.test,
- org.eclipse.jface.text;bundle-version="3.4.0"
+ org.eclipse.jface.text;bundle-version="3.4.0",
+ org.jboss.tools.vpe.ui.test;bundle-version="1.0.0"
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Export-Package: org.jboss.tools.vpe.editor.template,
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21132 - in trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext: src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext and 4 other directories.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: lzoubek(a)redhat.com
Date: 2010-03-30 05:29:05 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21132
added SWTBot extensions usefull when opening views/exports/imports/wizards
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: org.apache.log4j
Export-Package: org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext,
+ org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen,
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTBotExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTBotExt.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTBotExt.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -1,25 +1,32 @@
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Red Hat, Inc.
- * Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * This program is made available under the terms of the
- * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
- *
- * Contributor:
- * Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * This program is made available under the terms of the
+ * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+ * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ *
+ * Contributor:
+ * Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
+ ******************************************************************************/
package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext;
+import static org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory.widgetOfType;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.SWTWorkbenchBot;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.widgets.SWTBotEditor;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotButton;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotCCombo;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotMenu;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTable;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTree;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.parts.SWTBotBrowserExt;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.parts.SWTBotEditorExt;
@@ -36,7 +43,7 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// SWTBot method wrapper ( for better logging mainly )
// ------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -70,9 +77,35 @@
log.info("Table selected");
return super.table();
- public SWTBotEditorExt swtBotEditorExtByTitle(String fileName) {
+ public SWTBotEditorExt swtBotEditorExtByTitle(String fileName) {
SWTBotEditor editor = super.editorByTitle(fileName);
- return new SWTBotEditorExt(editor.toTextEditor().getReference(), (SWTWorkbenchBot)this);
+ return new SWTBotEditorExt(editor.toTextEditor().getReference(),
+ (SWTWorkbenchBot) this);
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public SWTBotBrowserExt browserByTitle(String title) {
+ SWTBotEditor editor = editorByTitle(title);
+ try {
+ List<Browser> bsrs = (List<Browser>) editor.bot().widgets(
+ widgetOfType(Browser.class));
+ return new SWTBotBrowserExt(bsrs.get(0));
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ throw new WidgetNotFoundException(
+ "Could not find widget of type Browser", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public SWTBotBrowserExt browser() {
+ try {
+ List<Browser> bsrs = (List<Browser>) widgets(widgetOfType(Browser.class));
+ return new SWTBotBrowserExt(bsrs.get(0));
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ throw new WidgetNotFoundException(
+ "Could not find widget of type Browser", ex);
+ }
+ }
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTEclipseExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTEclipseExt.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTEclipseExt.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.entity.JavaClassEntity;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.entity.JavaProjectEntity;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IServer;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem.NewObject.ServerServer;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.EntityType;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.IDELabel;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.PerspectiveType;
@@ -48,6 +51,7 @@
public class SWTEclipseExt {
+ private final SWTOpenExt open;
private SWTUtilExt util;
private SWTBotExt bot;
// private SWTUtilExt swtUtilExt;
@@ -64,10 +68,12 @@
public SWTEclipseExt(SWTBotExt bot) {
this.bot = bot;
this.util = new SWTUtilExt(bot);
+ this.open = new SWTOpenExt(bot);
public SWTEclipseExt() {
this.bot = new SWTBotExt();
this.util = new SWTUtilExt(bot);
+ this.open = new SWTOpenExt(bot);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -388,8 +394,34 @@
if (save)
+ * Replace editor content by content from resource
+ * @param editor
+ * @param pluginId
+ * @param path
+ */
+ public void setClassContentFromResource(SWTBotEditor editor, boolean save, String pluginId,
+ String... path) {
+ SWTBotEclipseEditor edit = editor.toTextEditor();
+ edit.selectRange(0, 0, edit.getText().length());
+ File file = util.getResourceFile(pluginId, path);
+ String content = util.readTextFile(file);
+ edit.setText(content);
+ if (save)
+ edit.save();
+ }
+ /**
+ * adds server (Server runtime must be defined, the default selected runtime is used)
+ * @param server to add ( for example {@link ActionItem.Server.JBossCommunityJBossAS50#LABEL} class)
+ * @param serverName
+ */
+ public void addServer(IServer server, String serverName) {
+ SWTBot wiz = open.newObject(ActionItem.NewObject.ServerServer.LABEL);
+ open.selectTreeNode(server);
+ wiz.textWithLabel(ServerServer.TEXT_SERVER_NAME).setText(serverName);
+ open.finish(wiz);
+ }
+ /**
* Define new Server Runtime only if it's not specified yet
* @param runtimeName
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTJBTExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTJBTExt.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTJBTExt.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
import static org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTTestExt.eclipse;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.SWTWorkbenchBot;
@@ -24,6 +27,7 @@
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTable;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTree;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.helper.ContextMenuHelper;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.IDELabel;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.ViewType;
@@ -35,10 +39,10 @@
public class SWTJBTExt {
- SWTWorkbenchBot bot;
+ SWTBotExt bot;
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SWTJBTExt.class);
- public SWTJBTExt(SWTWorkbenchBot bot) {
+ public SWTJBTExt(SWTBotExt bot) {
this.bot = bot;
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTOpenExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTOpenExt.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTOpenExt.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext;
+import static org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.waits.Conditions.shellCloses;
+import static org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.waits.Conditions.waitForShell;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.waits.Conditions;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.widgets.SWTBotView;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.SWTBot;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.waits.ICondition;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotButton;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotShell;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.TimeoutException;
+import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IExport;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IImport;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.INewObject;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IPerspective;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IPreference;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IServer;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IView;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem.NewObject.ServerServer;
+ * this class represents
+ *
+ * @author lzoubek
+ *
+ */
+public class SWTOpenExt {
+ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SWTOpenExt.class);
+ private final SWTBotExt bot;
+ public SWTOpenExt(SWTBotExt bot) {
+ this.bot = bot;
+ }
+ /**
+ * opens and shows view defined by given argument
+ */
+ public SWTBotView viewOpen(IView view) {
+ SWTBotView viewObj = null;
+ try {
+ viewObj = bot.viewByTitle(view.getName());
+ viewObj.setFocus();
+ return viewObj;
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ }
+ bot.menu("Window").menu("Show View").menu("Other...").click();
+ SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("Show View");
+ shell.activate();
+ selectTreeNode(view);
+ bot.button("OK").click();
+ viewObj = bot.viewByTitle(view.getName());
+ viewObj.setFocus();
+ return viewObj;
+ }
+ /**
+ * closes given view
+ *
+ * @param view
+ */
+ public void viewClose(IView view) {
+ try {
+ bot.viewByTitle(view.getName()).close();
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ log.info("Unsuccessfull attempt to close view '" + view.getName()
+ + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * selects and returns given view, view must be opened
+ *
+ * @param view
+ * @return
+ */
+ public SWTBotView viewSelect(IView view) {
+ SWTBotView v = bot.viewByTitle(view.getName());
+ v.setFocus();
+ return v;
+ }
+ /**
+ * selects given actionItem in bot's tree();
+ *
+ * @param item
+ */
+ public void selectTreeNode(IActionItem item) {
+ SWTBotTreeItem ti = null;
+ try {
+ Iterator<String> iter = item.getGroupPath().iterator();
+ if (iter.hasNext()) {
+ ti = bot.tree().expandNode(iter.next());
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String next = iter.next();
+ // expanding node is failing, so try to collapse and expand it again
+ try {
+ ti = ti.expandNode(next);
+ }
+ catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ log.warn("Tree item '"+next+"' was not found, trying to collapse and reexpand parent node");
+ ti.collapse();
+ ti.expandNode(next);
+ }
+ }
+ ti.expandNode(item.getName()).select();
+ } else {
+ bot.tree().select(item.getName());
+ }
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ String exStr="Item '"+ ActionItem.getItemString(item)+ "' does not exist in tree";
+ if (ti!=null) {
+ exStr+=", last selected item was '"+ti.getText()+"'";
+ }
+ throw new WidgetNotFoundException(exStr, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * shows Preferences dialog, select given preference in tree
+ *
+ * @param pref
+ * @return
+ */
+ public SWTBot preferenceOpen(IPreference pref) {
+ bot.menu("Window").menu("Preferences").click();
+ SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("Preferences");
+ shell.activate();
+ selectTreeNode(pref);
+ return shell.bot();
+ }
+ /**
+ * switches perspective
+ *
+ * @param perspective
+ */
+ public void perspective(IPerspective perspective) {
+ bot.menu("Window").menu("Open Perspective").menu("Other...").click();
+ SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("Open Perspective");
+ shell.activate();
+ bot.table().select(perspective.getName());
+ bot.button("OK").click();
+ }
+ /**
+ * shows new 'anything' dialog selecting given argument in treeview and
+ * clicks next button
+ *
+ * @param wizard
+ * @return
+ */
+ public SWTBot newObject(INewObject wizard) {
+ bot.menu("File").menu("New").menu("Other...").click();
+ waitForShell("New");
+ SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("New");
+ shell.activate();
+ selectTreeNode(wizard);
+ bot.button("Next >").click();
+ return bot;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wait for appearance shell of given name
+ *
+ * @param shellName
+ */
+ public void waitForShell(String shellName) {
+ Matcher<Shell> matcher = WidgetMatcherFactory.withText(shellName);
+ bot.waitUntil(Conditions.waitForShell(matcher));
+ }
+ /**
+ * shows import wizard dialog selecting given argument in treeview and
+ * clicks next button
+ *
+ * @param importWizard
+ * @return
+ */
+ public SWTBot newImport(IImport importWizard) {
+ bot.menu("File").menu("Import...").click();
+ SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("Import");
+ shell.activate();
+ selectTreeNode(importWizard);
+ bot.button("Next >").click();
+ return bot;
+ }
+ /**
+ * shows import wizard dialog selecting given argument in treeview and
+ * clicks next button
+ *
+ * @param importWizard
+ * @return
+ */
+ public SWTBot newExport(IExport export) {
+ bot.menu("File").menu("Export...").click();
+ SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("Export");
+ shell.activate();
+ selectTreeNode(export);
+ bot.button("Next >").click();
+ return bot;
+ }
+ /**
+ * closes active window clicking 'Cancel'
+ *
+ * @param bot
+ */
+ public void closeCancel(SWTBot bot) {
+ SWTBotButton btn = bot.button("Cancel");
+ btn.click();
+ }
+ /**
+ * clicks given button on active shell and waits until shell disappears
+ * @param bot
+ * @param finishButtonText
+ */
+ public void finish(SWTBot bot, String finishButtonText) {
+ long timeout =480*1000;
+ SWTBotShell activeShell = bot.activeShell();
+ String activeShellStr = bot.activeShell().getText();
+ bot.button(finishButtonText).click();
+ long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ while (true) {
+ log.info("Waiting until shell '" + activeShellStr + "' closes");
+ try {
+ bot.waitUntil(shellCloses(activeShell));
+ log.info("OK, shell '"+activeShellStr+"' closed.");
+ return;
+ } catch (TimeoutException ex) {
+ if (System.currentTimeMillis()-time>timeout) {
+ log.error("Shell '"+activeShellStr+"' probably hanged up (480s timeout), returning, expect upcomming errors");
+ return;
+ }
+ log.warn("Shell '" + activeShellStr + "' is still opened");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * clicks 'Finish' button on active shell and waits until shell disappears
+ * @param bot
+ */
+ public void finish(SWTBot bot) {
+ finish(bot,"Finish");
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTOpenExt.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTTestExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTTestExt.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTTestExt.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.SWTBotTestCase;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.view.PackageExplorer;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.view.ProjectExplorer;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.view.ServersView;
* Base class for SWTBot Tests using SWTBotExt
@@ -27,10 +29,13 @@
public static final SWTBotExt bot = new SWTBotExt();
public static final SWTEclipseExt eclipse = new SWTEclipseExt(bot);
public static final SWTUtilExt util = new SWTUtilExt(bot);
+ public static final SWTOpenExt open = new SWTOpenExt(bot);
+ public static final SWTJBTExt jbt = new SWTJBTExt(bot);
// Views
public static final PackageExplorer packageExplorer = new PackageExplorer();
+ public static final ProjectExplorer projectExplorer = new ProjectExplorer();
+ public static final ServersView servers = new ServersView();
public static Properties properties;
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTUtilExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTUtilExt.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/SWTUtilExt.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.SWTWorkbenchBot;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.utils.SWTUtils;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.parts.SWTBotBrowserExt;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.JobLists;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.JobState;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
@@ -56,7 +57,36 @@
final int TIMEOUT = 20000; // 10s
final int SLEEPTIME = 1000; // 0.5s
+ public void waitForBrowserLoadsPage(SWTBotBrowserExt browser) {
+ waitForBrowserLoadsPage(browser, TIMEOUT);
+ }
+ * waits until given browser finishes with loading page
+ * @param browser
+ * @param timeOut
+ */
+ public void waitForBrowserLoadsPage(SWTBotBrowserExt browser, long timeOut) {
+ long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ while (true) {
+ if (browser.isPageLoaded()) {
+ log.info("Page load finished");
+ break;
+ }
+ long waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
+ if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > timeOut) {
+ log.info("Waiting for browser loading page "
+ + timeOut + "s");
+ break;
+ }
+ log.info("Browser is loading page for " + waitTime
+ / 1000 + "s");
+ bot.sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* Wait for named running jobs with defined TIMEOUT
public void waitForJobs(String... jobNames) {
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/ActionItem.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/ActionItem.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/ActionItem.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,11418 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class ActionItem {
+* gets string representation of item
+public static String getItemString(IActionItem item) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ for (String s :item.getGroupPath()) {
+ sb.append(s+"->");
+ }
+ sb.append(item.getName());
+ return sb.toString();
+ public static class View {
+ public static class GeneralBookmarks {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Bookmarks
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Bookmarks";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralClassicSearch {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Classic Search
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Classic Search";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralConsole {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Console
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Console";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralErrorLog {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Error Log
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Error Log";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralInternalWebBrowser {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Internal Web Browser
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Internal Web Browser";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralMarkers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Markers
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Markers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralNavigator {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Navigator
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Navigator";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralOutline {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Outline
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Outline";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralPalette {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Palette
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Palette";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralProblems {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Problems
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Problems";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralProgress {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Progress
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Progress";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralProjectExplorer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Project Explorer
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project Explorer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralProperties {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Properties
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Properties";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralSearch {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Search
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Search";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralSnippets {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Snippets
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Snippets";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralTasks {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Tasks
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tasks";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class AntAnt {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Ant->Ant
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ant";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Ant");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class APIToolingAPITooling {
+ /**
+ * represents item : API Tooling->API Tooling
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "API Tooling";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("API Tooling");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class CVSCVSEditors {
+ /**
+ * represents item : CVS->CVS Editors
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "CVS Editors";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class CVSCVSRepositories {
+ /**
+ * represents item : CVS->CVS Repositories
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "CVS Repositories";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementDataSourceExplorer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->Data Source Explorer
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Data Source Explorer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementExecutionPlan {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->Execution Plan
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Execution Plan";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLResults {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Results
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "SQL Results";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugBreakpoints {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Breakpoints
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Breakpoints";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugDebug {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Debug
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Debug";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugDisplay {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Display
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Display";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugExpressions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Expressions
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Expressions";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugMemory {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Memory
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Memory";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugModules {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Modules
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Modules";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugRegisters {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Registers
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Registers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugTCPIPMonitor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->TCP/IP Monitor
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "TCP/IP Monitor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DebugVariables {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Debug->Variables
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Variables";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsAgenda {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Agenda
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Agenda";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsAudit {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Audit
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Audit";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsGlobalData {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Global Data
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Global Data";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsProcessInstance {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Process Instance
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Process Instance";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsProcessInstances {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Process Instances
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Process Instances";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsRules {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Rules
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Rules";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsWorkingMemory {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Working Memory
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Working Memory";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GuvnorGuvnorRepositories {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Guvnor->Guvnor Repositories
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Guvnor Repositories";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Guvnor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GuvnorGuvnorResourceHistory {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Guvnor->Guvnor Resource History
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Guvnor Resource History";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Guvnor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HelpCheatSheets {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Help->Cheat Sheets
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Cheat Sheets";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Help");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HelpHelp {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Help->Help
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Help";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Help");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HibernateHibernateConfigurations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Hibernate Configurations
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate Configurations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HibernateHibernateDynamicSQLPreview {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Hibernate Dynamic SQL Preview
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate Dynamic SQL Preview";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HibernateHibernateQueryResult {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Hibernate Query Result
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate Query Result";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HibernateQueryParameters {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Query Parameters
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Query Parameters";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCallHierarchy {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Call Hierarchy
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Call Hierarchy";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaDeclaration {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Declaration
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Declaration";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaHierarchy {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Hierarchy
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hierarchy";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaJavadoc {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Javadoc
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Javadoc";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaJUnit {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->JUnit
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "JUnit";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaPackageExplorer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Package Explorer
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Package Explorer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaTestNG {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->TestNG
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "TestNG";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaBrowsingMembers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java Browsing->Members
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Members";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java Browsing");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaBrowsingPackages {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java Browsing->Packages
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Packages";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java Browsing");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaBrowsingProjects {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java Browsing->Projects
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Projects";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java Browsing");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaBrowsingTypes {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java Browsing->Types
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Types";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java Browsing");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaScriptCallHierarchy {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaScript->Call Hierarchy
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Call Hierarchy";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaScriptDeclaration {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaScript->Declaration
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Declaration";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaScriptHierarchy {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaScript->Hierarchy
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hierarchy";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaScriptJSDoc {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaScript->JSDoc
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSDoc";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaScriptScriptExplorer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaScript->Script Explorer
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Script Explorer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaServerFacesJSFComponentTree {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaServer Faces->JSF Component Tree
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSF Component Tree";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaServer Faces");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaServerFacesTagRegistry {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaServer Faces->Tag Registry
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tag Registry";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaServer Faces");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMOverviewjBPM3 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->Overview (jBPM 3)
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Overview (jBPM 3)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsProjectarchives {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Project archives
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project archives";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebCSSPreview {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->CSS Preview
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "CSS Preview";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebCSSProperties {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->CSS Properties
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "CSS Properties";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJBossToolsPalette {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->JBoss Tools Palette
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss Tools Palette";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebWebProjects {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Web Projects
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Projects";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JMXMBeanExplorer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JMX->MBean Explorer
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "MBean Explorer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JMX");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JPAJPADetails {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->JPA Details
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "JPA Details";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JPAJPAStructure {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->JPA Structure
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "JPA Structure";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentPluginDependencies {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Plug-in Dependencies
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-in Dependencies";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentPluginRegistry {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Plug-in Registry
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-in Registry";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentPlugins {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Plug-ins
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-ins";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentTargetPlatformState {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Target Platform State
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Target Platform State";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamComponents {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Components
