Re: [weld-dev] [seam-dev] weld 2.0 / soldr 3.x not compatible
by Jozef Hartinger
On 06/06/2013 09:41 AM, Korbinian Bachl wrote:
> Sadly the weld 2 people didn't think about backwards compatibility in
> that position (why not just throw a big warning?);
Let's see what the specification says about the method:
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called during application
initialization, before the AfterDeploymentValidation event is fired."
That answers your question. However, the CDI EG kind of anticipated
problems with legacy extensions not using the …
[View More]SPI properly and added the
following statement:
"The container is permitted to define a non-portable mode in which
getBeans(String) may be called from an observer of the
AfterBeanDiscovery event."
The non-portable mode is not in Weld yet but will be since 2.0.2.Final.
The easiest thing you can do is to repackage solder and disable the
org.jboss.solder.exception.control.extension.CatchExtension extension
(assuming you use Solder for other parts than Catch).
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11 years, 9 months