Hi All,
The below diagram represents our workflow as per business requirements.
STATE A -----> STATE B ---------> STATE C
Control will flow from STATE A to STATE B. User at STATE B Can reject the
approval request or approve the request. If he approves the flow is smooth
ie. control should go to STATE C for approval.
Now if user at STATE B rejects then business demands the following 1)
Provide a recall option to user at STATE B so that we can change his
decision( means we have to keep the worklfow in waiting state here) 2) At
the same time control should go to STATE C where user will be shown only
the Reject button and if he rejects first then entire workflow will stop.
But if he has not taken any action then user at STATE B can recall his
reject decision and approve it. once he do it then control should go to
USER at state C as usual.
Now our doubt is this. 1) can we have the same workflow state at node B and
node C simultaneously. if we have to achieve what should be our approach.?