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Components";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerJBossServerViewDeprecated {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->JBoss Server View (Deprecated)
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss Server View (Deprecated)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerServerLog {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Server Log
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Server Log";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerServers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Servers
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Servers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SpringAOPEventTrace {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->AOP Event Trace
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "AOP Event Trace";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SpringBeansCrossReferences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Beans Cross References
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Beans Cross References";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SpringSpringExplorer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Spring Explorer
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Spring Explorer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SVNRevisionProperties {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->Revision Properties
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Revision Properties";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SVNSVNLocks {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->SVN Locks
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "SVN Locks";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SVNSVNProperties {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->SVN Properties
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "SVN Properties";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SVNSVNRepositories {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->SVN Repositories
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "SVN Repositories";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SVNSVNRepositoryBrowser {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->SVN Repository Browser
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "SVN Repository Browser ";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SWTBotCategoryEclipseSpyView {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SWTBot Category->EclipseSpy View
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "EclipseSpy View";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SWTBot Category");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamHistory {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->History
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "History";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSynchronize {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->Synchronize
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Synchronize";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLResult {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->Result
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Result";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLStylesheet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->Stylesheet
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "Stylesheet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXPath {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XPath
+ */
+ public static final IView LABEL = new IView() {
+ public String getName() { return "XPath";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Server {
+ public static class ApacheTomcatv32Server {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Apache->Tomcat v3.2 Server
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tomcat v3.2 Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Apache");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat installation directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Tomcat installation directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_SERVER = "Tomcat Server";
+ }
+ public static class ApacheTomcatv40Server {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Apache->Tomcat v4.0 Server
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tomcat v4.0 Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Apache");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat installation directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Tomcat installation directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_SERVER = "Tomcat Server";
+ }
+ public static class ApacheTomcatv41Server {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Apache->Tomcat v4.1 Server
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tomcat v4.1 Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Apache");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat installation directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Tomcat installation directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_SERVER = "Tomcat Server";
+ }
+ public static class ApacheTomcatv50Server {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Apache->Tomcat v5.0 Server
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tomcat v5.0 Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Apache");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat installation directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Tomcat installation directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_SERVER = "Tomcat Server";
+ }
+ public static class ApacheTomcatv55Server {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Apache->Tomcat v5.5 Server
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tomcat v5.5 Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Apache");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat installation directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Tomcat installation directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_SERVER = "Tomcat Server";
+ }
+ public static class ApacheTomcatv60Server {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Apache->Tomcat v6.0 Server
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tomcat v6.0 Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Apache");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat installation directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Tomcat installation directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tomcat Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TOMCAT_SERVER = "Tomcat Server";
+ }
+ public static class BasicHTTPPreview {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Basic->HTTP Preview
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "HTTP Preview";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Basic");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Add and Remove'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ADD_AND_REMOVE = "Add and Remove";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Configured:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONFIGURED = "Configured:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Available:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_AVAILABLE = "Available:";
+ }
+ public static class BasicHTTPServer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Basic->HTTP Server
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "HTTP Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Basic");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Publishing Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY = "Publishing Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'HTTP Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HTTP_SERVER = "HTTP Server";
+ }
+ public static class BasicJ2EEPreview {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Basic->J2EE Preview
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "J2EE Preview";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Basic");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Add and Remove'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ADD_AND_REMOVE = "Add and Remove";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Configured:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONFIGURED = "Configured:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Available:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_AVAILABLE = "Available:";
+ }
+ public static class BasicLocalDeployer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Basic->Local Deployer
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Local Deployer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Basic");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Server Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SERVER_NAME = "Server Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Deploy Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEPLOY_DIRECTORY = "Deploy Directory";
+ }
+ public static class BasicSCPRemoteDeployer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Basic->SCP Remote Deployer
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "SCP Remote Deployer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Basic");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Deployment Folder'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEPLOYMENT_FOLDER = "Deployment Folder";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Username'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USERNAME = "Username";
+ }
+ public static class IBMIBMWebSpherev60 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : IBM->IBM WebSphere v6.0
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "IBM WebSphere v6.0";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("IBM");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'IBM WebSphere Installation Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_IBM_WEBSPHERE_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "IBM WebSphere Installation Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ }
+ public static class JBossCommunityJBossAS32 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Community->JBoss AS 3.2
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss AS 3.2";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Community");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class JBossCommunityJBossAS40 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Community->JBoss AS 4.0
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss AS 4.0";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Community");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class JBossCommunityJBossAS42 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Community->JBoss AS 4.2
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss AS 4.2";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Community");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class JBossCommunityJBossAS50 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Community->JBoss AS 5.0
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss AS 5.0";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Community");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class JBossCommunityJBossAS51 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Community->JBoss AS 5.1
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss AS 5.1";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Community");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class JBossCommunityJBossAS60 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Community->JBoss AS 6.0
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss AS 6.0";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Community");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class JBossEnterpriseMiddlewareJBossEnterpriseApplicationPlatform43 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Enterprise Middleware->JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Enterprise Middleware");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class JBossEnterpriseMiddlewareJBossEnterpriseApplicationPlatform50 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Enterprise Middleware->JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Enterprise Middleware");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss Runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_RUNTIME = "JBoss Runtime";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Home Directory'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOME_DIRECTORY = "Home Directory";
+ }
+ public static class ObjectWebJOnASv4 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : ObjectWeb->JOnAS v4
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "JOnAS v4";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("ObjectWeb");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JonAS Configuration Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JONAS_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY = "JonAS Configuration Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JonAS Installation Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JONAS_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "JonAS Installation Directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ }
+ public static class OracleOracleOC4JStandaloneServer1013 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Oracle->Oracle OC4J Standalone Server 10.1.3
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Oracle OC4J Standalone Server 10.1.3";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Oracle");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Oracle J2EE Home:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ORACLE_J2EE_HOME = "Oracle J2EE Home:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ }
+ public static class OracleOracleOC4JStandaloneServer1013n {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Oracle->Oracle OC4J Standalone Server 10.1.3.n
+ */
+ public static final IServer LABEL = new IServer() {
+ public String getName() { return "Oracle OC4J Standalone Server 10.1.3.n";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Oracle");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Oracle J2EE Home:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ORACLE_J2EE_HOME = "Oracle J2EE Home:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JRE:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JRE = "JRE:";
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Perspective {
+ public static class CSSEDITING {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "CSS Editing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class CVSREPOSITORYEXPLORING {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "CVS Repository Exploring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DATABASEDEBUG {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Database Debug";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DATABASEDEVELOPMENT {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Database Development";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DEBUG {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Debug";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DROOLS {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Drools";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Guvnor Repository Exploring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HIBERNATE {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JAVA {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JAVABROWSING {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Browsing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JAVAEE {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java EE";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JAVATYPEHIERARCHY {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Type Hierarchy";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JAVASCRIPT {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "JavaScript";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBOSSAS {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss AS";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBPMJPDL3 {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "jBPM jPDL 3";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JMX {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "JMX";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JPA {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "JPA";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PLUGINDEVELOPMENT {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-in Development";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RESOURCE {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Resource";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SEAMDEFAULT {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam (default)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SVNREPOSITORYEXPLORING {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "SVN Repository Exploring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TEAMSYNCHRONIZING {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Team Synchronizing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WEB {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WEBDEVELOPMENT {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Development";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XML {
+ /**
+ * represents item :
+ */
+ public static final IPerspective LABEL = new IPerspective() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NewObject {
+ public static class Class {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Class
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Class";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java Class'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_CLASS = "Java Class";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACES = "Interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Constructors from superclass'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CONSTRUCTORS_FROM_SUPERCLASS = "Constructors from superclass";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'abstract'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ABSTRACT = "abstract";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'final'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_FINAL = "final";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'static'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_STATIC = "static";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'public static void main(String[] args)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_PUBLIC_STATIC_VOID_MAINSTRING_ARGS = "public static void main(String[] args)";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Inherited abstract methods'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_INHERITED_ABSTRACT_METHODS = "Inherited abstract methods";
+ }
+ public static class Interface {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Interface
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Interface";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java Interface'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_INTERFACE = "Java Interface";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Extended interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXTENDED_INTERFACES = "Extended interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ }
+ public static class JavaProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class JavaProjectfromExistingAntBuildfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select javac declaration to use to define project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_JAVAC_DECLARATION_TO_USE_TO_DEFINE_PROJECT = "Select javac declaration to use to define project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Ant buildfile:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ANT_BUILDFILE = "Ant buildfile:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Link to the buildfile in the file system'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_LINK_TO_THE_BUILDFILE_IN_THE_FILE_SYSTEM = "Link to the buildfile in the file system";
+ }
+ public static class PluginProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-in Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Plug-in Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PLUGIN_PROJECT = "Plug-in Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'This plug-in is targeted to run with:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_THIS_PLUGIN_IS_TARGETED_TO_RUN_WITH = "This plug-in is targeted to run with:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Output folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_OUTPUT_FOLDER = "Output folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create a Java project'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_A_JAVA_PROJECT = "Create a Java project";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralFacetedProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Faceted Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Faceted Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Faceted Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FACETED_PROJECT = "Faceted Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE = "File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralFolder {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Folder
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Folder";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER_NAME = "Folder name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralUntitledTextFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Untitled Text File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Untitled Text File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ConnectionProfilesConnectionProfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Connection Profiles->Connection Profile
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Connection Profile";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Connection Profiles");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connection Profile'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTION_PROFILE = "Connection Profile";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Description (optional):'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESCRIPTION_OPTIONAL = "Description (optional):";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ }
+ public static class ConnectionProfilesConnectionProfileRepository {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Connection Profiles->Connection Profile Repository
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Connection Profile Repository";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Connection Profiles");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connection Profile'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTION_PROFILE = "Connection Profile";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Description (optional):'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESCRIPTION_OPTIONAL = "Description (optional):";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ }
+ public static class CVSCVSRepositoryLocation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : CVS->CVS Repository Location
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "CVS Repository Location";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'User:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USER = "User:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connection type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTION_TYPE = "Connection type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Repository path:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_REPOSITORY_PATH = "Repository path:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Host:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOST = "Host:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Save password (could trigger secure storage login)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SAVE_PASSWORD_COULD_TRIGGER_SECURE_STORAGE_LOGIN = "Save password (could trigger secure storage login)";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Validate connection on finish'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_VALIDATE_CONNECTION_ON_FINISH = "Validate connection on finish";
+ }
+ public static class CVSProjectsfromCVS {
+ /**
+ * represents item : CVS->Projects from CVS
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Projects from CVS";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'User:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USER = "User:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connection type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTION_TYPE = "Connection type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Repository path:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_REPOSITORY_PATH = "Repository path:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Host:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOST = "Host:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Save password (could trigger secure storage login)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SAVE_PASSWORD_COULD_TRIGGER_SECURE_STORAGE_LOGIN = "Save password (could trigger secure storage login)";
+ }
+ public static class DroolsDecisionTable {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Decision Table
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Decision Table";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'New Decision Table'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NEW_DECISION_TABLE = "New Decision Table";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class DroolsDomainSpecificLanguage {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Domain Specific Language
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Domain Specific Language";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'New DSL'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NEW_DSL = "New DSL";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class DroolsDroolsProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Drools Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Drools Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'New Drools Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NEW_DROOLS_PROJECT = "New Drools Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ public static class DroolsFlowFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Flow File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Flow File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Flow File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_FLOW_FILE = "Create Flow File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class DroolsGuidedRule {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Guided Rule
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Guided Rule";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class DroolsRuleResource {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Rule Resource
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Rule Resource";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'New Rules File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NEW_RULES_FILE = "New Rules File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Use functions:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USE_FUNCTIONS = "Use functions:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Type of rule resource:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TYPE_OF_RULE_RESOURCE = "Type of rule resource:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Rule package name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_RULE_PACKAGE_NAME = "Rule package name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Use a DSL:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USE_A_DSL = "Use a DSL:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class EclipseModelingFrameworkEcoreModel {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Eclipse Modeling Framework->Ecore Model
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ecore Model";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Eclipse Modeling Framework");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Ecore Model'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ECORE_MODEL = "Ecore Model";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class EclipseModelingFrameworkEMFGeneratorModel {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Eclipse Modeling Framework->EMF Generator Model
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "EMF Generator Model";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Eclipse Modeling Framework");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EMF Generator Model'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EMF_GENERATOR_MODEL = "EMF Generator Model";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class EclipseModelingFrameworkEMFProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Eclipse Modeling Framework->EMF Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "EMF Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Eclipse Modeling Framework");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EMF Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EMF_PROJECT = "EMF Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ public static class EclipseModelingFrameworkEmptyEMFProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Eclipse Modeling Framework->Empty EMF Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Empty EMF Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Eclipse Modeling Framework");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Empty EMF Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EMPTY_EMF_PROJECT = "Empty EMF Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ public static class EclipseModelingFrameworkMappingEcoretoEcoreMapping {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Eclipse Modeling Framework->Mapping->Ecore to Ecore Mapping
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ecore to Ecore Mapping";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Eclipse Modeling Framework");
+ l.add("Mapping");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class EclipseModelingFrameworkMappingEcoretoXMLMapping {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Eclipse Modeling Framework->Mapping->Ecore to XML Mapping
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ecore to XML Mapping";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Eclipse Modeling Framework");
+ l.add("Mapping");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class EJBEJBProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->EJB Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "EJB Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_PROJECT = "EJB Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class EJBEJB3MessageDrivenBean {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->EJB3 Message Driven Bean
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "EJB3 Message Driven Bean";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACES = "Interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'abstract'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ABSTRACT = "abstract";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'final'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_FINAL = "final";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'static'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_STATIC = "static";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ }
+ public static class EJBEJB3SessionBean {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->EJB3 Session Bean
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "EJB3 Session Bean";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Bean Class Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BEAN_CLASS_NAME = "Bean Class Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Bean Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BEAN_PACKAGE = "Bean Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Remote Interface Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_REMOTE_INTERFACE_NAME = "Remote Interface Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Bean Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BEAN_NAME = "Bean Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Session Bean Type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SESSION_BEAN_TYPE = "Session Bean Type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACES = "Interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'abstract'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ABSTRACT = "abstract";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'final'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_FINAL = "final";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'static'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_STATIC = "static";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Remote Interface Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_REMOTE_INTERFACE_PACKAGE = "Remote Interface Package:";
+ }
+ public static class EJBMessageDrivenBeanEJB3x {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->Message-Driven Bean (EJB 3.x)
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Message-Driven Bean (EJB 3.x)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION_TYPE = "Destination type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_PROJECT = "EJB project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION_NAME = "Destination name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'JMS'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_JMS = "JMS";
+ }
+ public static class EJBSessionBeanEJB3x {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->Session Bean (EJB 3.x)
