Guvnor split-up
by Michael Anstis
The time to split Guvnor into "Guvnor" (common asset management/generic
project framework) and "Drools IDE" (Editors for Drools assets) has arrived.
This is a list of the current Guvnor modules and a proposal as to the
split. Please feedback any comments - I'd like to split next week (and
perform related GAV changes):-
1. guvnor-comons-builder ---> drools-ide
2. guvnor-commons-data ---> split applicable components into guvnor and
drools-ide(sub-package …
[View More]"tables" is guvnor; the remainder are drools-ide).
3. guvnor-commons-security ---> drools-ide
4. guvnor-commons-security-api ---> drools-ide
5. guvnor-commons-ui ---> split applicable components into guvnor and
drools-ide (some classes in sub-package "widgets" are drools-ide and
sub-package "workitems" is drools-ide but can be deleted).
1. guvnor-core-services ---> guvnor
2. guvnor-datamodel ---> drools-ide
3. guvnor-project ---> drools-ide
4. guvnor-workingsets ---> delete (not used)
1. guvnor-categories-editor ---> drools-ide
2. guvnor-default-editor ---> drools-ide
3. guvnor-drl-text-editor ---> drools-ide
4. guvnor-dsl-text-edutor ---> drools-ide
5. guvnor-dtable-xls-editor ---> drools-ide
6. guvnor-enum-editor ---> drools-ide
7. guvnor-explorer ---> guvnor
8. guvnor-factmodel-editor ---> drools-ide
9. guvnor-globals-editor ---> drools-ide
10. guvnor-guided-dtable-editor ---> drools-ide
11. guvnor-guided-rule-editor ---> drools-ide
12. guvnor-guided-scorecard-editor ---> drools-ide
13. guvnor-guided-template-editor ---> drools-ide
14. guvnor-inbox ---> guvnor
15. guvnor-m2repo-editor ---> guvnor
16. guvnor-project-config-editor ---> drools-ide
17. guvnor-project-editor ---> drools-ide
18. guvnor-scorecard-xls-editor ---> drools-ide
19. guvnor-search-screen ---> guvnor
20. guvnor-test-scenario-editor ---> drools-ide
Worthy of mention is that the "Project Editor" becomes a Drools specific
project editor (as it needs to handle both pom.xml and kmodule.xml). There
is no "Project Editor" out of the box for Guvnor.
1. guvnor-showcase ---> drools-ide
1. guvnor-config-resource-widget ---> drools-ide
2. guvnor-decorated-grid-widget ---> drools-ide
3. guvnor-error-messages-widget ---> delete (not used)
4. guvnor-metadata-widget ---> guvnor
5. guvnor-view-source-widget ---> drools-ide
*GAV changes
drools-ide components would adopt the "org.drools.ide" GroupId; guvnor
components would adopt the "org.kie.guvnor" GroupId.
Package names would be corrected to follow the GAV-package naming
With kind regards,
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12 years
[BRMS 5.3] Bug 796654 in case of jbpm processes
by Giovanni Marigi
we have some "stateless" processes and we would like to use a stateless session to run them;
we don't have human tasks neither safe points but we are using work items;
looking at the following issue it seems that it should be possible to attach workitems to a stateless session but running some tests it seems true only if work items are not inside processes.
The unit test attached…
[View More]fd655f726d491fd18ab42dc2aa5eb... uses a work item in a drools rule and not inside a process.
In case of processes we have exceptions that work item handler XXX is not found....
The code we are using when we are going to start a new stateless process:
ksession.execute(new RegisterWorkItemHandlerCommand(KnowledgeConstants.EJB_CONTROL_WORK_ITEM,new EJBControlWorkItemHandler()));
Object execute = ksession.execute(CommandFactory.newStartProcess(processName, params));
Anyone can help me with this?
Giovanni Marigi
Red Hat - JBoss Consultant -
email: gmarigi(a)
Mobile: +39 3423175986
Office: +39 0687502315
Red Hat Italy
Via Andrea Doria 41m
00192 Roma - Italy
Prima di stampare, pensa all'ambiente ** Think about the environment before printing
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12 years
[JBPM 5.3] table I18NText
by Giovanni Marigi
we are getting out statistics from JBPM 5.3 (brms platform 5.3) under heavy load and the number of sql insert in the table I18NText is causing us problems
(it seems a bottleneck)
it seems that for each task creation 3 new records are inserted in I18NText:
- 1 for subject
- 1 for description
- 1 for name
if you don't specifiy the task name or the comment in the designer, however an entry is inserted with the text value as <null>
We are not interested in having I18N info for our …
[View More]tasks so we would like to exclude the persistence of this table; I know that it should be possible redefining the human task handler but in our case we are using as handler the class that couldn not be extended! (there are private and not protected fields inside as session,client,...)
