Re: ProxyServices.loadBeanClass
by Matej Novotny
doesn't look like it's used by Weld code directly.
However, it can still be used by some integrations such as GF or WFLY when
declaring proxies.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 5:29 PM Benjamin Confino <BENJAMIC(a)>
> Hello. I have a quick question.
> In weld 2.4 / CDI 1.2, what classes call ProxyServices.loadBeanClass? I
> had a look and cannot find anything.
> Regards
> Benjamin
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2 years, 1 month
by Benjamin Confino
Hello. I have a quick question.
In weld 2.4 / CDI 1.2, what classes call ProxyServices.loadBeanClass? I had a look and cannot find anything.
Unless otherwise stated above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited
Registered in England and Wales with number 741598
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hants. PO6 3AU
2 years, 1 month