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Session Bean (EJB 3.x)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_PROJECT = "EJB project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'State type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_STATE_TYPE = "State type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Local'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_LOCAL = "Local";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Remote'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_REMOTE = "Remote";
+ }
+ public static class EJBXDocletEnterpriseJavaBean {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->XDoclet Enterprise JavaBean
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "XDoclet Enterprise JavaBean";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ESBESBAction {
+ /**
+ * represents item : ESB->ESB Action
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "ESB Action";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("ESB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'ESB Action'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ESB_ACTION = "ESB Action";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACES = "Interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Constructors from superclass'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CONSTRUCTORS_FROM_SUPERCLASS = "Constructors from superclass";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'abstract'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ABSTRACT = "abstract";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'final'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_FINAL = "final";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'static'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_STATIC = "static";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'public static void main(String[] args)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_PUBLIC_STATIC_VOID_MAINSTRING_ARGS = "public static void main(String[] args)";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Inherited abstract methods'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_INHERITED_ABSTRACT_METHODS = "Inherited abstract methods";
+ }
+ public static class ESBESBFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : ESB->ESB File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "ESB File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("ESB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Version*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VERSION = "Version*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'ESB File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ESB_FILE = "ESB File";
+ }
+ public static class ESBESBProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : ESB->ESB Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "ESB Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("ESB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JBoss ESB Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBOSS_ESB_PROJECT = "JBoss ESB Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ }
+ public static class ExampleEMFModelCreationWizardsXSDModel {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Example EMF Model Creation Wizards->XSD Model
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "XSD Model";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Example EMF Model Creation Wizards");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'XSD Model'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_XSD_MODEL = "XSD Model";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class GuvnorGuvnorrepositorylocation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Guvnor->Guvnor repository location
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Guvnor repository location";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Guvnor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Port:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PORT = "Port:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Repository:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_REPOSITORY = "Repository:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'User Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USER_NAME = "User Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ }
+ public static class GuvnorResourcesfromGuvnor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Guvnor->Resources from Guvnor
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Resources from Guvnor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Guvnor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HibernateHibernateConfigurationFilecfgxml {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Hibernate Configuration File (cfg.xml)
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate Configuration File (cfg.xml)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class HibernateHibernateConsoleConfiguration {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Hibernate Console Configuration
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate Console Configuration";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ }
+ public static class HibernateHibernateReverseEngineeringFilerevengxml {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Hibernate Reverse Engineering File (reveng.xml)
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate Reverse Engineering File (reveng.xml)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class HibernateHibernateXMLMappingfilehbmxml {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Hibernate->Hibernate XML Mapping file (hbm.xml)
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hibernate XML Mapping file (hbm.xml)";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Hibernate");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'depth control'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_DEPTH_CONTROL = "depth control";
+ }
+ public static class JavaAnnotation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Annotation
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Annotation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Annotation Type'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ANNOTATION_TYPE = "Annotation Type";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ }
+ public static class JavaClass {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Class
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Class";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java Class'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_CLASS = "Java Class";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACES = "Interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Constructors from superclass'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CONSTRUCTORS_FROM_SUPERCLASS = "Constructors from superclass";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'abstract'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ABSTRACT = "abstract";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'final'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_FINAL = "final";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'static'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_STATIC = "static";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'public static void main(String[] args)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_PUBLIC_STATIC_VOID_MAINSTRING_ARGS = "public static void main(String[] args)";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Inherited abstract methods'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_INHERITED_ABSTRACT_METHODS = "Inherited abstract methods";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEnum {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Enum
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Enum";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enum Type'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENUM_TYPE = "Enum Type";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACES = "Interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ }
+ public static class JavaInterface {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Interface
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Interface";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java Interface'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_INTERFACE = "Java Interface";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Extended interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXTENDED_INTERFACES = "Extended interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJavaProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Java Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJavaProjectfromExistingAntBuildfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select javac declaration to use to define project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_JAVAC_DECLARATION_TO_USE_TO_DEFINE_PROJECT = "Select javac declaration to use to define project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Ant buildfile:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ANT_BUILDFILE = "Ant buildfile:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Link to the buildfile in the file system'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_LINK_TO_THE_BUILDFILE_IN_THE_FILE_SYSTEM = "Link to the buildfile in the file system";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJavaWorkingSet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Java Working Set
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Working Set";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working set name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SET_NAME = "Working set name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java Working Set'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_WORKING_SET = "Java Working Set";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Workspace content:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKSPACE_CONTENT = "Workspace content:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working set content:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SET_CONTENT = "Working set content:";
+ }
+ public static class JavaPackage {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Package
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Package";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java Package'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java Package";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ }
+ public static class JavaSourceFolder {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Source Folder
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Source Folder";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER_NAME = "Folder name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source Folder'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source Folder";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Update exclusion filters in other source folders to solve nesting'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_UPDATE_EXCLUSION_FILTERS_IN_OTHER_SOURCE_FOLDERS_TO_SOLVE_NESTING = "Update exclusion filters in other source folders to solve nesting";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJavaRunDebugScrapbookPage {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Java Run/Debug->Scrapbook Page
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Scrapbook Page";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Java Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJUnitJUnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->JUnit->JUnit Test Case
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JUnit Test Case";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("JUnit");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class under test:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_UNDER_TEST = "Class under test:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JUnit Test Case'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JUNIT_TEST_CASE = "JUnit Test Case";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'tearDown()'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_TEARDOWN = "tearDown()";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'setUpBeforeClass()'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SETUPBEFORECLASS = "setUpBeforeClass()";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'setUp()'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SETUP = "setUp()";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'tearDownAfterClass()'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_TEARDOWNAFTERCLASS = "tearDownAfterClass()";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'constructor'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJUnitJUnitTestSuite {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->JUnit->JUnit Test Suite
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JUnit Test Suite";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("JUnit");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Test classes to include in suite:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TEST_CLASSES_TO_INCLUDE_IN_SUITE = "Test classes to include in suite:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JUnit Test Suite'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JUNIT_TEST_SUITE = "JUnit Test Suite";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '0 classes selected'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_0_CLASSES_SELECTED = "0 classes selected";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEApplicationClientProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->Application Client Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Application Client Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEConnectorProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->Connector Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Connector Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connector Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTOR_PROJECT = "Connector Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEEnterpriseApplicationProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->Enterprise Application Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Enterprise Application Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEUtilityProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->Utility Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Utility Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Utility Module'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_UTILITY_MODULE = "Utility Module";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEmitterTemplatesConvertProjectstoJETProjects {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java Emitter Templates->Convert Projects to JET Projects
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Convert Projects to JET Projects";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java Emitter Templates");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Projects'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECTS = "Projects";
+ }
+ public static class JavaScriptJavaScriptProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaScript->JavaScript Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JavaScript Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Include ECMA 3 Browser Library'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_INCLUDE_ECMA_3_BROWSER_LIBRARY = "Include ECMA 3 Browser Library";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use Window as the default SuperType '
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_WINDOW_AS_THE_DEFAULT_SUPERTYPE___ = "Use Window as the default SuperType ";
+ }
+ public static class JavaScriptJavaScriptSourceFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JavaScript->JavaScript Source File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JavaScript Source File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JavaScript'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVASCRIPT = "JavaScript";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMjBPM3ActionHandler {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->jBPM 3 Action Handler
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "jBPM 3 Action Handler";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Modifiers:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODIFIERS = "Modifiers:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'jBPM Action'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JBPM_ACTION = "jBPM Action";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACES = "Interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Constructors from superclass'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CONSTRUCTORS_FROM_SUPERCLASS = "Constructors from superclass";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'abstract'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ABSTRACT = "abstract";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'final'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_FINAL = "final";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'static'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_STATIC = "static";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enclosing type:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENCLOSING_TYPE = "Enclosing type:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'public static void main(String[] args)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_PUBLIC_STATIC_VOID_MAINSTRING_ARGS = "public static void main(String[] args)";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate comments'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_COMMENTS = "Generate comments";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Inherited abstract methods'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_INHERITED_ABSTRACT_METHODS = "Inherited abstract methods";
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMjBPM3ProcessDefinition {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->jBPM 3 Process Definition
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "jBPM 3 Process Definition";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder :'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER_ = "Source folder :";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Process name :'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROCESS_NAME_ = "Process name :";
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMjBPM3Project {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->jBPM 3 Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "jBPM 3 Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Process Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROCESS_PROJECT = "Process Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsCreateaSampleWebService {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Create a Sample Web Service
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Create a Sample Web Service";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsProjectExamples {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Project Examples
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project Examples";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project size:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_SIZE = "Project size:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Projects:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECTS = "Projects:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Description:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESCRIPTION = "Description:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'URL:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_URL = "URL:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Site:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SITE = "Site:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Example'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_EXAMPLE = "Project Example";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Show the Quick Fix dialog'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SHOW_THE_QUICK_FIX_DIALOG = "Show the Quick Fix dialog";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Show experimental sites'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SHOW_EXPERIMENTAL_SITES = "Show experimental sites";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsMBeanComponentsMBeanStubs {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->MBean Components->MBean Stubs
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "MBean Stubs";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("MBean Components");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '(default)'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT = "(default)";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE = "Package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Interface Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTERFACE_NAME = "Interface Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'MBean Name'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MBEAN_NAME = "MBean Name";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'New MBean Interface'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NEW_MBEAN_INTERFACE = "New MBean Interface";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Extended interfaces:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXTENDED_INTERFACES = "Extended interfaces:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebCSSClass {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->CSS Class
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "CSS Class";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'CSS Class*'
+ */
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'CSS Class'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CSS_CLASS = "CSS Class";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'CSS File*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CSS_FILE = "CSS File*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebCSSFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->CSS File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "CSS File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'CSS File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CSS_FILE = "CSS File";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebHTMLFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->HTML File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "HTML File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File HTML'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_HTML = "File HTML";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJSFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->JS File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JS File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JS File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JS_FILE = "JS File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJSPFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->JSP File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSP File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Template'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TEMPLATE = "Template";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File JSP'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_JSP = "File JSP";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebPropertiesFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Properties File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Properties File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File Properties'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_PROPERTIES = "File Properties";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebTLDFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->TLD File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "TLD File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tlibversion*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TLIBVERSION = "Tlibversion*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Shortname*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SHORTNAME = "Shortname*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Version'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VERSION = "Version";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'URI'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_URI = "URI";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Jspversion*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JSPVERSION = "Jspversion*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebWebDescriptor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Web Descriptor
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Descriptor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web Descriptor File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_DESCRIPTOR_FILE = "Web Descriptor File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Version'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VERSION = "Version";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebXHTMLFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->XHTML File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "XHTML File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File XHTML'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_XHTML = "File XHTML";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Template'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TEMPLATE = "Template";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJSFFacesConfig {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->JSF->Faces Config
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Faces Config";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("JSF");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Faces Config'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FACES_CONFIG = "Faces Config";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Version'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VERSION = "Version";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Register in web.xml'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_REGISTER_IN_WEBXML = "Register in web.xml";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJSFJSFProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->JSF->JSF Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSF Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("JSF");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create JSF Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_JSF_PROJECT = "Create JSF Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Template*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TEMPLATE = "Template*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JSF Environment*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JSF_ENVIRONMENT = "JSF Environment*";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default path*'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_PATH = "Use default path*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebPortletJavaPortlet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Portlet->Java Portlet
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Portlet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("Portlet");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Portlet'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_PORTLET = "Create Portlet";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use an existing Portlet class'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_AN_EXISTING_PORTLET_CLASS = "Use an existing Portlet class";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebPortletJBossJSFSeamPortlet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Portlet->JBoss JSF/Seam Portlet
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss JSF/Seam Portlet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("Portlet");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Portlet'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_PORTLET = "Create Portlet";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsStrutsConfig {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Struts->Struts Config
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Struts Config";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Version'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VERSION = "Version";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Module'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODULE = "Module";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Struts Config'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_STRUTS_CONFIG = "Struts Config";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Register in web.xml'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_REGISTER_IN_WEBXML = "Register in web.xml";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsStrutsProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Struts->Struts Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Struts Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Template*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TEMPLATE = "Template*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Struts Environment*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_STRUTS_ENVIRONMENT = "Struts Environment*";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default path*'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_PATH = "Use default path*";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsTilesFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Struts->Tiles File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tiles File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tiles File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TILES_FILE = "Tiles File";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Register'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_REGISTER = "Register";
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsValidationFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools Web->Struts->Validation File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Version'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VERSION = "Version";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Validation File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VALIDATION_FILE = "Validation File";
+ }
+ public static class JPAEntitiesFromTables {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->Entities From Tables
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Entities From Tables";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JPAEntity {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->Entity
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Entity";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Entity class'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTITY_CLASS = "Entity class";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Mapping file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MAPPING_FILE = "Mapping file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add to entity mappings in XML'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_TO_ENTITY_MAPPINGS_IN_XML = "Add to entity mappings in XML";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Inheritance:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_INHERITANCE = "Inheritance:";
+ }
+ public static class JPAJPAProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->JPA Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JPA Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JPA Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JPA_PROJECT = "JPA Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class JPAMappingFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->Mapping File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Mapping File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Mapping file'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MAPPING_FILE = "Mapping file";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Persistence unit:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "Persistence unit:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Default access:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT_ACCESS = "Default access:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File path:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_PATH = "File path:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add to persistence unit'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_TO_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "Add to persistence unit";
+ }
+ public static class JPAEclipseLinkEclipseLink11MappingFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->EclipseLink->EclipseLink 1.1 Mapping File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "EclipseLink 1.1 Mapping File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ l.add("EclipseLink");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Persistence unit:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "Persistence unit:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Default access:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT_ACCESS = "Default access:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File path:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_PATH = "File path:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add to persistence unit'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_TO_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "Add to persistence unit";
+ }
+ public static class JPAEclipseLinkEclipseLinkMappingFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JPA->EclipseLink->EclipseLink Mapping File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "EclipseLink Mapping File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JPA");
