Just found out that we've used the groupId in the jPDL file, for example, in the
TaskCandidateTest.class, we've had following jpdl file.
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <process name="TaskCandidates">
| <start g="20,20,48,48">
| <transition to="review" />
| </start>
| <task name="review"
| candidate-groups="jbpid_group_id_._._unit_._._sales-dept"
| g="96,16,127,52">
| <transition to="wait" />
| </task>
| <state name="wait" g="255,16,88,52"/>
| </process>
For the candiate-groups, we need to specify the groupId, because the groupId is identity
component specific, which means it might differ in different identity implementation. So I
don't think it is good to use the id in this case.
Because in the process of doing jboss identity integration, I've found if I want to
make the test suite passed, I need to update the jpdl file. And if I want to switch to use
the jbpm-built-in identity, then need to update the jpdl file again due to the change of
groupId difference.
My suggestion is: for groups, we used:
| candidate-groups = "groupName/groupType"
if the groupType == null or a default jBPM groupType (unit), it can be just specified as
only groupName, like:
| candidate-groups="groupName"
While, for the users, we've used username as the value.
| user="username"
Got any thoughts??
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