Platform BOM => How to add new dependencies or upgrade dependency versions
by Geoffrey De Smet
Hi guys,
The platform BOM work has been completed.
In the new situation, some of you might be wondering:
*Where do I add a new dependency, or upgrade an existing dependency's
1) *Where do I add a new internal**module?*
An internal module is a module of drools, jbpm, optaplanner, guvnor or
dashboard-builder itself.
Add it in droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/*-bom/pom.xml
Depending on the groupId of your new internal module:
groupId org.kie => add in kie-bom
groupId org.drools =…
[View More]> add in drools-bom
groupId org.jbpm => add in jbpm-bom
2) *Where do I add a new external dependency?*
Add it in
droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/kie-parent-with-dependencies/pom.xml in
Be sure to follow the conventions comment in that xml.
3) *Why is kie-parent-with-dependencies so empty?*
Most dependencies have been extracted to jboss-integration-platform-bom:
This is a bom we share with the switchyard team.
4) *Where do I change the version of an existing external dependency?*
Also in droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/kie-parent-with-dependencies/pom.xml.
If it's not there, but it is inherited from jboss-integration-platform-bom,
simply declare it again in kie-parent-with-dependencies
but with a different version.
5) *Can I add my dependency (or change my dependency version) directly
on jboss-integration-platform-bom?*
Because that can disrupt SwitchYard and circumvent validation.
At set times someone (probably Edson) will pull all new dependency and
dependency versions from kie-parent-with-dependencies into the
and also validate if nothing is conflicting with the EAP platform
version we're targetting.
6) *Can I add any new dependency in kie-parent-with-dependencies just
like before?
but just like before we expect certain minimal requirements:
- that the dependency is available in Maven Central or JBoss Nexus
- that the dependency's license is acceptable and described in it's
pom.xml file
Furthermore, you can prevent trouble by keeping these requirements in mind:
- by the time productization releases, it should be compatible with
the EAP version we'll be targeting by then. So if EAP has it, we need to
use the same version (or formally request EAP to upgrade their version).
- by the time productization releases, it should be compatible with
SwitchYard. So if SwitchYard has it, we need to use their version or
higher (they can always upgrade).
Hope that's clear :) If not, manstis will make a diagram this time ;-)
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11 years, 7 months
build.xml link
by nag raj
I am trying hands on and found is pointing to wrong version of jboss and I made the following changes to it.
"The difficult I can do today. The impossible will take a little longer." (Billie Holiday)
11 years, 7 months
Ticket numbers on commit messages
by Edson Tirelli
I would like to reinforce the need for ticket numbers on commit
messages, specially moving forward as the product requires tracking of each
and every commit.
Please make sure you add to your commit message the associated jira
(DROOLS-999, etc), or bugzilla (BZ-999999) or both.
Thank you,
Edson Tirelli
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat Business Systems and Intelligence Group
11 years, 7 months
Forking/Extending jbpm-designer for VDML and CMMN stencilsets
by Ampie Barnard
Hi jBPM devs,
I need to implement a web based modeling environment, initially just to
illustrate VDML and CMMN to some developers on another open source project.
However, there is a possibility that it may eventually be used and
I am impressed with what you guys have done with the original Oryx
codebase, and would much rather start from jBPM-designer than from the
current (dead) Oryx codebase. However, I am not sure which approach to take
extending jBPM designer and have the …
[View More]following questions:
1. I noticed the IDiagramProfile interface that makes stencilsets nicely
configurable from the serverside, but is it feasible yet to introduce an
entirely separately deployed (different jar/war) stencilset? I suspect
that the introduction of additional CDI beans would at least require
packaging inside the existing jBPM-designer war, even if I can deploy the
stencilset itself in a separate war, but I may be wrong.
2. If I cannot develop my extensions as a separate deployment, I will
probably have to resort to introducing my extensions to jBPM-designer on my
own fork, but does the jBPM-designer's license allow such re-packaging?
Kind Regards
Ampie Barnard
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11 years, 7 months
Issue regarding jBPM implementation
by Namit Khandelwal
Good Evening !!!
I am Namit Khandelwal working as a Java developer. I am implementing jBPM
for process automation in order to jump at advance level in technology.
I have downloaded the full installer from the link available your community
site and I have installed the BPMN 2.0 plugin to eclipse integration. I
have set jBPM run-time to eclipse. I have downloaded the drools plugin &
features to eclipse.
And finally,
I have created a simple application using jBPM project and added …
[View More]a simple
script task to process that is running perfectly fine, I have no issue.
But when I deployed all the application's wars that was generated in jboss
server's deployment directory I am facing some kind of exceptions that was
unable to trace but definitely I will.
*I didn't get the way how to start using the jbpm console when I logged in
using krisv/krisv*
*I got the whole UI. But no process is there. Everything is blank. Nothing
is working. How can I start over here. I request you to please show me the
way to go through it.*
*Another problem is that How could I start using jBPM for web application.
How can we integrate it with our JavaEE applications. *
I would request you to please suggest some way to move on.
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11 years, 7 months
Drools & jBPM CR2 release - second try
by Edson Tirelli
We fixed the blocker issues that we had last week for CR2 and we now
should be good to go.
Unless someone has any concerns, I would like to ask Michael to re-do
the release first thing Monday morning. Unfortunately, it has to start from
scratch, using the current 6.0.x branch.
I will be around, so please let me know if you face any problems.
Edson Tirelli
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat Business Systems and Intelligence Group
11 years, 7 months
[Important] 6.0.x branch
by Edson Tirelli
Just to reinforce, a mirror of the 6.0.x branch is being used for
product builds. This means that it is very important to keep 6.0.x branch
stable. Please:
* Make sure any changes done to master that are relevant to 6.0.x are
cherry-picked into the 6.0.x branch.
* Make sure that 6.0.x is building successfully after each commit. This is
critical and even more important than master at this time, as it impacts
not only our team but several teams downstream.
Thank you,
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Edson Tirelli
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat Business Systems and Intelligence Group
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11 years, 7 months
How do i get access to a WorkItem
by Afshad Dinshaw
Sorry for posting this question here but the jbpm forum has been down for a long time.
I am interested in getting access through the api to the Input and Output parameters of a Human Task service in a process
I see that this information lies in WorkItem if im not mistaken using getParameters() and getResults()
However how do I get access to the work item for a particular ProcessInstance pi?
I tried the following
Collection<org.drools.runtime.process.NodeInstance> …
[View More]nodeInstances = ((RuleFlowProcessInstance)pInstance).getNodeInstances(); From the node instances i tried to get the Work item:
WorkItem workItem = nodeInstance.getWorkItem();
but got a NPE since it seems the InternalKnowledgeRuntime is null in WorkItemNodeInstance getWorkItem()
Can anyone please help?
Thank you,
Afshad Dinshaw
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11 years, 7 months