The original concept started out as you suggest:
- an action handler to send iCalendar / iTip / iMip notifications to a user via e-mail
- message bean yp handle iTip assignment confirmations / declines returned via e-mail.
- http retrieval of tasks in iCalendar format
and then developed further as I experimented with CalDav and CalDav sched:
- retrieval of task entries via CalDav
- accept / decline / complete / update tasks via CalDav
- creation of ad-hoc tasks via CalDav
- view actor free / busy via CalDav
Apart from the currently limited VTODO (task support) in some clients the potential for
extending PIM type apps based on standards for Human Task management is evident (have you
come across HumanEdj?). The main limitation is task specific variables and rendering,
although I have a few ideas on how to address this e.g. Xforms, XUL extensions. Currently
a link to access the task instance via the JBPM console is provided, and for simple tasks
the user can signal completion from the calendar client.
As much as possible I've limited the integration to layering the iCalendar model over
the JBPM task model and exposing this via e-mail, CalDav and HTTP .ics. The questions I
outlined are a result of mismatches between the two models. I've also had initial
discussions with CalConnect on limitations in the current iCalendar standards for this
Hope this answers...
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