That's right, the docs are still missing. Some of the functionality is only available
in particular situations, i.e:
- depending on the process itself (i.e task forms)
- the type & contents of process deployments (i.e. process image)
- plugin functionality (forms)
Before you go ahead a d discuss UI elements, it would make more sense to think about
meaningful constraints, that can be applied to process deployments. Currently the console
has to cope with a lot of unknowns, which derive from the "everything possible, but
nothing mandatory" style of coding that jbpm4 reflects.
Up to now I tried to include functionality in the console that is applicable to most of
the use cases, but of course there is much more do add. However if it only applies to a
small percentage of use cases and furthermore isn't even constrained to a certain
degree we cannot simply add it.
I'll give you an example:
Process variable inspection is one of those cases. There is currently no constraint on
variables whatsoever. The "hashmap" style of design allows for everything and
nothing at the same time. Of course it would be useful have that feature in the console,
but without any type descriptions associated with the process it will only work in
particular situations and break in others.
I can list plenty of other features that have been hold back, because the core codebase
doesn't allow for reliable hook into runtime inspection.
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