[webbeans-dev] CDI Quartz Extension and SE Example
by Peter Royle
I know you're all really busy right now with the spec updates, but
I've got a new extension for possible inclusion into WebBeans, plus a
new example app for SE which uses it.
== Quartz Extension ==
The extension is a Quartz extension. It basically fires events @Every
Second, @Every Minute and @Every Hour, which can be observed like so:
public void updateSomething(@Observes @Every Hour hour) { // blah }
On startup the extension first checks for the presence of observers
for each type of event and if there are no observers for a particular
type of event, no events will be scheduled.
I intend to extend it by:
1) introducing a way to define arbitrary schedules (in annotations or
in a properties file which is then referenced by name in an annotation
- which can then be made typesafe by subclassing the annotation). Eg:
package org.jboss.webbeans.extension.scheduler;
public @interface Scheduled {
String name();
public @interface AfterHours extends Scheduled{
String name() default "afterHours";
afterHours=0 1 * * * *
public void batchProcess(@Observes @AfterHours Schedule schedule)
{ ... }
2) Adding whatever is necessary to make this usable in EE environment.
Any pointers?
3) Any other suggestions?
== Memory Graph Example ==
This is another Swing based example, which renders a graph of the VM's
free memory, updating every second and calling garbage collection
every minute using the above extension. It's a nice concise example of
how to bootstrap and shutdown SE, how to observe events and how to use
the injectable logger. Plus everyone loves a pretty graph!
I know there is some obvious clean up work required, and maybe
removing the name Quartz (?) - which I'm happy to do prior to checking
What do you think?
15 years, 6 months
[webbeans-dev] event type with type variable
by Dan Allen
In several places, the specification reiterates that an event type may not
contain a type variable. However, it appears that this restriction is only
enforced at runtime when the event object is passed to either Event#fire()
or BeanManager#fireEvent() method. I would suggest that an validation check
be added so that the container detects an illegal Event definition at
deployment type. Here's an example of an illegal definition (from my
public class VoterRegistration<T> { ... }
@Any Event<VoterRegistration<Democrat>> democratRegisteredEvent;
Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
15 years, 7 months
[webbeans-dev] Webbeans Junit Runner
by Aslak Knutsen
I've written a Junit Runner for Webbeans support in TestCases. The following
features are supported:
- TestCase class field injection
- TestMethod arg injection
- Producers / Observers in the TestCase seems to work without any extras..
- 'Should' run in any EE/Servlet/SE enviroment (Only SE tested at the
The Runner tries to locate the appropriate BeanManager based on the
following rules in order:
- Lookup "java:comp/BeanManager" via JNDI -> EE enviroment
- If success use that BeanManager.
- Call CurrentManager.rootManager() -> Servlet enviroment / Previously
initiated SE enviroment
- If success use that BeanManager.
- Load class "org.jboss.webbeans.environment.se.StartMain" -> SE enviroment
- If success, initialize the enviroment using StartMain.main(new String[0])
and use CurrentManager.rootManager().
Overrides the default Junit TestMethod validation with a new set of rules:
- validatePublicVoid (default validatePublicVoidNoArgs)
- validateBindingTypeParameters (only arguments annotated with a BindingType
Overrides the createTest method to inject TestCase fields:
pesudo: for each Field "annotated with a BindingType" set getInstanceByType
Overrides methodInvoker to inject TestMethod args:
pesudo: for each Arg getInstanceByType
Annotate the TestCase with @RunWith(Webbeans.class) and one should be good
to go..
If interested, the code with TestCase example can be found at:
Aslak Knutsen; +47 952 38 791; fax +47 22 33 60 24
Kongens gate 14; Boks 805 Sentrum, 0104 Oslo;
http://www.conduct.no; mailto:aslak@conduct.no
Conduct AS - Professional Open Source Services
- Red Hat/JBoss Premier System Integrator
- Pentaho Preferred Integration Partner
- Atlassian Technology Partner
15 years, 7 months
[webbeans-dev] Package for PassivationCapable
by David Allen
Hi Gavin,
I don't see the PassivationCapable interface listed in Appendix B
anywhere in the 20090625 version of the spec. I assume it belongs in
B.8 for the extensions SPI.
