(Sorry for the delay - I am just back from PTO today - I was not able to reply when I was
in Brno last week.)
It's not a disaster, as the QE team was able to verify the bug fixes - and move other
bugs to 5.0.2 - but in future for patches/small updates, we should focus/limit the bug
fixes to a controlled set.
The 5.0.1 release became a larger and more time-consuming effort that we had planned or
(Yeah - I would have voted for the minimalist approach. ;-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Boldt" <nboldt(a)redhat.com>
To: "Len DiMaggio" <ldimaggi(a)redhat.com>
Cc: "Jiri Peterka" <jpeterka(a)redhat.com>, "jbds-pm-list"
<jbds-pm-list(a)redhat.com>, jbosstools-dev(a)lists.jboss.org,
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:08:40 PM
Subject: Re: 3.3.1 / 5.0.1 - more JIRAs coming / latest respin almost
AFAIK there were multiple plans in place. One minimalist one, and
with a different set of urgent things to fix.
Max specifically asked that JBDS-2218, 2219, 2220, and 2221 get done
while he was AFK on PTO, but then later said we should only do the
smaller set. So, to resolve this conflicting direction, I went with
As to uping versions of 3rd party plugins, that will have to slip to
I've been waiting on feedback on these for at least a month:
Once they're accepted by QE I can push them into JBDS, but I
authorization to do so first. Note too that there's now a GWT 3.0.1
both Eclipse 3.7 and 4.2, which will ALSO need vetting - see
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-2235 for that one - need to
if we want 3.0.1 in JBDS 5 and 6, or just 6. Since 3.0.1 is the first
version I found that supports Juno, I've added it to the reqs mirror
TP in advance of your approvals simply because it's the only version
available. Should you deem it unacceptable, I'll of course remove it.
On 07/11/2012 05:53 PM, Len DiMaggio wrote:
> Greetings from Prague everyone,
> This plan sounds good - but - I thought that the plan for
> 5.0.1/3.3.1
> was to fix these bugs, and no others?
> /
> /
> /> JBIDE-12249, A lot of failures to install from
>> JBIDE-12248, JBoss Tools (Indigo) Installation from Eclipse
>> Marketplace
>> fails for Eclipse Indigo 3.7.0 and 3.7.1
>> Are we also up-ing the versions of some 3rd party plugins?
>> JBDS-2212, audit version numbers of features/plugins in JBDS 5.0.0
>> vs.
>> 4.1.3/
> The release seems to have grown quite a bit from this list.
> -- Len
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Jiri Peterka" <jpeterka(a)redhat.com>
> *To: *"Nick Boldt" <nboldt(a)redhat.com>
> *Cc: *"jbds-pm-list" <jbds-pm-list(a)redhat.com>,
> jbosstools-dev(a)lists.jboss.org, external-exadel-list(a)redhat.com
> *Sent: *Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:22:36 PM
> *Subject: *Re: 3.3.1 / 5.0.1 - more JIRAs coming / latest respin
> almost done
> Deal. We'll finish CR1a testing until end of Friday, please respin
> to GA
> on Sunday if no blockers are reported until end of Friday. No CR1b
> build will be done, I'll move rest of unresolved JIRAs to 3.3.2.
> Thanks, Jirka
> On 07/11/2012 06:01 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
> > Agree on all counts but this was a super-short runway (due to my
> > PTO
> > starting July 18), and not all the issues we wanted done for
> Friday's
> > code freeze were done in time.
> >
> > So, yeah, non-ideal and we'll try to do better for the .2
> maintenance
> > next time around (prolly in September, depending on when 6.0.0.M1
> gets
> > scheduled.
> >
> > I'll hold off providing you a CR1b, and we can just respin as GA
> > on
> > Sunday, unless you want me to wait until Monday night?
> >
> > On 07/11/2012 04:07 AM, Jiri Peterka wrote:
> >> Hi Nick,
> >>
> >> if there is a new respin for these, it's not possible to perform
> >> new
> >> build re-test in time (this week). For small-mid versions like
> >> 5.0.1
> >> expected procedure is:
> >>
> >> 1. All issues in JIRA for 3.3.1 are fixed first or postponed
> >> 2. Then QE Build for is delivered
> >> 3. QE is testing a build (we need 1 week approximately for a
> build) - no
> >> more new JIRA fixes during this period!
> >> 4. If non-trivial tests pass, then sign-off & 1:1 respin to GA,
> if not
> >> then new JIRAs are created and we are back at step 1
> >> 5. GA is put to CSP and basic verification is done by QE
> >>
> >> Currently we almost break all those rules which is not good for
> smooth
> >> testing process. I know there are be PTO & other planning
> reasons. Still
> >> we definitely need to avoid similar situations next time. Mainly
> step 1
> >> was not fulfilled and not all JIRAs has been fixed or postponed
> first
> >> and some fixes are still coming under QA phase. For QE it's
> >> really
> >> impossible to use a new build several times in one week and
> >> provide
> >> consistent testing and test results. And another expectation
> >> that is
> >> valid for small-mid updates is that dev phase on branch is done
> when QE
> >> build is coming.
> >>
> >> Thanks for understanding, regards,
> >>
> >> Jirka
> >>
> >> On 07/11/2012 04:27 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
> >>> Just a heads up that a few more issues have been added to the
> .1 pile.
> >>>
> >>> == UNRESOLVED ==
> >>>
> >>> JBIDE-12299 : Widen dependency range to support Mylyn 3.8
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> JBIDE-12273 : The Source Lookup plugin is not compatible with
> m2e 1.1
> >>> (m2e Juno)
> >>>
> >>> JBIDE-12111 : dynamically set the maven-compiler-plugin for
> >>> seam
> >>> projects, in order to avoid constraint violation occurring when
> >>> mavenizing seam 2.3 projects
> >>>
> >>> JBIDE-12207 : Bump default Seam version in the JBoss Maven
> >>> Facet
> >>> wizard page
> >>>
> >>> JBIDE-11310 : resetting models when user switches the openshift
> user
> >>>
> >>> JBDS-2219, JBDS-2220, JBDS-2221 : central connector tweaks for
> mylyn
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> JBDS-2218 : add eclipse-cs to Central
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>>
> >>> Looks like the affected components have all built and now we're
> just
> >>> waiting on the new updatesite/installer build for JBDS to
> >>> finish.
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
> Len DiMaggio (ldimaggi(a)redhat.com)
> JBoss by Red Hat
> 314 Littleton Road
> Westford, MA 01886 USA
> tel: 978.392.3179
> cell: 781.472.9912
> <
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
Len DiMaggio (ldimaggi(a)redhat.com)
JBoss by Red Hat
314 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886 USA
tel: 978.392.3179
cell: 781.472.9912