+ l.add("EclipseLink");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Persistence unit:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "Persistence unit:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Default access:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFAULT_ACCESS = "Default access:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File path:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_PATH = "File path:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add to persistence unit'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_TO_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "Add to persistence unit";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentCategoryDefinition {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Category Definition
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Category Definition";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Category Definition'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CATEGORY_DEFINITION = "Category Definition";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentComponentDefinition {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Component Definition
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Component Definition";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentExtensionPointSchema {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Extension Point Schema
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Extension Point Schema";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Extension Point Schema:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXTENSION_POINT_SCHEMA = "Extension Point Schema:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Extension Point ID:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXTENSION_POINT_ID = "Extension Point ID:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Container:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONTAINER = "Container:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Plug-in ID:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PLUGIN_ID = "Plug-in ID:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Extension Point Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME = "Extension Point Name:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create shared schema for inclusion'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_SHARED_SCHEMA_FOR_INCLUSION = "Create shared schema for inclusion";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Edit extension point schema when done'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EDIT_EXTENSION_POINT_SCHEMA_WHEN_DONE = "Edit extension point schema when done";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentFeaturePatch {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Feature Patch
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Feature Patch";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature ID:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_ID = "Feature ID:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Patch ID:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PATCH_ID = "Patch ID:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Patch Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PATCH_NAME = "Patch Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature Version:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_VERSION = "Feature Version:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Patch Properties'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PATCH_PROPERTIES = "Patch Properties";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Patch Provider:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PATCH_PROVIDER = "Patch Provider:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Install Handler Library:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INSTALL_HANDLER_LIBRARY = "Install Handler Library:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_NAME = "Feature Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentFeatureProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Feature Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Feature Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature Provider:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_PROVIDER = "Feature Provider:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature ID:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_ID = "Feature ID:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature Version:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_VERSION = "Feature Version:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature Properties'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_PROPERTIES = "Feature Properties";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Install Handler Library:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INSTALL_HANDLER_LIBRARY = "Install Handler Library:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_NAME = "Feature Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentFragmentProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Fragment Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Fragment Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'This fragment is targeted to run with:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_THIS_FRAGMENT_IS_TARGETED_TO_RUN_WITH = "This fragment is targeted to run with:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Fragment Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FRAGMENT_PROJECT = "Fragment Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Output folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_OUTPUT_FOLDER = "Output folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create a Java project'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_A_JAVA_PROJECT = "Create a Java project";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentPluginfromExistingJARArchives {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JAR selection'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAR_SELECTION = "JAR selection";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JAR archives to include in the plug-in:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAR_ARCHIVES_TO_INCLUDE_IN_THE_PLUGIN = "JAR archives to include in the plug-in:";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentPluginProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Plug-in Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-in Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Plug-in Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PLUGIN_PROJECT = "Plug-in Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'This plug-in is targeted to run with:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_THIS_PLUGIN_IS_TARGETED_TO_RUN_WITH = "This plug-in is targeted to run with:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Output folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_OUTPUT_FOLDER = "Output folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create a Java project'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_A_JAVA_PROJECT = "Create a Java project";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentProductConfiguration {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Product Configuration
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Product Configuration";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentTargetDefinition {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Target Definition
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Target Definition";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Initialize the target definition with:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INITIALIZE_THE_TARGET_DEFINITION_WITH = "Initialize the target definition with:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target Definition'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_DEFINITION = "Target Definition";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentUpdateSiteProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Update Site Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Update Site Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Update Site Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_UPDATE_SITE_PROJECT = "Update Site Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web resources location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_RESOURCES_LOCATION = "Web resources location:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate a web page listing all available features within the site'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_A_WEB_PAGE_LISTING_ALL_AVAILABLE_FEATURES_WITHIN_THE_SITE = "Generate a web page listing all available features within the site";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamAction {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Action
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Action";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Local interface name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_NAME = "Local interface name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam component name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_COMPONENT_NAME = "Seam component name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE_NAME = "Package name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Page name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PAGE_NAME = "Page name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Method name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_METHOD_NAME = "Method name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Action'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_ACTION = "Seam Action";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Bean name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BEAN_NAME = "Bean name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_PROJECT = "Seam Project:";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamComponentsFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Components File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Components File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Folder*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FOLDER = "Folder*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Version*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_VERSION = "Version*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamConversation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Conversation
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Conversation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Local interface name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_NAME = "Local interface name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam component name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_COMPONENT_NAME = "Seam component name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE_NAME = "Package name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Page name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PAGE_NAME = "Page name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Method name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_METHOD_NAME = "Method name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Conversation'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_CONVERSATION = "Seam Conversation";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Bean name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BEAN_NAME = "Bean name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_PROJECT = "Seam Project:";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamEntity {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Entity
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Entity";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Page name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PAGE_NAME = "Page name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE_NAME = "Package name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam entity class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_ENTITY_CLASS_NAME = "Seam entity class name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Entity'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_ENTITY = "Seam Entity";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Master page name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MASTER_PAGE_NAME = "Master page name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_PROJECT = "Seam Project:";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamForm {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Form
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Form";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Local interface name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_NAME = "Local interface name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam component name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_COMPONENT_NAME = "Seam component name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Package name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PACKAGE_NAME = "Package name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Page name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PAGE_NAME = "Page name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Method name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_METHOD_NAME = "Method name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Form'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_FORM = "Seam Form";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Bean name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BEAN_NAME = "Bean name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_PROJECT = "Seam Project:";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamGenerateEntities {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Generate Entities
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Generate Entities";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Hibernate Console Configuration:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HIBERNATE_CONSOLE_CONFIGURATION = "Hibernate Console Configuration:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_PROJECT = "Seam Project:";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamPageFlow {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Page Flow
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Page Flow";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name :'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME_ = "File name :";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder :'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER_ = "Source folder :";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Page Flow'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_PAGE_FLOW = "Create Page Flow";
+ }
+ public static class SeamSeamWebProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Seam->Seam Web Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Web Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Seam Web Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SEAM_WEB_PROJECT = "Seam Web Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ }
+ public static class ServerServer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Server
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Server";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Server name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SERVER_NAME = "Server name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Define a New Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEFINE_A_NEW_SERVER = "Define a New Server";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select the server type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_THE_SERVER_TYPE = "Select the server type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Server's host name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SERVERS_HOST_NAME = "Server's host name:";
+ }
+ public static class SmooksSmooksConfigurationFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Smooks->Smooks Configuration File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Smooks Configuration File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Smooks");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class SpringSpringBeanConfigurationFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Spring Bean Configuration File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Spring Bean Configuration File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add Spring project nature if required'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_SPRING_PROJECT_NATURE_IF_REQUIRED = "Add Spring project nature if required";
+ }
+ public static class SpringSpringProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Spring Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Spring Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Spring Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SPRING_PROJECT = "Spring Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source Folder Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME = "Source Folder Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Output Folder Name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME = "Output Folder Name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'List of Config file suffixes:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LIST_OF_CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIXES = "List of Config file suffixes:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Enable new project for Project Facets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ENABLE_NEW_PROJECT_FOR_PROJECT_FACETS = "Enable new project for Project Facets";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create a Java project'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_A_JAVA_PROJECT = "Create a Java project";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ public static class SpringSpringWebFlowDefinitionFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Spring Web Flow Definition File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Spring Web Flow Definition File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add Spring project nature if required'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_SPRING_PROJECT_NATURE_IF_REQUIRED = "Add Spring project nature if required";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use Spring Web Flow 2 flow definition syntax (Required if you want to use Spring Web Flow 2)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_SPRING_WEB_FLOW_2_FLOW_DEFINITION_SYNTAX_REQUIRED_IF_YOU_WANT_TO_USE_SPRING_WEB_FLOW_2 = "Use Spring Web Flow 2 flow definition syntax (Required if you want to use Spring Web Flow 2)";
+ }
+ public static class SQLDevelopmentSQLFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SQL Development->SQL File
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "SQL File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create SQL File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_SQL_FILE = "Create SQL File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connection profile name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTION_PROFILE_NAME = "Connection profile name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Database name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DATABASE_NAME = "Database name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Database server type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DATABASE_SERVER_TYPE = "Database server type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Do not connect now'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_DO_NOT_CONNECT_NOW = "Do not connect now";
+ }
+ public static class SVNProjectfromSVN {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->Project from SVN
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project from SVN";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'User:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USER = "User:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Show Credentials For:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SHOW_CREDENTIALS_FOR = "Show Credentials For:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'URL:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_URL = "URL:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Save password'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SAVE_PASSWORD = "Save password";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Validate Repository Location on finish'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_VALIDATE_REPOSITORY_LOCATION_ON_FINISH = "Validate Repository Location on finish";
+ }
+ public static class SVNRepositoryLocation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->Repository Location
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Repository Location";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'User:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USER = "User:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Show Credentials For:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SHOW_CREDENTIALS_FOR = "Show Credentials For:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'URL:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_URL = "URL:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Save password'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SAVE_PASSWORD = "Save password";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Validate Repository Location on finish'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_VALIDATE_REPOSITORY_LOCATION_ON_FINISH = "Validate Repository Location on finish";
+ }
+ public static class UserAssistanceCheatSheet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : User Assistance->Cheat Sheet
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Cheat Sheet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("User Assistance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Cheat Sheet'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CHEAT_SHEET = "Cheat Sheet";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class UserAssistanceContextHelp {
+ /**
+ * represents item : User Assistance->Context Help
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Context Help";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("User Assistance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Context Help'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONTEXT_HELP = "Context Help";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class UserAssistanceHelpTableofContents {
+ /**
+ * represents item : User Assistance->Help Table of Contents
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Help Table of Contents";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("User Assistance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Table of contents'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TABLE_OF_CONTENTS = "Table of contents";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class WebCSS {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->CSS
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "CSS";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class WebDynamicWebProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->Dynamic Web Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Dynamic Web Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Dynamic Web Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DYNAMIC_WEB_PROJECT = "Dynamic Web Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class WebFilter {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->Filter
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Filter";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Filter'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_FILTER = "Create Filter";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_PROJECT = "Web project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use existing Filter class'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_EXISTING_FILTER_CLASS = "Use existing Filter class";
+ }
+ public static class WebHTMLPage {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->HTML Page
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "HTML Page";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'HTML Page'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HTML_PAGE = "HTML Page";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class WebJSP {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JSP
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSP";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JavaServer Page'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVASERVER_PAGE = "JavaServer Page";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class WebJSPTag {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JSP Tag
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSP Tag";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Tag File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TAG_FILE = "Tag File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class WebListener {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->Listener
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Listener";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Listener'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_LISTENER = "Create Listener";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_PROJECT = "Web project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use existing Listener class'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_EXISTING_LISTENER_CLASS = "Use existing Listener class";
+ }
+ public static class WebServlet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->Servlet
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Servlet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Java package:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVA_PACKAGE = "Java package:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Superclass:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SUPERCLASS = "Superclass:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Servlet'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_SERVLET = "Create Servlet";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Source folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SOURCE_FOLDER = "Source folder:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Class name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLASS_NAME = "Class name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_PROJECT = "Web project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use an existing Servlet class or JSP'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_AN_EXISTING_SERVLET_CLASS_OR_JSP = "Use an existing Servlet class or JSP";
+ }
+ public static class WebStaticWebProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->Static Web Project
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Static Web Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Static Web Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_STATIC_WEB_PROJECT = "Static Web Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DIRECTORY = "Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT = "Use default";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesAntFiles {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Ant Files
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ant Files";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web service type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_SERVICE_TYPE = "Web service type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web service runtime:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_SERVICE_RUNTIME = "Web service runtime:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Into folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTO_FOLDER = "Into folder:";
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesCreateaSampleWebService {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Create a Sample Web Service
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Create a Sample Web Service";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesUnitTestUDDI {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Unit Test UDDI
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Unit Test UDDI";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Private UDDI Registry type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PRIVATE_UDDI_REGISTRY_TYPE = "Private UDDI Registry type:";
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesWebService {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Web Service
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Service";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Client type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLIENT_TYPE = "Client type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web Services'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_SERVICES = "Web Services";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Service implementation:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SERVICE_IMPLEMENTATION = "Service implementation:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web service type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_SERVICE_TYPE = "Web service type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Configuration:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONFIGURATION = "Configuration:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Publish the Web service'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_PUBLISH_THE_WEB_SERVICE = "Publish the Web service";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Monitor the Web service'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_MONITOR_THE_WEB_SERVICE = "Monitor the Web service";
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesWebServiceClient {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Web Service Client
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Service Client";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Client type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CLIENT_TYPE = "Client type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web Services'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_SERVICES = "Web Services";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Configuration:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONFIGURATION = "Configuration:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Service definition:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SERVICE_DEFINITION = "Service definition:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Monitor the Web service'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_MONITOR_THE_WEB_SERVICE = "Monitor the Web service";
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesWSDL {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->WSDL
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "WSDL";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'New WSDL File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NEW_WSDL_FILE = "New WSDL File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class XMLDTD {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->DTD
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "DTD";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class XMLXML {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'XML File'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_XML_FILE = "XML File";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLSchema {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Schema
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML Schema";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'New XML Schema'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NEW_XML_SCHEMA = "New XML Schema";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class XMLXSL {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XSL
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "XSL";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'XSL Stylesheet'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_XSL_STYLESHEET = "XSL Stylesheet";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class ExamplesJBossToolsProjectExamples {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Examples->JBoss Tools->Project Examples
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project Examples";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Examples");
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project size:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_SIZE = "Project size:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Projects:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECTS = "Projects:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Description:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESCRIPTION = "Description:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'URL:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_URL = "URL:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Site:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SITE = "Site:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Example'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_EXAMPLE = "Project Example";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Show the Quick Fix dialog'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SHOW_THE_QUICK_FIX_DIALOG = "Show the Quick Fix dialog";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Show experimental sites'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SHOW_EXPERIMENTAL_SITES = "Show experimental sites";
+ }
+ public static class ExamplesXMLEditingandvalidatingXMLfiles {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Examples->XML->Editing and validating XML files
+ */
+ public static final INewObject LABEL = new INewObject() {
+ public String getName() { return "Editing and validating XML files";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Examples");
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use default location'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "Use default location";
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Import {
+ public static class GeneralArchiveFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Archive File
