weld-osgi docs?
by Cristiano Gavião
Could someone point me to the weld-osgi docs ?
12 years, 3 months
weld-osgi missing dependency
by Cristiano Gavião
I'm getting a dependency problem with weld-osgi in a equinox environment.
> Missing requirement: org.jboss.weld.osgi.core.integration
> 1.2.0.SNAPSHOT requires 'package ch.qos.cal10n.util 0.7.2' but it
> could not be found
could someone tell me which bundle exports this package ?
12 years, 3 months
New Weld Lead
by Ales Justin
With CDI 1.1 getting closer and Weld branch 1.1.x being pretty stable,
it is time to @Inject fresh power into the project,
hence I'm announcing a change at Weld project leadership.
Jozef Hartinger, who's already doing an excellent job with Weld 2.0 and CDI 1.1,
is taking over the whole project.
While Marko (Luksa) and me will still help him in this transition period.
Again, congrats Jozef, well deserved!
12 years, 3 months
The bootstrap byte-code scanning plan
by Pete Muir
Here is the plan we worked up at the Weld development this week in Brno. Red is the goal for each stage, green is info, blue is steps to take.
If you can't read this, then I'll try to type it up instead, just say!
12 years, 3 months
Possible bug in the Weld implementation
by Daniel Sachse
Hey guys,
I already bugged the Errai and Resteasy guys with my problem, but I was told that you guys are in charge of this ;)
I possibly discovered a bug in the Weld implementation provided with JBoss 7.1.1.Final.
I was playing around with Errai and JAX-RS and I discovered that when I add the JAX-RS annotations to the interface this works as expected.
As soon as I start to use a CDI Decorator with the JAX-RS interface, i start getting the following error:
[View More]UnproxyableResolutionException: WELD-001306 Attempting to inject an unproxyable normal scoped bean Decorator….."
If I then put the JAX-RS annotations back at the implementation, everything works fine. Unfortunately this behavior is not working for me, because Errai needs the annotations at the interface to create client code.
As I was unsure if this only happened with Errai on the classpath, I created a very little demo project, which exactly shows the bug I mentioned: https://github.com/w0mbat/RESTTest
Hope you guys can confirm this as a bug and fix it soon ;)
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12 years, 3 months