Okay, trying to nav to two different places depending upon a variable that gets set by an
here is the n:nav tag
<n:nav outcome="transition" url="#{nid == '0' ?
'home.jsf' : 'task.jsf?id=#{nid}'}" storeMessages="true"
Now I think that the expression parser is getting confused because there is a #{variable}
inside of the outside #{string}.
Is there another way to do this? I'm thinking of writing a tag that takes a
trueValueVariable and a falseValueVariable and a condition and target.
If the condition is true, it assigns the trueValueVariable to the target, else it assigns
the falseValueVariable.
NOW, the question is will the n:nav tag handle a url="#{target}" where the
target was the name of the target variable in the previous assignment via the action?
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