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Archive File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'From archive file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FROM_ARCHIVE_FILE = "From archive file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Archive file'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ARCHIVE_FILE = "Archive file";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Into folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTO_FOLDER = "Into folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing resources without warning'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_RESOURCES_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing resources without warning";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralExistingProjectsintoWorkspace {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Existing Projects into Workspace
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Existing Projects into Workspace";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Import Projects'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_IMPORT_PROJECTS = "Import Projects";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Projects:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECTS = "Projects:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Copy projects into workspace'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_COPY_PROJECTS_INTO_WORKSPACE = "Copy projects into workspace";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralFileSystem {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->File System
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "File System";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File system'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_SYSTEM = "File system";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'From directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FROM_DIRECTORY = "From directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Into folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_INTO_FOLDER = "Into folder:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing resources without warning'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_RESOURCES_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing resources without warning";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralPreferences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Preferences
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Preferences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Description:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESCRIPTION = "Description:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'From preference file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FROM_PREFERENCE_FILE = "From preference file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Import Preferences'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_IMPORT_PREFERENCES = "Import Preferences";
+ }
+ public static class CVSProjectsfromCVS {
+ /**
+ * represents item : CVS->Projects from CVS
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Projects from CVS";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'User:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USER = "User:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connection type:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTION_TYPE = "Connection type:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Repository path:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_REPOSITORY_PATH = "Repository path:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Host:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_HOST = "Host:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Save password (could trigger secure storage login)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SAVE_PASSWORD_COULD_TRIGGER_SECURE_STORAGE_LOGIN = "Save password (could trigger secure storage login)";
+ }
+ public static class EJBEJBJARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->EJB JAR file
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "EJB JAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB Jar file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_JAR_FILE = "EJB Jar file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_PROJECT = "EJB project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target runtime:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_RUNTIME = "Target runtime:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB Jar Import'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_JAR_IMPORT = "EJB Jar Import";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ }
+ public static class GuvnorResourcesfromGuvnor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Guvnor->Resources from Guvnor
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Resources from Guvnor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Guvnor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEAppClientJARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->App Client JAR file
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "App Client JAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Application Client file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_APPLICATION_CLIENT_FILE = "Application Client file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target runtime:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_RUNTIME = "Target runtime:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Application Client project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_APPLICATION_CLIENT_PROJECT = "Application Client project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEEARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->EAR file
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "EAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target runtime:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_RUNTIME = "Target runtime:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT = "EAR project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_FILE = "EAR file:";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEJ2EEUtilityJar {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->J2EE Utility Jar
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "J2EE Utility Jar";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT = "EAR Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Utility Jar Import'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_UTILITY_JAR_IMPORT = "Utility Jar Import";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Module Root Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_MODULE_ROOT_LOCATION = "Module Root Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Override Project Root (Specify location below)'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERRIDE_PROJECT_ROOT_SPECIFY_LOCATION_BELOW = "Override Project Root (Specify location below)";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEERARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->RAR file
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "RAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target runtime:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_RUNTIME = "Target runtime:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connector Import'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTOR_IMPORT = "Connector Import";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connector file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTOR_FILE = "Connector file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connector module:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTOR_MODULE = "Connector module:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentFeatures {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Features
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Features";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT = "Select";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select an import source:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_AN_IMPORT_SOURCE = "Select an import source:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '0 of 0 selected.'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_0_OF_0_SELECTED = "0 of 0 selected.";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Feature Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FEATURE_LOCATION = "Feature Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Import as binary projects'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_IMPORT_AS_BINARY_PROJECTS = "Import as binary projects";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Choose from features in the target platform'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CHOOSE_FROM_FEATURES_IN_THE_TARGET_PLATFORM = "Choose from features in the target platform";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentPluginsandFragments {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Plug-ins and Fragments
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-ins and Fragments";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugBreakpoints {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Breakpoints
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Breakpoints";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Import Breakpoints'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_IMPORT_BREAKPOINTS = "Import Breakpoints";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'From file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FROM_FILE = "From file:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Update existing breakpoints'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_UPDATE_EXISTING_BREAKPOINTS = "Update existing breakpoints";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create breakpoint working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_BREAKPOINT_WORKING_SETS = "Create breakpoint working sets";
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugLaunchConfigurations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Launch Configurations
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Launch Configurations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'From Directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FROM_DIRECTORY = "From Directory:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing launch configurations without warning.'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATIONS_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing launch configurations without warning.";
+ }
+ public static class SVNProjectfromSVN {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SVN->Project from SVN
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project from SVN";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'User:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_USER = "User:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Show Credentials For:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SHOW_CREDENTIALS_FOR = "Show Credentials For:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'URL:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_URL = "URL:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Password:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PASSWORD = "Password:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Save password'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SAVE_PASSWORD = "Save password";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Validate Repository Location on finish'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_VALIDATE_REPOSITORY_LOCATION_ON_FINISH = "Validate Repository Location on finish";
+ }
+ public static class TeamTeamProjectSet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->Team Project Set
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Team Project Set";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Working sets:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKING_SETS = "Working sets:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Run the import in the background'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_RUN_THE_IMPORT_IN_THE_BACKGROUND = "Run the import in the background";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_WORKING_SETS = "Add project to working sets";
+ }
+ public static class WebWARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->WAR file
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "WAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'WAR Import'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WAR_IMPORT = "WAR Import";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "EAR project name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target runtime:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_RUNTIME = "Target runtime:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'WAR file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WAR_FILE = "WAR file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_PROJECT = "Web project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add project to an EAR'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_PROJECT_TO_AN_EAR = "Add project to an EAR";
+ }
+ public static class WebservicesWebService {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web services->Web Service
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Service";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Find a Web service'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FIND_A_WEB_SERVICE = "Find a Web service";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Launch the Web Services Explorer to find a Web service from a UDDI Registry'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_LAUNCH_THE_WEB_SERVICES_EXPLORER_TO_FIND_A_WEB_SERVICE_FROM_A_UDDI_REGISTRY = "Launch the Web Services Explorer to find a Web service from a UDDI Registry";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Launch the Web Services Explorer to find a Web service from the Unit Test UDDI Registry'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_LAUNCH_THE_WEB_SERVICES_EXPLORER_TO_FIND_A_WEB_SERVICE_FROM_THE_UNIT_TEST_UDDI_REGISTRY = "Launch the Web Services Explorer to find a Web service from the Unit Test UDDI Registry";
+ }
+ public static class WebservicesWSIL {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web services->WSIL
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "WSIL";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'WSIL URI:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WSIL_URI = "WSIL URI:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'WSIL Import'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WSIL_IMPORT = "WSIL Import";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'WSDL:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WSDL = "WSDL:";
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLCatalog {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Catalog
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML Catalog";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Workspace Files'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WORKSPACE_FILES = "Workspace Files";
+ }
+ public static class OtherJSFProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Other->JSF Project
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSF Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Other");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'web.xml Location*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEBXML_LOCATION = "web.xml Location*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Location'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_LOCATION = "Project Location";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project Name*";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create Eclipse project in Workspace '
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_ECLIPSE_PROJECT_IN_WORKSPACE__ = "Create Eclipse project in Workspace ";
+ }
+ public static class OtherJSFProjectFromwar {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Other->JSF Project From *.war
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSF Project From *.war";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Other");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JSF project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JSF_PROJECT = "JSF project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_SERVER = "Target Server";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Context Path*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONTEXT_PATH = "Context Path*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Runtime*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_RUNTIME = "Runtime*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '*.war Location:*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WAR_LOCATION = "*.war Location:*";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use Default Path'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_PATH = "Use Default Path";
+ }
+ public static class OtherStrutsProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Other->Struts Project
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Struts Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Other");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'web.xml Location*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEBXML_LOCATION = "web.xml Location*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Location'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_LOCATION = "Project Location";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT_NAME = "Project Name*";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create Eclipse project in Workspace '
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_ECLIPSE_PROJECT_IN_WORKSPACE__ = "Create Eclipse project in Workspace ";
+ }
+ public static class OtherStrutsProjectfromwar {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Other->Struts Project from *.war
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Struts Project from *.war";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Other");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME = "Name*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Target Server'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TARGET_SERVER = "Target Server";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Context Path*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONTEXT_PATH = "Context Path*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Runtime*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_RUNTIME = "Runtime*";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Struts project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_STRUTS_PROJECT = "Struts project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '*.war Location:*'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WAR_LOCATION = "*.war Location:*";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Use Default Path'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_USE_DEFAULT_PATH = "Use Default Path";
+ }
+ public static class OtherUnknowntagstemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Other->Unknown tags templates
+ */
+ public static final IImport LABEL = new IImport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Unknown tags templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Other");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Export {
+ public static class GeneralAntBuildfiles {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Ant Buildfiles
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ant Buildfiles";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Name for Ant buildfile:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_NAME_FOR_ANT_BUILDFILE = "Name for Ant buildfile:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JUnit output directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "JUnit output directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select the projects to use to generate the Ant buildfiles:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_THE_PROJECTS_TO_USE_TO_GENERATE_THE_ANT_BUILDFILES = "Select the projects to use to generate the Ant buildfiles:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Create target to compile project using Eclipse compiler'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CREATE_TARGET_TO_COMPILE_PROJECT_USING_ECLIPSE_COMPILER = "Create target to compile project using Eclipse compiler";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Check projects for Ant compatibility'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_CHECK_PROJECTS_FOR_ANT_COMPATIBILITY = "Check projects for Ant compatibility";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralArchiveFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Archive File
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Archive File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'To archive file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TO_ARCHIVE_FILE = "To archive file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Archive file'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ARCHIVE_FILE = "Archive file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Compress the contents of the file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_COMPRESS_THE_CONTENTS_OF_THE_FILE = "Compress the contents of the file";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralFileSystem {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->File System
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "File System";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'To directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TO_DIRECTORY = "To directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File system'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_SYSTEM = "File system";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing files without warning'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILES_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing files without warning";
+ }
+ public static class GeneralPreferences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Preferences
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Preferences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Export Preferences'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXPORT_PREFERENCES = "Export Preferences";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Description:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESCRIPTION = "Description:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'To preference file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TO_PREFERENCE_FILE = "To preference file:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing files without warning'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILES_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing files without warning";
+ }
+ public static class BPMNBPMNtojPDL {
+ /**
+ * represents item : BPMN->BPMN to jPDL
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "BPMN to jPDL";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("BPMN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'BPMN resources'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BPMN_RESOURCES = "BPMN resources";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'BPMN Resources'
+ */
+ }
+ public static class EJBEJBJARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : EJB->EJB JAR file
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "EJB JAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("EJB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_PROJECT = "EJB project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EJB Jar Export'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EJB_JAR_EXPORT = "EJB Jar Export";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Optimize for a specific server runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OPTIMIZE_FOR_A_SPECIFIC_SERVER_RUNTIME = "Optimize for a specific server runtime";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = "Overwrite existing file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export source files'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_SOURCE_FILES = "Export source files";
+ }
+ public static class ESBESBFile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : ESB->ESB File
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "ESB File";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("ESB");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'ESB Project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ESB_PROJECT = "ESB Project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'ESB Export'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ESB_EXPORT = "ESB Export";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Optimize for a specific server runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OPTIMIZE_FOR_A_SPECIFIC_SERVER_RUNTIME = "Optimize for a specific server runtime";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = "Overwrite existing file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export source files'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_SOURCE_FILES = "Export source files";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->JAR file
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "JAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Options:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_OPTIONS = "Options:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select the export destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_THE_EXPORT_DESTINATION = "Select the export destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select the resources to export:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_THE_RESOURCES_TO_EXPORT = "Select the resources to export:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'JAR file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAR_FILE = "JAR file:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export generated class files and resources'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_GENERATED_CLASS_FILES_AND_RESOURCES = "Export generated class files and resources";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export Java source files and resources'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_JAVA_SOURCE_FILES_AND_RESOURCES = "Export Java source files and resources";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing files without warning'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILES_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing files without warning";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Add directory entries'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ADD_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES = "Add directory entries";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export refactorings for checked projects.'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_REFACTORINGS_FOR_CHECKED_PROJECTS = "Export refactorings for checked projects.";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Compress the contents of the JAR file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_COMPRESS_THE_CONTENTS_OF_THE_JAR_FILE = "Compress the contents of the JAR file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export all output folders for checked projects'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_ALL_OUTPUT_FOLDERS_FOR_CHECKED_PROJECTS = "Export all output folders for checked projects";
+ }
+ public static class JavaJavadoc {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Javadoc
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Javadoc";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Doclet name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DOCLET_NAME = "Doclet name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Doclet class path:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DOCLET_CLASS_PATH = "Doclet class path:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Create Javadoc for members with visibility:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CREATE_JAVADOC_FOR_MEMBERS_WITH_VISIBILITY = "Create Javadoc for members with visibility:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Javadoc command:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVADOC_COMMAND = "Javadoc command:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select types for which Javadoc will be generated:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_TYPES_FOR_WHICH_JAVADOC_WILL_BE_GENERATED = "Select types for which Javadoc will be generated:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Javadoc Generation'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_JAVADOC_GENERATION = "Javadoc Generation";
+ }
+ public static class JavaRunnableJARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Runnable JAR file
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Runnable JAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'ANT script location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ANT_SCRIPT_LOCATION = "ANT script location:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Export destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXPORT_DESTINATION = "Export destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Library handling:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LIBRARY_HANDLING = "Library handling:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Launch configuration:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION = "Launch configuration:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Save as ANT script'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SAVE_AS_ANT_SCRIPT = "Save as ANT script";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEAppClientJARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->App Client JAR file
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "App Client JAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Application Client project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_APPLICATION_CLIENT_PROJECT = "Application Client project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Optimize for a specific server runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OPTIMIZE_FOR_A_SPECIFIC_SERVER_RUNTIME = "Optimize for a specific server runtime";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = "Overwrite existing file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export source files'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_SOURCE_FILES = "Export source files";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEEARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->EAR file
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "EAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR Export'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_EXPORT = "EAR Export";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'EAR project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EAR_PROJECT = "EAR project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Optimize for a specific server runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OPTIMIZE_FOR_A_SPECIFIC_SERVER_RUNTIME = "Optimize for a specific server runtime";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = "Overwrite existing file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export source files'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_SOURCE_FILES = "Export source files";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEEModuleArchive {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->Module Archive
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Module Archive";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Project'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = "Overwrite existing file";
+ }
+ public static class JavaEERARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE->RAR file
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "RAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java EE");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connector project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTOR_PROJECT = "Connector project:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Connector Export'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONNECTOR_EXPORT = "Connector Export";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Optimize for a specific server runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OPTIMIZE_FOR_A_SPECIFIC_SERVER_RUNTIME = "Optimize for a specific server runtime";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = "Overwrite existing file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export source files'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_SOURCE_FILES = "Export source files";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentDeployablefeatures {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Deployable features
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Deployable features";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Available Features:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_AVAILABLE_FEATURES = "Available Features:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '0 of 0 selected.'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_0_OF_0_SELECTED = "0 of 0 selected.";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Deployable features'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DEPLOYABLE_FEATURES = "Deployable features";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentDeployablepluginsandfragments {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Deployable plug-ins and fragments
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Deployable plug-ins and fragments";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled '0 of 0 selected.'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_0_OF_0_SELECTED = "0 of 0 selected.";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Available Plug-ins and Fragments:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_AVAILABLE_PLUGINS_AND_FRAGMENTS = "Available Plug-ins and Fragments:";
