Specializes bean in war causes unsatisfied resolution exception
by Benjamin Confino
A customer of mine sent in a test application with the following
A war file inside ear
Two jar files inside ear/lib
One jar file inside ear/war/WEB-INF/lib
There is a class inside one of the ear/lib jar files which @Injects a bean
from the other ear/lib jar file
And there is a class inside the ear/war/WEB-INF/lib jar file that
@Specializes the bean inside an ear/lib jar file
(You can see the application at was_bugs/was_bug22 at master ·
thikade/was_bugs · GitHub )
Attempting to run this application on Weld results in an Unsatisfied
Resolution Exception. When I remove the jar containing the @Specializes
bean the application works correctly.
My first thought was that this application should not work, because the
war file and it's internal jar would have a second classloader that would
be invisible to the application classloader. However the customer
attested, and I confirmed that this application works fine on
I do not think this is an integration issue, because I tested this on
Wildfly and got the same error.
So it seems that Weld throws an Unsatisfied Resolution Exception if
@specializes exists in a class that is loaded by a classloader which is
not visible .
What do you think is the correct behaviour is in this instance? From a
classloading perspective a class inside ear/lib should not be able to see
a class inside ear/war; but on the other hand the entire purpose of a
@Specializes bean is that you drop it into your application and it
replaces the original bean. It feels appropriate that you can drop in a
war file containing the @Specializes bean and it just works without you
having to do anything extra.
Best regards
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8 years, 3 months
Re: [weld-dev] [cdi-dev] Think I found bug with interceptor
by Matej Novotny
first of all let us take this conversation off the cdi list, as it is a Weld related question (moving to weld-dev list).
Now to your question(s)...
If you could attach a tiny reproducer, this would probably be resolved within minutes, so if you can send one, do so please.
> Now here's the problem, If I use this annotation on just a regular method
> which I call myself, it DOES NOT work.
This feels like very basic use case do I doubt it isn't working.
What are the classes where you declare these methods?
How to you obtain a reference to the bean which has `doSend` method?
Again, reproducer would make all this very obvious and I could help you quickly :)
> @Priority set on it and that works fine. But I've also tried setting
> <interceptors> in beans.xml
@Priority enables in for whole application, while beans.xml for the given bean archive.
And you should not combine both approaches.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Remijan" <mjremijan(a)yahoo.com>
> To: cdi-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 5:43:27 AM
> Subject: [cdi-dev] Think I found bug with interceptor
> Greetings,
> I am using:
> <dependency>
> <groupId>org.jboss.weld.se</groupId>
> <artifactId>weld-se-core</artifactId>
> <version>3.0.0.Alpha15</version>
> </dependency>
> and I think I found a bug with the interceptors. I wanted to ask about it
> first before I put it in Jira.
> Basically, the interceptor I have defined works great if I annotate a method
> called by the CDI container, which in my case is an method observing for an
> event. I have an ExceptionRetryInterceptor class and an ExceptionRetry
> annotation. If I annotate an observer method like this:
> @ExceptionRetry
> public void send(
> @Observes @Priority(SEND_EMAIL_MESSAGE) EmailEvent evnt
> ) throws MessagingException, IOException {....}
> No problem, everything works fine. I can see the interceptor code being
> called in my logs.
> Now here's the problem, If I use this annotation on just a regular method
> which I call myself, it DOES NOT work. So if I refactor the above example so
> the annotation is NOT on the observer method called by the container, then
> the doSend() method below does NOT get wrapped by the interceptor:
> public void send(
> @Observes @Priority(SEND_EMAIL_MESSAGE) EmailEvent evnt
> ) throws MessagingException, IOException {
> //....
> doSend();
> }
> @ExceptionRetry
> public void doSend() {....} // this method does not get wrapped by the
> interceptor
> I'm trying to figure out why. My ExceptionRetryInterceptor class has a
> @Priority set on it and that works fine. But I've also tried setting
> <interceptors> in beans.xml but the doSend(){...} method still doesn't get
> wrapped.
> Any thoughts/help?
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8 years, 3 months