Any hints?
Giovanni Marigi
Red Hat - JBoss Consultant -
email: gmarigi(a)
Mobile: +39 3423175986
Office: +39 0687502315
Red Hat Italy
Via Andrea Doria 41m
00192 Roma - Italy
Prima di stampare, pensa all'ambiente ** Think about the environment before printing
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12 years
Re: [jbpm-dev] [jbpm 5.x] about processes and persistence
by Giovanni Marigi
the processes we are talking about are containing some human tasks which should act as safe points.
----- Messaggio originale -----
Da: "Ugo Landini" <ulandini(a)>
A: "Giovanni Marigi" <gmarigi(a)>
Cc: sme-brms(a), "jbpm-dev" <jbpm-dev(a)>
Inviato: Giovedì, 7 marzo 2013 21:15:39
Oggetto: Re: [jbpm 5.x] about processes and persistence
If you don't have a safe point in your process, it won't be persisted.
-- uL
[View More]Solution Architect
Red Hat
D: +39-06-87502320
M: +39-346-3350669
F: +39-06-39728535
On 07/mar/2013, at 18:59, Giovanni Marigi <gmarigi(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> we have inside the same jbpm engine different processes, some need to be persisted on DBMS and others don't.
> Is it possible during the starting phase of a process define (ksession creation for example) if it must be persited or not?
> Moreover is it possible to have a process without persistence but "attached" to JTA?
> Thanks a lot.
> Best Regards,
> Giovanni
> --
> Giovanni Marigi
> Red Hat - JBoss Consultant -
> email: gmarigi(a)
> Mobile: +39 3423175986
> Office: +39 0687502315
> Red Hat Italy
> Via Andrea Doria 41m
> 00192 Roma - Italy
> Prima di stampare, pensa all'ambiente ** Think about the environment before printing
Giovanni Marigi
Red Hat - JBoss Consultant -
email: gmarigi(a)
Mobile: +39 3423175986
Office: +39 0687502315
Red Hat Italy
Via Andrea Doria 41m
00192 Roma - Italy
Prima di stampare, pensa all'ambiente ** Think about the environment before printing
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12 years
[jbpm 5.x] about processes and persistence
by Giovanni Marigi
we have inside the same jbpm engine different processes, some need to be persisted on DBMS and others don't.
Is it possible during the starting phase of a process define (ksession creation for example) if it must be persited or not?
Moreover is it possible to have a process without persistence but "attached" to JTA?
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
Giovanni Marigi
Red Hat - JBoss Consultant -
email: gmarigi(a)
Mobile: +39 3423175986
Office: +39 0687502315
Red Hat …
[View More]Italy
Via Andrea Doria 41m
00192 Roma - Italy
Prima di stampare, pensa all'ambiente ** Think about the environment before printing
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12 years
Using jBPM to create process workflow on web page
by Ganesh Takawale
We found jBPM an interesting to fit in our requirement.
As specified in docs, the process flow can be created in one of the following way:
1. Using the graphical process editor in the Eclipse plugin
2. As an XML file, according to the XML process format as defined in the XML Schema Definition in the BPMN 2.0 specification.
3. By directly creating a process using the Process API.
We are more interested in the specifying the XML schema for our process and have the process …
[View More]workflow created on Web page. The technology we need to use is Java.
So we would like to know :
- Whether jBPM provides the functionality to render flowchart on web page?
- Does jBPM creates the JPG/BMP image of process and renders on web page?
Based on your reply, It would help us whether we can go for jBPM or not.
Thanks & Regards
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12 years
Example Mina & human task list
Hi jBPM developers;
I'm new in jBPM development, I just read the first 7 chapters in book
"jbpm5_developer_guide", and I want to build a simple console
application (before using JSF web-based application) that shows the
tasks list associated to an owner, using the "Evaluation.bpmn" example
provided with jBPM5 installer by default.
*Can any one provide me a simple example to interact with Human task
service using "Mina work item handler" in order to showing the task list
associated to "…
[View More]krisv" user.*
Help me please.
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12 years