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentEclipseproduct {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Eclipse product
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Eclipse product";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Root directory:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ROOT_DIRECTORY = "Root directory:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Eclipse product'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ECLIPSE_PRODUCT = "Eclipse product";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Configuration:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_CONFIGURATION = "Configuration:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Generate metadata repository'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_GENERATE_METADATA_REPOSITORY = "Generate metadata repository";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export source:'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_SOURCE = "Export source:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Allow for binary cycles in target platform'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_ALLOW_FOR_BINARY_CYCLES_IN_TARGET_PLATFORM = "Allow for binary cycles in target platform";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Synchronize before exporting'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_SYNCHRONIZE_BEFORE_EXPORTING = "Synchronize before exporting";
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugBreakpoints {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Breakpoints
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Breakpoints";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Export Breakpoints'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_EXPORT_BREAKPOINTS = "Export Breakpoints";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'To file:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_TO_FILE = "To file:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Breakpoints:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_BREAKPOINTS = "Breakpoints:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file without warning'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing file without warning";
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugLaunchConfigurations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Launch Configurations
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Launch Configurations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Launch Configurations:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATIONS = "Launch Configurations:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Location:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_LOCATION = "Location:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file(s) without warning'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILES_WITHOUT_WARNING = "Overwrite existing file(s) without warning";
+ }
+ public static class TeamTeamProjectSet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->Team Project Set
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Team Project Set";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select the working sets to include in the Team Project Set:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_THE_WORKING_SETS_TO_INCLUDE_IN_THE_TEAM_PROJECT_SET = "Select the working sets to include in the Team Project Set:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Select the projects to include in the Team Project Set:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_SELECT_THE_PROJECTS_TO_INCLUDE_IN_THE_TEAM_PROJECT_SET = "Select the projects to include in the Team Project Set:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export working sets'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_WORKING_SETS = "Export working sets";
+ }
+ public static class WebWARfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->WAR file
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "WAR file";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Destination:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_DESTINATION = "Destination:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'WAR Export'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WAR_EXPORT = "WAR Export";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Web project:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_WEB_PROJECT = "Web project:";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Optimize for a specific server runtime'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OPTIMIZE_FOR_A_SPECIFIC_SERVER_RUNTIME = "Optimize for a specific server runtime";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Overwrite existing file'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILE = "Overwrite existing file";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Export source files'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_EXPORT_SOURCE_FILES = "Export source files";
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesWebService {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Web Service
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Service";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Launch the Web Services Explorer to publish this Web service to the Unit Test UDDI Registry'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_LAUNCH_THE_WEB_SERVICES_EXPLORER_TO_PUBLISH_THIS_WEB_SERVICE_TO_THE_UNIT_TEST_UDDI_REGISTRY = "Launch the Web Services Explorer to publish this Web service to the Unit Test UDDI Registry";
+ /**
+ * checkbox field labeled 'Launch the Web Services Explorer to publish this Web service to a UDDI Registry'
+ */
+ public static final String CHB_LAUNCH_THE_WEB_SERVICES_EXPLORER_TO_PUBLISH_THIS_WEB_SERVICE_TO_A_UDDI_REGISTRY = "Launch the Web Services Explorer to publish this Web service to a UDDI Registry";
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLCatalog {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Catalog
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML Catalog";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'File name:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_FILE_NAME = "File name:";
+ /**
+ * text field labeled 'Enter or select the parent folder:'
+ */
+ public static final String TEXT_ENTER_OR_SELECT_THE_PARENT_FOLDER = "Enter or select the parent folder:";
+ }
+ public static class OtherUnknowntagstemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Other->Unknown tags templates
+ */
+ public static final IExport LABEL = new IExport() {
+ public String getName() { return "Unknown tags templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Other");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Preference {
+ public static class GeneralAppearanceColorsandFonts {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Appearance->Colors and Fonts
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Colors and Fonts";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Appearance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralAppearanceLabelDecorations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Appearance->Label Decorations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Label Decorations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Appearance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralCapabilities {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Capabilities
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Capabilities";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralComparePatch {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Compare/Patch
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Compare/Patch";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralContentTypes {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Content Types
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Content Types";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsFileAssociations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->File Associations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "File Associations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsStructuredTextEditorsTaskTags {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->Structured Text Editors->Task Tags
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Task Tags";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ l.add("Structured Text Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsTextEditorsAccessibility {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->Text Editors->Accessibility
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Accessibility";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ l.add("Text Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsTextEditorsAnnotations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->Text Editors->Annotations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Annotations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ l.add("Text Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsTextEditorsHyperlinking {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->Text Editors->Hyperlinking
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hyperlinking";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ l.add("Text Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsTextEditorsLinkedMode {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->Text Editors->Linked Mode
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Linked Mode";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ l.add("Text Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsTextEditorsQuickDiff {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->Text Editors->Quick Diff
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Quick Diff";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ l.add("Text Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralEditorsTextEditorsSpelling {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Spelling";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ l.add("Text Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralKeys {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Keys
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Keys";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralNetworkConnectionsCache {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Network Connections->Cache
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Cache";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Network Connections");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralNetworkConnectionsSSH2 {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Network Connections->SSH2
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "SSH2";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Network Connections");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralPerspectives {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Perspectives
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Perspectives";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralSearch {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Search
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Search";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralSecuritySecureStorage {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Security->Secure Storage
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Secure Storage";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Security");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralServicePolicies {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Service Policies
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Service Policies";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralStartupandShutdownWorkspaces {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Startup and Shutdown->Workspaces
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Workspaces";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Startup and Shutdown");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralWebBrowser {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Web Browser
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Browser";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralWorkspaceBuildOrder {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Workspace->Build Order
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Build Order";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Workspace");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralWorkspaceLinkedResources {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Workspace->Linked Resources
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Linked Resources";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Workspace");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class GeneralWorkspaceLocalHistory {
+ /**
+ * represents item : General->Workspace->Local History
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Local History";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("General");
+ l.add("Workspace");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class AntEditorContentAssist {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Ant->Editor->Content Assist
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Content Assist";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Ant");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class AntEditorFormatter {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Ant->Editor->Formatter
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Formatter";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Ant");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class AntEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Ant->Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Ant");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class AntRuntime {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Ant->Runtime
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Runtime";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Ant");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementConnectivityDatabaseConnectionProfile {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->Connectivity->Database Connection Profile
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Database Connection Profile";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("Connectivity");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementConnectivityDriverDefinitions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->Connectivity->Driver Definitions
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Driver Definitions";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("Connectivity");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementConnectivityOpenDataAccessXMLDataSet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->Connectivity->Open Data Access->XML Data Set
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML Data Set";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("Connectivity");
+ l.add("Open Data Access");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementLabelDecorations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->Label Decorations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Label Decorations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentExecutionPlanViewOptions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->Execution Plan View Options
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Execution Plan View Options";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentGeneral {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->General
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "General";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSchemaObjectEditorConfiguration {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->Schema Object Editor Configuration
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Schema Object Editor Configuration";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLEditorCodeAssist {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Code Assist
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Code Assist";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ l.add("SQL Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLEditorSQLFilesScrapbooks {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->SQL Files/Scrapbooks
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "SQL Files/Scrapbooks";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ l.add("SQL Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLEditorSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ l.add("SQL Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ l.add("SQL Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLQueryBuilder {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Query Builder
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "SQL Query Builder";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLResultsViewOptionsExportFormatOptions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Results View Options->Export Format Options
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Export Format Options";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ l.add("SQL Results View Options");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLResultsViewOptionsHistoryOptions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Results View Options->History Options
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "History Options";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ l.add("SQL Results View Options");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DataManagementSQLDevelopmentSQLResultsViewOptionsResultSetViewerOptions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Results View Options->Result Set Viewer Options
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Result Set Viewer Options";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Data Management");
+ l.add("SQL Development");
+ l.add("SQL Results View Options");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsDroolsFlownodes {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Drools Flow nodes
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Drools Flow nodes";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class DroolsInstalledDroolsRuntimes {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Drools->Installed Drools Runtimes
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Installed Drools Runtimes";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Drools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class FreeMarkerEditor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : FreeMarker Editor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "FreeMarker Editor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class Guvnor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Guvnor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Guvnor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HelpContent {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Help->Content
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Content";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Help");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class HQLeditor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : HQL editor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "HQL editor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class InstallUpdateAutomaticUpdates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Install/Update->Automatic Updates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Automatic Updates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Install/Update");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class InstallUpdateAvailableSoftwareSites {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Install/Update->Available Software Sites
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Available Software Sites";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Install/Update");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaAppearanceMembersSortOrder {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Appearance->Members Sort Order
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Members Sort Order";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Appearance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaAppearanceTypeFilters {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Appearance->Type Filters
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Type Filters";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Appearance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaBuildPathClasspathVariables {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Classpath Variables";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Build Path");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaBuildPathUserLibraries {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Build Path->User Libraries
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "User Libraries";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Build Path");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCodeStyleCleanUp {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Code Style->Clean Up
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Clean Up";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Code Style");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCodeStyleCodeTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Code Style->Code Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Code Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Code Style");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCodeStyleFormatter {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Code Style->Formatter
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Formatter";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Code Style");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCodeStyleOrganizeImports {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Code Style->Organize Imports
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Organize Imports";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Code Style");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCompilerBuilding {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Compiler->Building
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Building";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Compiler");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCompilerErrorsWarnings {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Compiler->Errors/Warnings
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Errors/Warnings";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Compiler");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCompilerJavadoc {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Compiler->Javadoc
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Javadoc";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Compiler");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaCompilerTaskTags {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Compiler->Task Tags
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Task Tags";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Compiler");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaDebugDetailFormatters {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Debug->Detail Formatters
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Detail Formatters";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaDebugHeapWalking {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Debug->Heap Walking
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Heap Walking";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaDebugLogicalStructures {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Debug->Logical Structures
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Logical Structures";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaDebugPrimitiveDisplayOptions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Debug->Primitive Display Options
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Primitive Display Options";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaDebugStepFiltering {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Debug->Step Filtering
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Step Filtering";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorContentAssistAdvanced {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Advanced";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ l.add("Content Assist");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorContentAssistFavorites {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Content Assist->Favorites
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Favorites";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ l.add("Content Assist");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorFolding {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Folding
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Folding";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorHovers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Hovers
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hovers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorMarkOccurrences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Mark Occurrences
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Mark Occurrences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorSaveActions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Save Actions
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Save Actions";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEditorTyping {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Editor->Typing
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Typing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaInstalledJREsExecutionEnvironments {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Installed JREs->Execution Environments
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Execution Environments";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ l.add("Installed JREs");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaJUnit {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->JUnit
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JUnit";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaPropertiesFilesEditor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java->Properties Files Editor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Properties Files Editor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Java");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JavaEE {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Java EE
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java EE";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMjBPM3AssignmentTypes {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->jBPM 3->Assignment Types
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Assignment Types";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ l.add("jBPM 3");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMjBPM3JpdlTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->jBPM 3->Jpdl Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Jpdl Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ l.add("jBPM 3");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMjBPM3ServerDeployment {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->jBPM 3->Server Deployment
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Server Deployment";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ l.add("jBPM 3");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossjBPMRuntimeLocations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss jBPM->Runtime Locations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Runtime Locations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss jBPM");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsJBossESBRuntimes {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->JBoss ESB Runtimes
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss ESB Runtimes";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsJBossPortlet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->JBoss Portlet
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBoss Portlet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsProjectExamples {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Project Examples
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project Examples";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebCDIValidator {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->CDI->Validator
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validator";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("CDI");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebEditorsJSFFlowDiagram {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Editors->JSF Flow Diagram
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSF Flow Diagram";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebEditorsSeamPagesDiagram {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Editors->Seam Pages Diagram
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Seam Pages Diagram";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebEditorsStrutsFlowDiagram {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Editors->Struts Flow Diagram
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Struts Flow Diagram";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebEditorsTilesDiagram {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Editors->Tiles Diagram
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Tiles Diagram";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebEditorsVisualPageEditor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Editors->Visual Page Editor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Visual Page Editor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Editors");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebElVariables {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->El Variables
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "El Variables";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJSFJSFPages {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->JSF->JSF Pages
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSF Pages";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSF");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJSFProject {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->JSF->Project
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSF");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebJSFValidator {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->JSF->Validator
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validator";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSF");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebLabelDecorations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Label Decorations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Label Decorations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebSeamValidator {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Seam->Validator
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validator";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Seam");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsAutomationPluginInsets {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Struts->Automation->Plug-in Insets
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Plug-in Insets";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ l.add("Automation");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsAutomationResourceInsets {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Struts->Automation->Resource Insets
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Resource Insets";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ l.add("Automation");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsCustomization {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Struts->Customization
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Customization";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsProjectStrutsSupport {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Struts->Project->Struts Support
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Struts Support";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ l.add("Project");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebStrutsStrutsPages {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Struts->Struts Pages
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Struts Pages";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("Struts");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class JBossToolsWebVerification {
+ /**
+ * represents item : JBoss Tools->Web->Verification
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Verification";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("JBoss Tools");
+ l.add("Web");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentAPIBaselines {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->API Baselines
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "API Baselines";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentAPIErrorsWarnings {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->API Errors/Warnings
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "API Errors/Warnings";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentCompilers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Compilers
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Compilers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentEditors {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Editors
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Editors";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentOSGiFrameworks {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->OSGi Frameworks
