Two months ago the 'url-pattern' of the upload servlet was changed from
/upload to /app/upload which resulted in it being secured by a
This was not realy announced so there were some posts on a changed location,
but now I know it's secured it might be the cause of several other posts in
the forum regarding errors when deploying and people starting to use
workarounds (deploy via ant).
So a small change in web.xml could revert this, but then people who started
using this new location will have to also make changes...
Personally, I'd change it to /upload again and have it unprotected as Koen
2009/2/20 Thomas Diesler <thomas.diesler(a)>
That the upload servlet is protected is new to me. Could you please
out who did this so we know who to talk to?
Koen Aers wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> While testing the deployment of processes from the gpd I came across the
> fact that the deployment servlet in the previous jBPM releases (3.3.1 and
> 3.2.5) is now secured. Also, the connection url for the deployment has
> changed. While the latter is not that much of an issue (as it can be changed
> in the preferences pages of the designer), the former is very much so. To be
> able to make this work again I need to be able to provide the credentials in
> a programmatic way. Maybe you can help me, but I couldn't find an easy way
> to do so as the logon mechanism used is a jsf specific one. Additionally,
> there should be a way to change the user and password strings (or store them
> as preferences). I am not sure if I will be able to incorporate these
> changes before the release.
> In addition, as argued in and
> the other related issues, we need to keep the out-of-the-box experience as
> smooth as possible for our community users, so IMO the upload servlet does
> not need to be protected as the SOA platform removes the servlet for
> production use.
> I am not sure if creating a new GPD makes sense if users will not be able
> to deploy their processes.
> Regards,
> Koen
Thomas Diesler
BPM Product Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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