Yes I know you are Tiho - and, personally, I appreciate the value you bring
with your commits, questions and usage :)
sent on the move
On 13 Mar 2012 23:06, "Tihomir Surdilovic" <tsurdilo(a)> wrote:
All good points :)
I think sometimes people forget that I am a big promoter of Guvnor and
always have been. That said however Guvnor IMO is not a CMS and is not very
well suitable for HA of static content (or really HA of any content as it
is right now, I'm sure this will be much better in the future).
On 3/13/12 6:20 PM, Michael Anstis wrote:
Yes, I agree largely with what you say, but to add a little balance I
thought I'd respond too ;)
1) Technically, Guvnor doesn't need a J2EE server, just a Servlet
container so Tomcat does the job just fine.
2) AFAIK, you can download individual assets source from Guvnor with the
REST API. If you pushed a package file to Akamai* you have the same issue.
3) Fair point. If you don't have a single folder on Akamai* but scatter
your assets across a file system you have the same issue.
4) OK, move the point of failure from your control to a cloud solution.
Simpler, probably cheaper, but fair point.
I don't mean to start a tit-for-tat exchange, just adding some balance.
*Other cloud providers are available.
On 13 March 2012 17:43, Tihomir Surdilovic <tsurdilo(a)> wrote:
> I think you have very valid points. IMO just:
> 1) There should not be a limitation exposed on users to have to have
> Guvnor (and thus a J2EE server) running in order to host static files
> (service repo).
> 2) Guvnor assets are divided into packages, if you lets say have a
> "serviceRepo" package and from what I can tell you say build it and expose
> a pkg or zip or whatever, someone on the other end has to understand what a
> pkg file is/isnot or have to know how to unzip etc.
> 3) If you do not have a dedicated guvnor package for your service repo,
> then you need advanced logic to piece together all assets that belong to
> your the same environment that your users are developing/modelling
> in..not very intuitive imo.
> 4) Let's say you want to use guvnor and this is some sort of
> mission-critical service repo for you, to do this now you need a clustering
> environement of J2EE server(s) and Guvnor running in a cluster all
> connected to a clustered JCR repo..etc etc..instead of just pushing your
> static files to akamai and call it a day :)
> Thanks.
> On 3/13/12 1:32 PM, Mauricio Salatino wrote:
> Tiho, a question for you.. why guvnor cannot host a file? I mean.. I'm
> not sure how Porcelli is creating the war files for the services, but we
> can generate something similar right? some meta information, some images,
> some configuration files, etc, when the user or a client like eclipse want
> to get the workitemhandler installed it just create a zip file with all the
> required dependencies and it send that back to the client. In that way we
> will gain versioning, categorization and tagging for free..right? Plus the
> possibility in the future to manage that with a workflow for approvals if
> we add that for all the other resources.
> Probably I'm missing something but I don't understand what is the Guvnor
> limitation to host files or descriptors, we are already doing that for
> spring beans configs.
> Cheers
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Tihomir Surdilovic <tsurdilo(a)
> > wrote:
>> I'm not sure if Guvnor is the best place for it - because assets that
>> are stored in Guvnor are not very portable as a "unit" outside of
Guvnor. I
>> would rather make it in a way work like maven -> users can specify the
>> "parent" repository which can be one that we provide for the community
>> all out-of-the-box services nodes and run mvn clean install which will
>> build their local repo that they can expose on any public domain or server
>> they wish, any way they wish..just my 2c.
>> On 3/13/12 12:11 PM, Mauricio Salatino wrote:
>> At some point those definitions should be stored in guvnor right? Until
>> now I think it's just a folder with some meta-data files to define what is
>> in there, but I think that it really make sense to put that functionality
>> inside guvnor that is a fully fledged repository right?
>> Guvnor already provide the APIs to push resources, and we definitely
>> need to add a kind of workflow for resources.. but it's not there yet.
>> Cheers
>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Giovanni Marigi
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to know the status of service task repository;
>>> I really appreciate the idea behind it and delivering some POC,
>>> customers were really enthusiastic about this feature (especially its
>>> integration with jbpm designer and BRMS) but it seems that the actual repo
>>> doesn't have some new effort.
>>> Will we provide API to push service tasks to the repository? I think it
>>> should be useful to provide some mechanism to approve a new service task
>>> before to make it public.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Giovanni
>>> --
>>> Giovanni Marigi
>>> Red Hat - JBoss Consultant -
>>> email: gmarigi(a)
>>> Mobile: +39 3423175986
>>> Office: +39 0687502315
>>> Red Hat Italy
>>> Via Andrea Doria 41m
>>> 00192 Roma - Italy
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>>> before printing
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