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "OSGi Frameworks";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class PluginDevelopmentTargetPlatform {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Plug-in Development->Target Platform
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Target Platform";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Plug-in Development");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ProjectArchives {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Project Archives
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project Archives";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugConsole {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Console
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Console";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugExternalTools {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->External Tools
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "External Tools";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugLaunchingDefaultLaunchers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Launching->Default Launchers
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Default Launchers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ l.add("Launching");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugLaunchingLaunchConfigurations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Launching->Launch Configurations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Launch Configurations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ l.add("Launching");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugPerspectives {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->Perspectives
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Perspectives";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugStringSubstitution {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->String Substitution
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "String Substitution";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugTCPIPMonitor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->TCP/IP Monitor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "TCP/IP Monitor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class RunDebugViewManagement {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Run/Debug->View Management
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "View Management";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Run/Debug");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerAudio {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Audio
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Audio";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerDefaultFilesets {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Default Filesets
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Default Filesets";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerLaunching {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Launching
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Launching";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerProfilers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Profilers
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Profilers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class ServerRuntimeEnvironments {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Server->Runtime Environments
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Runtime Environments";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Server");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SpringAOPSupport {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->AOP Support
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "AOP Support";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SpringBeansSupportNamespaceVersions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Beans Support->Namespace Versions
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Namespace Versions";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ l.add("Beans Support");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SpringBeansSupportXMLTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Beans Support->XML Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ l.add("Beans Support");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SpringWebFlowSupport {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Spring->Web Flow Support
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Web Flow Support";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Spring");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class SWTBotPreferences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : SWTBot Preferences
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "SWTBot Preferences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSAnnotate {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Annotate
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Annotate";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSCommentTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Comment Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Comment Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSConsole {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Console
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Console";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSExtConnectionMethod {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Ext Connection Method
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ext Connection Method";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSLabelDecorations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Label Decorations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Label Decorations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSSynchronizeCompare {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Synchronize/Compare
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Synchronize/Compare";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSUpdateMerge {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Update/Merge
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Update/Merge";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamCVSWatchEdit {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->CVS->Watch/Edit
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Watch/Edit";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("CVS");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamFileContent {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->File Content
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "File Content";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamIgnoredResources {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->Ignored Resources
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Ignored Resources";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamModels {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->Models
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Models";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSVNCommentTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->SVN->Comment Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Comment Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSVNConsole {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->SVN->Console
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Console";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSVNDiffViewer {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->SVN->Diff Viewer
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Diff Viewer";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSVNLabelDecorations {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->SVN->Label Decorations
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Label Decorations";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSVNPasswordManagement {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->SVN->Password Management
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Password Management";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSVNPerformance {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->SVN->Performance
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Performance";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TeamSVNPropertiesConfiguration {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Team->SVN->Properties Configuration
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Properties Configuration";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Team");
+ l.add("SVN");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class TestNG {
+ /**
+ * represents item : TestNG
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "TestNG";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class Validation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebCSSFilesEditorSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->CSS Files->Editor->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("CSS Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebCSSFilesEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->CSS Files->Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("CSS Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebHTMLFilesEditorSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->HTML Files->Editor->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("HTML Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebHTMLFilesEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->HTML Files->Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("HTML Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebHTMLFilesEditorTyping {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->HTML Files->Editor->Typing
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Typing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("HTML Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebHTMLFilesValidation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->HTML Files->Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("HTML Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptAppearanceMembersSortOrder {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Appearance->Members Sort Order
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Members Sort Order";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Appearance");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptCodeStyleCleanUp {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Code Style->Clean Up
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Clean Up";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Code Style");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptCodeStyleCodeTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Code Style->Code Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Code Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Code Style");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptCodeStyleFormatter {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Code Style->Formatter
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Formatter";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Code Style");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorContentAssistAdvanced {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Advanced";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ l.add("Content Assist");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorFolding {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Folding
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Folding";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorHovers {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Hovers
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Hovers";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorMarkOccurrences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Mark Occurrences
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Mark Occurrences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorSaveActions {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Save Actions
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Save Actions";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptEditorTyping {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Editor->Typing
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Typing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptIncludePathUserLibraries {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Include Path->User Libraries
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "User Libraries";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Include Path");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptValidatorErrorsWarnings {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Validator->Errors/Warnings
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Errors/Warnings";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Validator");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptValidatorJSDoc {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Validator->JSDoc
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSDoc";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Validator");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaScriptValidatorTaskTags {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaScript->Validator->Task Tags
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Task Tags";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaScript");
+ l.add("Validator");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaServerFacesToolsFacesConfigEditor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaServer Faces Tools->FacesConfig Editor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "FacesConfig Editor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaServer Faces Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaServerFacesToolsValidation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaServer Faces Tools->Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaServer Faces Tools");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJavaServerFacesToolsViewsJSPTagRegistry {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JavaServer Faces Tools->Views->JSP Tag Registry
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSP Tag Registry";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JavaServer Faces Tools");
+ l.add("Views");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJSPFilesEditorSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JSP Files->Editor->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSP Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJSPFilesEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JSP Files->Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSP Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJSPFilesEditorTyping {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JSP Files->Editor->Typing
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Typing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSP Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJSPFilesJSPOccurrences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JSP Files->JSP Occurrences
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JSP Occurrences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSP Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebJSPFilesValidation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web->JSP Files->Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web");
+ l.add("JSP Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesAxisEmitter {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Axis Emitter
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Axis Emitter";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesAxis2Preferences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Axis2 Preferences
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Axis2 Preferences ";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesJBossWSPreferences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->JBossWS Preferences
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "JBossWS Preferences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesPopupDialogSelection {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Popup Dialog Selection
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Popup Dialog Selection";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesProjectTopology {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Project Topology
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Project Topology";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesResourceManagement {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Resource Management
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Resource Management";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesScenarioDefaults {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Scenario Defaults
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Scenario Defaults";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesServerandRuntime {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Server and Runtime
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Server and Runtime";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesTestFacilityDefaults {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Test Facility Defaults
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Test Facility Defaults";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesWizardValidation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->Wizard Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Wizard Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class WebServicesWSDLFiles {
+ /**
+ * represents item : Web Services->WSDL Files
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "WSDL Files";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("Web Services");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XDocletejbdoclet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XDoclet->ejbdoclet
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "ejbdoclet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XDoclet");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XDocletwebdoclet {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XDoclet->webdoclet
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "webdoclet";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XDoclet");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLDTDFilesSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->DTD Files->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("DTD Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLDTDFilesTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->DTD Files->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("DTD Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLCatalog {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Catalog
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML Catalog";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLFilesEditorSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Files->Editor->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XML Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLFilesEditorTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Files->Editor->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XML Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLFilesEditorTyping {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Files->Editor->Typing
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Typing";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XML Files");
+ l.add("Editor");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLFilesValidation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Files->Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XML Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLFilesXMLOccurrences {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Files->XML Occurrences
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "XML Occurrences";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XML Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLSchemaFilesEditor {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Schema Files->Editor
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Editor";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XML Schema Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXMLSchemaFilesValidation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XML Schema Files->Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XML Schema Files");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXPathXPathTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XPath->XPath Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "XPath Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XPath");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXSLJavaProcessors {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XSL->Java Processors
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Java Processors";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XSL");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXSLSyntaxColoring {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XSL->Syntax Coloring
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Syntax Coloring";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XSL");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXSLTemplates {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XSL->Templates
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Templates";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XSL");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public static class XMLXSLValidation {
+ /**
+ * represents item : XML->XSL->Validation
+ */
+ public static final IPreference LABEL = new IPreference() {
+ public String getName() { return "Validation";}
+ public List<String> getGroupPath() {
+ List<String> l = new Vector<String>();
+ l.add("XML");
+ l.add("XSL");
+ return l;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/ActionItem.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IActionItem.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IActionItem.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IActionItem.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import java.util.List;
+public interface IActionItem {
+ /**
+ * gets label name
+ */
+ public String getName();
+ /**
+ * gets path (in tree,list) to reach leaf returned by 'getName()'
+ */
+ public List<String> getGroupPath();
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IActionItem.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IExport.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IExport.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IExport.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+public interface IExport extends IActionItem {
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IExport.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IImport.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IImport.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IImport.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+public interface IImport extends IActionItem {
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IImport.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/INewObject.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/INewObject.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/INewObject.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+public interface INewObject extends IActionItem {
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/INewObject.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPerspective.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPerspective.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPerspective.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+public interface IPerspective extends IActionItem {
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPerspective.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPreference.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPreference.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPreference.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+public interface IPreference extends IActionItem {
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IPreference.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IServer.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IServer.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IServer.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+public interface IServer extends IActionItem {
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IServer.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IView.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IView.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IView.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* Generated Mon Mar 22 17:33:35 CET 2010 JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.IActionItem;
+public interface IView extends IActionItem {
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/gen/IView.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/parts/SWTBotBrowserExt.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/parts/SWTBotBrowserExt.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/parts/SWTBotBrowserExt.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.parts;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.finders.UIThreadRunnable;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.results.VoidResult;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.AbstractSWTBotControl;
+import org.hamcrest.SelfDescribing;
+ * browser component
+ * @author lzoubek
+ *
+ */
+public class SWTBotBrowserExt extends AbstractSWTBotControl<Browser> {
+ /**
+ * internal ProgressListener, which listens progress of loading page in browser
+ * @author lzoubek
+ *
+ */
+ class PListener implements ProgressListener {
+ private final SWTBotBrowserExt browser;
+ private boolean done=true;
+ public PListener(SWTBotBrowserExt b) {
+ browser=b;
+ }
+ public synchronized boolean isDone() {
+ return done;
+ }
+ public synchronized void setDone(boolean done) {
+ this.done = done;
+ }
+ public void changed(ProgressEvent event) {
+ }
+ public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
+ setDone(true);
+ browser.widget.removeProgressListener(this);
+ }
+ }
+ private final PListener pl;
+ public SWTBotBrowserExt(Browser w, SelfDescribing description)
+ throws WidgetNotFoundException {
+ super(w, description);
+ pl = new PListener(this);
+ }
+ public SWTBotBrowserExt(Browser w) {
+ super(w);
+ pl = new PListener(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * gets 'href' attribute of link from currently loaded
+ * @param title of link
+ * @return URL or null when no such link found
+ */
+ public String getLink(String title) {
+ Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("\\<a.*href=[\"|\'](\\S+)[\"|\'].*\\>(\\S+)\\<\\/a\\>",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ for (String link : getLinks(getText())) {
+ Matcher m = regex.matcher(link);
+ if (m.find()) {
+ if (title.equalsIgnoreCase(m.group(2))) {
+ return m.group(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private static List<String> getLinks(String htmlText) {
+ List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
+ String text = htmlText.toLowerCase();
+ int index = 0;
+ while (index<htmlText.length()) {
+ int linkBegin=text.indexOf("<a", index);
+ int linkEnd=text.indexOf("</a>",index);
+ if (linkBegin>=0 && linkEnd>0) {
+ list.add(htmlText.substring(linkBegin, linkEnd+4));
+ index+=linkEnd-index+1;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * navigates browser to URL found under link's href with given title
+ * @param title of link to follow
+ * @return true if such link was found and {@link #goURL(String)} was invoked
+ */
+ public boolean followLink(String title) {
+ String link = getLink(title);
+ if (link==null) return false;
+ goURL(link);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void back() {
+ UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(new VoidResult() {
+ public void run() {
+ pl.setDone(false);
+ widget.addProgressListener(pl);
+ if (widget.isBackEnabled()) {
+ if (!widget.back()) {
+ pl.setDone(true);
+ widget.removeProgressListener(pl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * loads given URI into browser, page is loaded asynchronously (see {@link #isPageLoaded()})
+ *
+ * @param uri
+ */
+ public void goURL(final String uri) {
+ UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(new VoidResult() {
+ public void run() {
+ pl.setDone(false);
+ widget.addProgressListener(pl);
+ if (!widget.setUrl(uri)) {
+ pl.setDone(true);
+ widget.removeProgressListener(pl);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @return true by default or when page was completely loaded by browser
+ * = asynchronous page load invoked by {@link #goURL(String)} was finished
+ */
+ public boolean isPageLoaded() {
+ return pl.isDone();
+ }
+ /**
+ * refreshes current page
+ */
+ public void refresh() {
+ UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(new VoidResult() {
+ public void run() {
+ widget.refresh();
+ }
+ });
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/parts/SWTBotBrowserExt.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/types/IDELabel.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/types/IDELabel.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/types/IDELabel.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -55,11 +55,12 @@
public static final String STOP = "Stop";
public static final String STRUTS_PROJECT = "Struts Project";
public static final String PREFERENCES = "Preferences";
- public static final String JBT_REMOVE_STRUTS_CAPABILITIES = "Remove Struts Capabilities";
- public static final String ADD_STRUTS_CAPABILITIES = "Add Struts Capabilities...";
- public static final String WEB_PROJECT_JBT_STRUTS = "JBoss Tools Struts";
- public static final String RUN = "Run";
- public static final String RUN_ON_SERVER = "Run on Server";
+ public static final String JBT_REMOVE_STRUTS_CAPABILITIES = "Remove Struts Capabilities";
+ public static final String ADD_STRUTS_CAPABILITIES = "Add Struts Capabilities...";
+ public static final String WEB_PROJECT_JBT_STRUTS = "JBoss Tools Struts";
+ public static final String RUN = "Run";
+ public static final String RUN_ON_SERVER = "Run on Server";
+ public static final String ADD_AND_REMOVE="Add and Remove...";
@@ -303,16 +304,19 @@
public static final class ServerGroup {
public static final String JBOSS_EAP_4_3 = "JBoss Enterprise Middleware";
+ public static final String JBOSS_EAP_5_0 = "JBoss Enterprise Middleware";
public static final class ServerRuntimeType {
public static final String JBOSS_EAP_4_3 = "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3 Runtime";
+ public static final String JBOSS_EAP_5_0 = "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0 Runtime";
public static final class ServerType {
public static final String JBOSS_EAP_4_3 = "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3";
+ public static final String JBOSS_EAP_5_0 = "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0";
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/types/JobLists.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/types/JobLists.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/types/JobLists.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@
public class JobLists {
- public static String[] ignoredJobs = { "Usage Data Event consumer",
+ public static String[] ignoredJobs = { "Process Console Input Job", "Usage Data Event consumer",
"Updating indexes" };
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/PackageExplorer.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/PackageExplorer.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/PackageExplorer.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.view;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.SWTBot;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTBotExt;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.IDELabel;
Modified: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/ProjectExplorer.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/ProjectExplorer.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/ProjectExplorer.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -10,13 +10,25 @@
package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.view;
+import static org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTTestExt.eclipse;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.widgets.SWTBotEditor;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.SWTBot;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotMenu;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTree;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTBotExt;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTOpenExt;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTUtilExt;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.helper.ContextMenuHelper;
import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.IDELabel;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.ViewType;
* Eclipse project type enum
@@ -28,6 +40,16 @@
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProjectExplorer.class);
+ public ProjectExplorer() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * shows Project Explorer view
+ */
+ public void show() {
+ new SWTOpenExt(this).viewOpen(ActionItem.View.GeneralProjectExplorer.LABEL);
+ }
public SWTBotEditor openFile(String projectName, String... path) {
SWTBot viewBot = viewByTitle(IDELabel.View.PROJECT_EXPLORER).bot();
@@ -36,7 +58,6 @@
SWTBotTree tree = viewBot.tree();
SWTBotTreeItem item = tree.expandNode(projectName);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(projectName);
// Go through path
for (String nodeName : path) {
item = item.expandNode(nodeName);
@@ -49,4 +70,81 @@
SWTBotEditor editor = activeEditor();
return editor;
+ public void deleteAllProjects() {
+ SWTBot viewBot = viewByTitle(IDELabel.View.PROJECT_EXPLORER).bot();
+ List<String> items = new Vector<String>();
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem ti : viewBot.tree().getAllItems()) {