- David
15 years, 7 months
[webbeans-dev] producer method trumps raw dependent type?
by Dan Allen
After the recent revisions of the JSR-299 spec, I'm finding that I'm a tad
confused about the bean selection algorithm when a producer method exists.
Consider the following:
class PotatoChip {
class SnackFactory() {
public @Produces PotatoChip createPotatoChip() {
return new PotatoChip();
1) Does the produced PotatoChip take precedence over the raw dependent type
when being selected for injection?
2) How do I get the Bean<PotatoChip> that represents the producer method?
BeanManager#getBeans(PotatoChip.class) returns two beans that are
indistinguishable from the public API.
3) What if the producer method is @RequestScoped? How do I get the
request-scoped produce instead of the dependent bean?
Bean<PotatoChip> potatoChipBean = null;
for (Bean<PotatoChip> candidate : getBeans(PotatoChip.class))
if (candidate.getScopeType().equals(RequestScoped.class))
potatoChipBean = candidate;
Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question. The spec has changed a lot and my
memory is getting mixed in with the current set of facts.
Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
15 years, 7 months
Re: [webbeans-dev] ts
by Ales Justin
>> All of that testsuite should pass atm. Is this with your new
>> deployment stuff enabled?
> I now rewrote it.
> Currently only porting the Flat approach of Deployment to more generic
> architecture..
> I need to think a bit more about how to do Structure properly.
> The server starts fine.
> Hence I doubt the new deployers are the cause.
> I can commit and you do a quick check?
OK, committed, so I don't loose it. :-)
Can you try, and if it doesn't work for you, you can rollback,
*but* please create me a separate branch *before*,
and I'll have a look what's causing those potential failures.
Or if someone can dig in and identify the cause. ;-)
15 years, 7 months
[webbeans-dev] TCK - grouping broken etc. tests
by Pete Muir
Hi all,
I just spent some time working through the tests marked as ri-broken
tests in the TCK. I've fixed those I can easily, and filed WBRI JIRAs
for the rest. It made me realize we need some guidelines on how to
handle tests which don't work:
* If the test isn't working properly (e.g. you haven't finished it,
you need to check it in to get advice from others, you find a test and
can see it is broken, either due to changes in the spec, or due to a
bad test in the first place, you need to add it to the "broken" group
- @Test (groups={"broken"}). Please also add a note saying what is
wrong with the test, and if you've spent some time with it, note where
you got to with understanding/fixing it. Broken tests are highlighted
in the audit in yellow. If you are working on a section, always check
to see if you can't fix the broken tests. Alternatively, if you've
written a test which will work standalone, but won't work in the
container, add it to the incontainer-broken group
* If you think the test is correct, but it won't run against the RI
you need to:
- add it to the ri-broken group - @Test groups={"broken"})
- alternatively, if the test will pass standalone, but won't pass
in JBoss AS (e.g. we've had this where serialization is involved),
then add it to the incontainer-ri-broken group
- check and see if there is already a matching WBRI issue, if
there isn't create one
- add a note to the issue with the FQN of the test method (use
copy qualified name in eclipse on the method)
- add a comment to the test indicating the WBRI issue number
* If you find a test that is correct, but could be more complete, add
it to the rewrite group @Test(groups={"rewrite"})
* Do not use the stub group any more
* Feel free to tag tests using groups to mark what they relate to.
Eventually, I would like to go through and make a consistent effort at
this with a well defined list of tags, but this is very low priority.
* We will also use this approach to allow testing on an embeddable EJB
3.1 container. If you are tagging a test that will definitely run on
this container (for example, a JSF test won't run, a servlet test
won't run) then please add the ejb-embeddable tag. Again, this is low
priority for now
15 years, 7 months