we are getting out statistics from JBPM 5.3 (brms platform 5.3) under heavy load and the
number of sql insert in the table I18NText is causing us problems
(it seems a bottleneck)
it seems that for each task creation 3 new records are inserted in I18NText:
- 1 for subject
- 1 for description
- 1 for name
if you don't specifiy the task name or the comment in the designer, however an entry
is inserted with the text value as <null>
We are not interested in having I18N info for our tasks so we would like to exclude the
persistence of this table; I know that it should be possible redefining the human task
handler but in our case we are using as handler the class SyncWSHumanTaskHandler.java that
couldn not be extended! (there are private and not protected fields inside as
Any hints?
Giovanni Marigi
Red Hat - JBoss Consultant -
email: gmarigi(a)redhat.com
Mobile: +39 3423175986
Office: +39 0687502315
Red Hat Italy
Via Andrea Doria 41m
00192 Roma - Italy
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