+ items.add(ti.getText());
+ }
+ for (String proj : items) {
+ try {
+ viewBot.tree().select(proj);
+ // try to select project in tree (in some cases, when one project is deleted,
+ // the other item in tree (not being a project) is auto-deleted)
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ log.warn("Attempted to delete non-existing project '"+proj+"'");
+ continue;
+ }
+ deleteProject(proj,true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * deletes given project from workspace
+ * @param projectName
+ * @param fileSystem if true, project will be also deleted from filesystem
+ */
+ public void deleteProject(String projectName, boolean fileSystem) {
+ SWTBot viewBot = viewByTitle(IDELabel.View.PROJECT_EXPLORER).bot();
+ SWTBotTreeItem item = viewBot.tree().expandNode(projectName);
+ ContextMenuHelper.prepareTreeItemForContextMenu(viewBot.tree(), item);
+ new SWTBotMenu(ContextMenuHelper.getContextMenu(viewBot.tree(), IDELabel.Menu.DELETE, false)).click();
+ shell("Delete Resources").activate();
+ if (fileSystem) {
+ checkBox().click();
+ }
+ new SWTOpenExt(this).finish(this,IDELabel.Button.OK);
+ new SWTUtilExt(this).waitForNonIgnoredJobs();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Selects given project in Package Explorer
+ */
+ public void selectProject(String projectName) {
+ SWTBot viewBot = viewByTitle(IDELabel.View.PROJECT_EXPLORER).bot();
+ viewBot.tree().expandNode(projectName).select();
+ }
+ /**
+ * true if resource described by parameters exists in ProjectExplorer
+ * @param projectName project name
+ * @param resource path (e.g. 'Project' 'src' 'org.jbosstools.test' 'MyClass.java')
+ * @return
+ */
+ public boolean existsResource(String... resource) {
+ try {
+ SWTBot viewBot = viewByTitle(IDELabel.View.PROJECT_EXPLORER).bot();
+ SWTBotTreeItem ancestor = viewBot.tree().getTreeItem(resource[0]);
+ viewBot.tree().expandNode(resource[0]);
+ for (int i=1;i<resource.length;i++) {
+ ancestor = getItem(ancestor, resource[i]);
+ if (ancestor == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private SWTBotTreeItem getItem(SWTBotTreeItem ancestor, String name) {
+ try {
+ return ancestor.expandNode(name);
+ }
+ catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/ServersView.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/ServersView.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/ServersView.java 2010-03-30 09:29:05 UTC (rev 21132)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.view;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.SWTBot;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.finders.UIThreadRunnable;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.results.VoidResult;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotButton;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotMenu;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTree;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTBotExt;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTOpenExt;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen.ActionItem.View.ServerServers;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.helper.ContextMenuHelper;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.types.IDELabel;
+public class ServersView extends SWTBotExt {
+ Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProjectExplorer.class);
+ private final SWTOpenExt open;
+ public ServersView() {
+ open = new SWTOpenExt(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * shows Project Explorer view
+ */
+ public void show() {
+ open.viewOpen(ActionItem.View.ServerServers.LABEL);
+ }
+ /**
+ * removes all projects from server with given name
+ * @param serverName
+ */
+ public void removeAllProjectsFromServer(String serverName) {
+ SWTBot bot = open.viewSelect(ServerServers.LABEL).bot();
+ SWTBotTree tree = bot.tree();
+ SWTBotTreeItem server = findServerByName(tree,serverName);
+ if (server!=null) {
+ ContextMenuHelper.prepareTreeItemForContextMenu(tree, server);
+ new SWTBotMenu(ContextMenuHelper.getContextMenu(tree, IDELabel.Menu.ADD_AND_REMOVE, false)).click();
+ try {
+ shell(IDELabel.Menu.ADD_AND_REMOVE).activate();
+ SWTBotButton btRemoveAll=button("<< Remove All");
+ if (btRemoveAll.isEnabled()) {
+ btRemoveAll.click();
+ }
+ open.finish(this, IDELabel.Button.FINISH);
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ shell("Server").activate();
+ button(IDELabel.Button.OK).click();
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private SWTBotTreeItem findServerByName(SWTBotTree tree, String name) {
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem i : tree.getAllItems()) {
+ if (i.getText().startsWith(name)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/view/ServersView.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21131 - in trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext: generator and 1 other directory.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: lzoubek(a)redhat.com
Date: 2010-03-30 05:15:44 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21131
added SWTBot extensions usefull when opening views/exports/imports/wizards
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemSniffer.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemSniffer.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemSniffer.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * This program is made available under the terms of the
+ * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+ * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ *
+ * Contributor:
+ * Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.generator;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.SWTWorkbenchBot;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.junit.SWTBotJunit4ClassRunner;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotShell;
+import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
+import org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTTestExt;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+public class ActionItemSniffer extends SWTTestExt {
+ private static SWTWorkbenchBot bot;
+ @Test
+ public void generateLabels() {
+ Stack<SWTBotTreeItem> stack = new Stack<SWTBotTreeItem>();
+ // retrieve createnew tree items
+ List<LabelEntity> createNew = new Vector<LabelEntity>();
+ bot.menu("File").menu("New").menu("Other...").click();
+ SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("New");
+ shell.activate();
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem item : bot.tree().getAllItems()) {
+ getItems(item, stack, createNew);
+ }
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ stack.clear();
+ // retrieve perspectives
+ List<LabelEntity> perspectives = new Vector<LabelEntity>();
+ bot.menu("Window").menu("Open Perspective").menu("Other...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Open Perspective");
+ shell.activate();
+ for (int i = 0; i < bot.table().rowCount(); i++) {
+ LabelEntity le = new LabelEntity();
+ le.setName(bot.table().getTableItem(i).getText());
+ perspectives.add(le);
+ }
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ stack.clear();
+ // retrieve views
+ List<LabelEntity> views = new Vector<LabelEntity>();
+ bot.menu("Window").menu("Show View").menu("Other...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Show View");
+ shell.activate();
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem item : bot.tree().getAllItems()) {
+ getItems(item, stack, views);
+ }
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ stack.clear();
+ // retrieve Import options
+ List<LabelEntity> imports = new Vector<LabelEntity>();
+ bot.menu("File").menu("Import...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Import");
+ shell.activate();
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem item : bot.tree().getAllItems()) {
+ getItems(item, stack, imports);
+ }
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ stack.clear();
+ // retrieve exports
+ List<LabelEntity> exports = new Vector<LabelEntity>();
+ bot.menu("File").menu("Export...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Export");
+ shell.activate();
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem item : bot.tree().getAllItems()) {
+ getItems(item, stack, exports);
+ }
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ stack.clear();
+ // retrieve preferences tree
+ List<LabelEntity> preferences = new Vector<LabelEntity>();
+ bot.menu("Window").menu("Preferences").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Preferences");
+ shell.activate();
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem item : bot.tree().getAllItems()) {
+ getItems(item, stack, preferences);
+ }
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ stack.clear();
+ List<LabelEntity> servers = new Vector<LabelEntity>();
+ bot.menu("File").menu("New").menu("Other...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("New");
+ shell.activate();
+ bot.tree().expandNode("Server").select("Server");
+ bot.button("Next >").click();
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem item : bot.tree().getAllItems()) {
+ getItems(item, stack, servers);
+ }
+ fillEntityDetails(servers, true);
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ stack.clear();
+ // switch to java perspective
+ bot.menu("Window").menu("Open Perspective").menu("Other...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Open Perspective");
+ shell.activate();
+ bot.table().select("Java");
+ bot.button("OK").click();
+ // first create some project
+ bot.menu("File").menu("New").menu("Other...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("New");
+ shell.activate();
+ bot.tree().getTreeItem("Java Project").select();
+ bot.button("Next >").click();
+ bot.textWithLabel("Project name:").setText("aaa");
+ bot.sleep(10000);
+ bot.button("Finish").click();
+ bot.sleep(20000);
+ // go through all wizards, click next, sniff labels and back
+ bot.menu("File").menu("New").menu("Other...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("New");
+ shell.activate();
+ fillEntityDetails(createNew, true);
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ bot.menu("File").menu("Import...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Import");
+ shell.activate();
+ fillEntityDetails(imports, true);
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ bot.menu("File").menu("Export...").click();
+ shell = bot.shell("Export");
+ shell.activate();
+ fillEntityDetails(exports, true);
+ bot.button("Cancel").click();
+ // finally generate java sources
+ ActionItemWriter gen = new ActionItemWriter();
+ gen.getEntityMap().put("View", views);
+ gen.getEntityMap().put("Server", servers);
+ gen.getEntityMap().put("Perspective", perspectives);
+ gen.getEntityMap().put("NewObject", createNew);
+ gen.getEntityMap().put("Import", imports);
+ gen.getEntityMap().put("Export", exports);
+ gen.getEntityMap().put("Preference", preferences);
+ try {
+ gen.generateInterfaces();
+ gen.generateClasses();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void fillEntityDetails(List<LabelEntity> createNew, boolean mustNext) {
+ for (final LabelEntity le : createNew) {
+ // filter some items
+ if (le.getName().equals("Create a Sample Web Service")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (le.getPath().size() > 0 && le.getPath().get(0).equals("Test")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ log.info("Scanning " + le.toString());
+ Iterator<String> iter = le.getPath().iterator();
+ SWTBotTreeItem item = bot.tree().getTreeItem(iter.next());
+ item.expand();
+ try {
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String nodeName = iter.next();
+ item = item.getNode(nodeName);
+ item.expand();
+ }
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ log.error("Error processing treeView, skipping, item "
+ + le.toString());
+ log.error(ex);
+ continue;
+ }
+ item.select();
+ if (mustNext) {
+ if (bot.button("Next >").isEnabled()) {
+ bot.button("Next >").click();
+ } else {
+ log.info("Wizard '" + le.getName()
+ + "' does not lead anywhere");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // retrieve all interesting labels, checkboxes on form
+ Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
+ private boolean isTextFieldLabel(String label) {
+ return label.trim().endsWith(":")
+ || label.trim().endsWith("*");
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public void run() {
+ List<Label> labels = bot.getFinder().findControls(
+ WidgetMatcherFactory.widgetOfType(Label.class));
+ int i=0;
+ for (Label l : labels) {
+ if (i==0) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ String text = l.getText().replaceAll("\\&", "");
+ if (!"".equals(text) && isTextFieldLabel(text)) {
+ le.getTextFields().add(text.trim());
+ }
+ }
+ List<Widget> chboxes = bot.getFinder().findControls(
+ WidgetMatcherFactory.allOf(WidgetMatcherFactory
+ .withStyle(SWT.CHECK, "SWT.CHECK"),
+ WidgetMatcherFactory
+ .widgetOfType(Button.class)));
+ for (Widget l : chboxes) {
+ String text = ((Button) l).getText().replaceAll("\\&",
+ "");
+ if (!"".equals(text)) {
+ le.getChbFields().add(text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (mustNext) {
+ bot.button("< Back").click();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void createEntity(Stack<SWTBotTreeItem> stack,
+ List<LabelEntity> entities) {
+ SWTBotTreeItem item = stack.peek();
+ LabelEntity le = new LabelEntity();
+ // log.info("Found entity "+item.getText());
+ le.setName(item.getText());
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem s : stack) {
+ le.getPath().add(s.getText());
+ }
+ entities.add(le);
+ }
+ public void getItems(SWTBotTreeItem item, Stack<SWTBotTreeItem> stack,
+ List<LabelEntity> entities) {
+ stack.push(item);
+ item.expand();
+ SWTBotTreeItem[] items = item.getItems();
+ if (items.length == 0) {
+ // printStack(stack);
+ createEntity(stack, entities);
+ } else {
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem i : items) {
+ getItems(i, stack, entities);
+ }
+ }
+ stack.pop();
+ }
+ public void getItemsAllNodes(SWTBotTreeItem item,
+ Stack<SWTBotTreeItem> stack, List<LabelEntity> entities) {
+ stack.push(item);
+ item.expand();
+ SWTBotTreeItem[] items = item.getItems();
+ createEntity(stack, entities);
+ if (items.length == 0) {
+ // printStack(stack);
+ } else {
+ for (SWTBotTreeItem i : items) {
+ getItems(i, stack, entities);
+ }
+ }
+ stack.pop();
+ }
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
+ bot = new SWTWorkbenchBot();
+ try {
+ bot.viewByTitle("Welcome").close();
+ } catch (WidgetNotFoundException ex) {
+ }
+ bot.sleep(3000);
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemSniffer.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemWriter.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemWriter.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemWriter.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.generator;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class ActionItemWriter {
+ private static final String outputDir = "/data/svn/jbosstools/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src";
+ private static final String packageName = "org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.gen";
+ private static final String packageDir = packageName.replaceAll("\\.", "/");
+ private static final String interfaceName = "IActionItem";
+ private static final String className = "ActionItem";
+ private static final String appName="JBDS 3.0.0-#50-GA";
+ private final Map<String, List<LabelEntity>> entityMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<LabelEntity>>();
+ public Map<String, List<LabelEntity>> getEntityMap() {
+ return entityMap;
+ }
+ private void genConstants(LabelEntity entity, PrintWriter pw,
+ String prefix) {
+ for (String constant : entity.getTextFields()) {
+ addJavaDoc(pw, "text field labeled '" + constant + "'", prefix);
+ pw.println(prefix + "public static final String TEXT_"
+ + LabelEntity.getConstantName(constant)
+ + " = \"" + constant + "\";");
+ }
+ for (String constant : entity.getChbFields()) {
+ addJavaDoc(pw, "checkbox field labeled '" + constant + "'", prefix);
+ pw.println(prefix + "public static final String CHB_"
+ + LabelEntity.getConstantName(constant)
+ + " = \"" + constant + "\";");
+ }
+ }
+ private void writePrintMethod(PrintWriter pw, String prefix) {
+ addJavaDoc(pw, "gets string representation of item", prefix);
+ pw.println(prefix+"public static String getItemString(" + interfaceName + " item) {");
+ pw.println(prefix);
+ pw.println(prefix+"\tStringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();");
+ pw.println(prefix+"\tfor (String s :item.getGroupPath()) {");
+ pw.println(prefix+"\t\tsb.append(s+\"->\");");
+ pw.println(prefix+"\t}");
+ pw.println(prefix+"\tsb.append(item.getName());");
+ pw.println(prefix+"\treturn sb.toString();");
+ pw.println(prefix+"}");
+ }
+ /**
+ * generates common IActionItem interface file, for each entity list in entityMap
+ * is also generated interface file derived from IActionItem
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void generateInterfaces() throws Exception {
+ PrintWriter pw = createFile(interfaceName);
+ addHeader(pw);
+ pw.println("import java.util.List;");
+ pw.println();
+ pw.println("public interface " + interfaceName + " {");
+ pw.println();
+ addJavaDoc(pw, "gets label name", "\t");
+ pw.println("\tpublic String getName();");
+ addJavaDoc(pw, "gets path (in tree,list) to reach leaf returned by 'getName()'", "\t");
+ pw.println("\tpublic List<String> getGroupPath();");
+ pw.println();
+ pw.println("}");
+ pw.println();
+ pw.close();
+ System.out.println("DONE");
+ generateSubIntefaces();
+ }
+ private void generateSubIntefaces() throws Exception {
+ for (String key : entityMap.keySet()) {
+ PrintWriter pw = createFile("I"+key);
+ addHeader(pw);
+ pw.println("import "+packageName+"."+interfaceName+";");
+ pw.println();
+ pw.println("public interface I" + key + " extends "+interfaceName+" {");
+ pw.println("}");
+ pw.close();
+ System.out.println("DONE");
+ pw.println();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * generates class files of entities
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void generateClasses() throws Exception {
+ PrintWriter pw = createFile(className);
+ addHeader(pw);
+ pw.println("import java.util.List;");
+ pw.println("import java.util.Vector;");
+ pw.println();
+ pw.println("public class " + className + " {");
+ pw.println();
+ writePrintMethod(pw, "");
+ for (String key : entityMap.keySet()) {
+ genLEClass(pw, key, entityMap.get(key), "\t");
+ pw.println();
+ }
+ pw.println("}");
+ pw.close();
+ System.out.println("DONE");
+ }
+ private static void genIFaceImplementation(LabelEntity entity, PrintWriter pw,
+ String prefix, String ifaceName) {
+ addJavaDoc(pw, "represents item : "
+ + entity.getDescriptionText(), prefix);
+ pw.println(prefix + "public static final " + ifaceName
+ + " LABEL = new " + ifaceName + "() {");
+ pw.println(prefix + "\tpublic String getName() { return \""
+ + entity.getName() + "\";}");
+ pw.println(prefix + "\tpublic List<String> getGroupPath() {");
+ pw.println(prefix + "\t\tList<String> l = new Vector<String>();");
+ for (int i = 0; i < entity.getPath().size() - 1; i++) {
+ pw.println(prefix + "\t\tl.add(\"" + entity.getPath().get(i)
+ + "\");");
+ }
+ pw.println(prefix + "\t\treturn l;");
+ pw.println(prefix + "\t}");
+ pw.println(prefix + "};");
+ }
+ private void genLEClass(PrintWriter pw, String SubClassName,
+ List<LabelEntity> items, String prefix) {
+ pw.println(prefix + "public static class " + SubClassName + " {");
+ prefix=prefix+"\t";
+ for (LabelEntity le : items) {
+ pw.println(prefix + "public static class "
+ + le.getClassName() + " {");
+ genIFaceImplementation(le, pw, prefix + "\t","I"+SubClassName);
+ genConstants(le, pw, prefix+"\t");
+ pw.println(prefix + "\t}");
+ }
+ pw.println();
+ pw.println(prefix + "}");
+ }
+ private static void addJavaDoc(PrintWriter pw,String content, String prefix) {
+ pw.println(prefix+"/**");
+ pw.println(prefix+"* "+content );
+ pw.println(prefix+"*/");
+ }
+ private void addHeader(PrintWriter pw) {
+ addJavaDoc(pw, "Generated "+ new Date()+ " "+appName, "");
+ pw.println("package " + packageName + ";");
+ pw.println();
+ }
+ private PrintWriter createFile(String className) throws Exception {
+ String file = outputDir + "/" + packageDir + "/" + className + ".java";
+ System.out.println("Generating file " + file);
+ new File(outputDir + "/" + packageDir).mkdirs();
+ return new PrintWriter(new File(file));
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ try {
+ new ActionItemWriter().generateInterfaces();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/ActionItemWriter.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
Added: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/LabelEntity.java
--- trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/LabelEntity.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/LabelEntity.java 2010-03-30 09:15:44 UTC (rev 21131)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.generator;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class LabelEntity {
+ private String name;
+ private List<String> path;
+ private Set<String> textFields;
+ private Set<String> chbFields;
+ public void setName(String name) {
+ this.name = name;
+ }public String getName() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ public List<String> getPath() {
+ if (path==null) {
+ path = new Vector<String>();
+ }
+ return path;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ for (String s : getPath()) {
+ sb.append(s+"->");
+ }
+ sb.delete(sb.length()-2,sb.length());
+ sb.append(" " + getName());
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ public Set<String> getTextFields() {
+ if (textFields==null) {
+ textFields=new HashSet<String>();
+ }
+ return textFields;
+ }
+ public Set<String> getChbFields() {
+ if (chbFields==null) {
+ chbFields=new HashSet<String>();
+ }
+ return chbFields;
+ }
+ private static String commonFiltering(String name) {
+ return name.replaceAll("\\=|\\?|,|\\[|\\]|\\'|\\:|\\.|\\(|\\)|-|/|\\*", "");
+ }
+ public String getDescriptionText() {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ Iterator<String> iter = this.getPath().iterator();
+ if (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String item=iter.next();
+ sb.append(item);
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ sb.append("->");
+ sb.append(iter.next());
+ }
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ public String getConstantName() {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ Iterator<String> iter = this.getPath().iterator();
+ if (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String item=commonFiltering(iter.next());
+ sb.append(item.replaceAll(" ", "_").toUpperCase());
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ sb.append("__");
+ sb.append(commonFiltering(iter.next()).replaceAll(" ", "_").toUpperCase());
+ }
+ } else {
+ sb.append(commonFiltering(this.getName()).replaceAll(" ", "_").toUpperCase());
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ public static String getConstantName(String s) {
+ return commonFiltering(s).replaceAll(" ", "_").toUpperCase();
+ }
+ public String getClassName() {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ Iterator<String> iter = this.getPath().iterator();
+ if (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String item=commonFiltering(iter.next());
+ sb.append(item.replaceAll(" ", ""));
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ //sb.append("X");
+ sb.append(commonFiltering(iter.next()).replaceAll(" ", ""));
+ }
+ } else {
+ sb.append(commonFiltering(this.getName()).replaceAll(" ", "").toUpperCase());
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext/src/org/jboss/tools/ui/bot/ext/generator/LabelEntity.java
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21129 - branches/modular_build.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: max.andersen(a)jboss.com
Date: 2010-03-30 05:00:26 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21129
bumped version of parent to match what is generated
Modified: branches/modular_build/parent-pom.xml
--- branches/modular_build/parent-pom.xml 2010-03-29 19:34:07 UTC (rev 21128)
+++ branches/modular_build/parent-pom.xml 2010-03-30 09:00:26 UTC (rev 21129)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
<name>JBoss Tools Parent</name>
@@ -172,17 +172,17 @@
- </repository>
- <repository>
- <id>xulrunner</id>
- <url>http://download.jboss.org/tools/updates/xulrunner/</url>
- <layout>p2</layout>
- <snapshots>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- </snapshots>
- <releases>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- </releases>
+ </repository>
+ <repository>
+ <id>xulrunner</id>
+ <url>http://download.jboss.org/tools/updates/xulrunner/</url>
+ <layout>p2</layout>
+ <snapshots>
+ <enabled>true</enabled>
+ </snapshots>
+ <releases>
+ <enabled>true</enabled>
+ </releases>
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21128 - workspace/examples.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: dgolovin
Date: 2010-03-29 15:34:07 -0400 (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21128
richfaces examples adjustment
Modified: workspace/examples/project-examples-3.0.xml
--- workspace/examples/project-examples-3.0.xml 2010-03-29 18:10:02 UTC (rev 21127)
+++ workspace/examples/project-examples-3.0.xml 2010-03-29 19:34:07 UTC (rev 21128)
@@ -599,23 +599,5 @@
- <project>
- <category>RichFaces</category>
- <name>RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application for JBoss AS 4.2.X</name>
- <included-projects>richfaces-demo</included-projects>
- <shortDescription>RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application - WAR</shortDescription>
- <description>This example contains RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application. It requires JBoss EAP 4.3 or JBoss AS 4.2.x.</description>
- <size>10640749</size>
- <url>
- http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/workspace/dgolovin/examples/rf/...
- </url>
- <fixes>
- <fix type="wtpruntime">
- <property name="allowed-types">org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.runtime.eap.43, org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.runtime.42</property>
- <property name="description">This project example requires the JBoss EAP 4.3 or JBoss AS 4.2.x</property>
- </fix>
- </fixes>
- </project>
Modified: workspace/examples/project-examples-3.1.xml
--- workspace/examples/project-examples-3.1.xml 2010-03-29 18:10:02 UTC (rev 21127)
+++ workspace/examples/project-examples-3.1.xml 2010-03-29 19:34:07 UTC (rev 21128)
@@ -907,22 +907,4 @@
- <project>
- <category>RichFaces</category>
- <name>RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application for JBoss AS 4.2.X</name>
- <included-projects>richfaces-demo</included-projects>
- <shortDescription>RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application - WAR</shortDescription>
- <description>This example contains RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application. It requires JBoss EAP 4.3 or JBoss AS 4.2.x.</description>
- <size>10640749</size>
- <url>
- http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/workspace/dgolovin/examples/rf/...
- </url>
- <fixes>
- <fix type="wtpruntime">
- <property name="allowed-types">org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.runtime.eap.43, org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.runtime.42</property>
- <property name="description">This project example requires the JBoss EAP 4.3 or JBoss AS 4.2.x</property>
- </fix>
- </fixes>
- </project>
Modified: workspace/examples/projectExamples.xml
--- workspace/examples/projectExamples.xml 2010-03-29 18:10:02 UTC (rev 21127)
+++ workspace/examples/projectExamples.xml 2010-03-29 19:34:07 UTC (rev 21128)
@@ -389,19 +389,8 @@
- <category>RichFaces</category>
- <name>RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application for JBoss AS 4.2.X</name>
- <included-projects>richfaces-demo</included-projects>
- <shortDescription>RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application - WAR</shortDescription>
- <description>This example contains RichFaces 3.2.2.SP1 Demo Application</description>
- <size>10640749</size>
- <url>
- http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/workspace/dgolovin/examples/rf/...
- </url>
- </project>
- <project>
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21127 - branches/modular_build.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: max.andersen(a)jboss.com
Date: 2010-03-29 14:10:02 -0400 (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21127
generate aggregator per module. JBDS-468
Modified: branches/modular_build/genpom.scala
--- branches/modular_build/genpom.scala 2010-03-29 17:45:33 UTC (rev 21126)
+++ branches/modular_build/genpom.scala 2010-03-29 18:10:02 UTC (rev 21127)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import scala.io.Source
import scala.xml.XML
-object HelloWorld {
+object GenPom {
case class GVA(groupId : String, artifactId : String, version : String)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
generateAggregator(new File("."),
new File("parent-pom.xml"),
- GVA("org.jboss.tools", "org.jboss.tools.parent.pom", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"),
+ GVA("org.jboss.tools", "org.jboss.tools.parent.pom", "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"),
GVA("org.jboss.tools", "trunk", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
def dump(dirs : Collection[File], parentPom : File, parent : GVA, me : GVA) {
for(f <- dirs) {
+ var aggregate = false
val manifest = new File(new File(f, "META-INF"), "MANIFEST.MF")
val plugins = new File(f, "plugins")
val tests = new File(f, "tests")
@@ -118,32 +118,51 @@
if(plugins.exists()) {
- generateAggregator(plugins,
+ aggregate = true
+ generateAggregator(plugins,
new File("../../" + parentPom.getPath()),
- GVA(me.groupId, f.getName() , "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
+ GVA(me.groupId, f.getName() + ".plugins" , "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
if(tests.exists()) {
- generateAggregator(tests,
+ aggregate = true
+ generateAggregator(tests,
new File("../../" + parentPom.getPath()),
- GVA(me.groupId, f.getName() , "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
+ GVA(me.groupId, f.getName() + ".tests", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
if(features.exists()) {
- generateAggregator(features,
+ aggregate = true
+ generateAggregator(features,
new File("../../" + parentPom.getPath()),
- GVA(me.groupId, f.getName() , "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
+ GVA(me.groupId, f.getName()+".features" , "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")
+ if(aggregate) {
+ println("Generate Agg for " + f)
+ generateAggregator(f, new File("../" + parentPom.getPath()), parent, GVA(me.groupId, f.getName()+".all", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"))
+ }
+ def isModule(n : File) : Boolean = {
+ def v = new File(n, "pom.xml").exists() ||
+ (!n.getName().contains(".sdk.") && (new File(new File(n, "META-INF"), "MANIFEST.MF").exists()) || (new File(n, "feature.xml").exists())) || (hasDirectory(n, "features") || hasDirectory(n, "tests") || hasDirectory(n, "plugins"))
+ return v
+ }
+ def hasDirectory(parent : File, name : String) : Boolean = {
+ val dir = new File(parent, name)
+ return dir.isDirectory() && dir.exists()
+ }
def generateAggregator(dir : File,
parentPom : File,
parent : GVA,
@@ -152,11 +171,12 @@
aggregatorcount = aggregatorcount + 1
val dirs = dir.listFiles().filter(
- (n) => n.isDirectory() && !n.getName().startsWith(".")
+ (n) => n.isDirectory() && !n.getName().startsWith(".") && !n.getName().contains(".sdk.")
val realModules = dirs.filter(
- (n) => n.isDirectory() && !n.getName().startsWith(".") && (new File(new File(n, "META-INF"), "MANIFEST.MF").exists() || (new File(n, "feature.xml").exists() && !n.getName().contains(".sdk."))))
+ (n) => isModule(n))
var modules =
<project xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
@@ -167,7 +187,7 @@
- <artifactId>{me.artifactId}.{dir.getName()}</artifactId>
+ <artifactId>{me.artifactId}</artifactId>
@@ -191,4 +211,4 @@
14 years, 9 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r21126 - in branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/tests/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test: src/org/jboss/tools/hibernate/ui/diagram/editors/model/test and 1 other directory.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: vyemialyanchyk
Date: 2010-03-29 13:45:33 -0400 (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 21126
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE-6070 - update
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/tests/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/tests/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-29 17:44:48 UTC (rev 21125)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/tests/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2010-03-29 17:45:33 UTC (rev 21126)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ org.hibernate.mediator,
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Export-Package: org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test
Modified: branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/tests/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test/src/org/jboss/tools/hibernate/ui/diagram/editors/model/test/OrmDiagramTest.java
--- branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/tests/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test/src/org/jboss/tools/hibernate/ui/diagram/editors/model/test/OrmDiagramTest.java 2010-03-29 17:44:48 UTC (rev 21125)
+++ branches/hibernatetools-multiversion/hibernatetools/tests/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.test/src/org/jboss/tools/hibernate/ui/diagram/editors/model/test/OrmDiagramTest.java 2010-03-29 17:45:33 UTC (rev 21126)
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.console.ConsoleConfiguration;
-import org.hibernate.console.stubs.ConfigurationStub;
-import org.hibernate.console.stubs.RootClassStub;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.stubs.ConfigurationStub;
+import org.hibernate.mediator.stubs.RootClassStub;
import org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.diagram.editors.model.OrmDiagram;
import org.jmock.Expectations;
import org.jmock.Mockery;
14 years, 9 months