Can we drop the maven max version enforcer constraint in weld-parent:7?
by Steven Boscarine
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Hello Pete,
I saw the max maven version constraint was added to the new parent POM.
Can we make it a min version only constraint like it used to be?
I think it'll be more convenient for causal contributers if they don't
have to maintain a legacy maven version just to build our project.
15 years, 3 months
TCK Interceptors Classes
by Gurkan Erdogdu
Some interceptors classes in the TCK test suites implement @PreDestroy methods. AFAIK, interceptors specification says that methods with @PreDestroy in interceptor class must take InvocationContext parameter. But in TCK, those methods do not take InvocationContext parameter
For example:
@PreDestroy public void destroy()
destroyed = true;
Is it correct?
15 years, 4 months
Java SE extension
by Gavin King
Great work on this, Peter, it's really nice.
I think we should let you specify an event type to raise:
java -Devent=my.Event
or, perhaps, an event qualifier to be applied to the ContainerInitialized event:
java -Dqualifier=my.Qualifier
that way, you have a mechanism for choosing between "main methods".
Alternatively, we could use something EL-ish to specify a method to call:
java -Daction=mybean.method
Hrm, perhaps that's the best option. Maybe my idea of using an event
wasn't …
[View More]so great after all.
Gavin King
[View Less]
15 years, 4 months
Weld module info
by Nicklas Karlsson
A minor detail but do you think it would be handy if Weld would
support some kind of module info metadata that could be displayed on
bootstrap? It could be handy to see which modules
are present and have been picked up correctly... Something in the line
of a <module-info>Weld-Excel 3.0.1</module> in beans.xml so that a
list of enabled modules and extensions could be listed
when the container boots. It could even be extended to cover possible
15 years, 4 months
Re: [weld-dev] Resource declarations outside Java EE
by Dan Allen
Great. Okay, just so that I am explaining this right in my talk, if
@Resource and family are on an EJB the EJB container does the injection, but
if the are on a managed bean (i.e., simple bean) then CDI does the
injection. Is that correct?
- Dan Allen
Sent from my Android-powered phone:
An open platform for carriers, consumers
and developers.
On Nov 30, 2009 6:38 AM, "Pete Muir" <pmuir(a)> wrote:
It does :-)
We even have a test!
On 27 Nov 2009, at 15:01, Gavin King wrote: …
[View More]> Pete, does this work in, say,
Tomcat: > > @Resour...
[View Less]
15 years, 4 months
<enable> element in XSD
by Pete Muir
Jason Porter pointed out that 12.3 says:
"The container determines which alternatives, interceptors and decorators are enabled, according to the rules defined in Sec- tion 5.1.2, “Enabled and disabled beans”, Section 9.4, “Interceptor enablement and ordering” and Section 8.2, “Decorator enablement and ordering”, taking into account any >>><enable><<<<, <interceptors> and <decorators> declarations in the beans.xml files, and registers the Bean and …
[View More]ObserverMethod objects:"
Elsewhere the spec still talks about <alternatives>, so I think this is a typo in the spec?
[View Less]
15 years, 4 months
EJB constructor injection
by Michael Brackx
Is constructor injection in EJB's allowed or not?
I don't seem to find any restriction in the spec, so I assume it is allowed.
Or maybe section 3.7 only applies to managed beans.
15 years, 4 months