On 29 Jan 2010, at 23:21, William Draï wrote:
Hi all,
First sorry if this message was received twice, I'm not sure my first response was
taken in account as I was not subscribed to the list
We didn't get it :-)
I just have a few remarks for now :
1. I don't understand the need for createTransientConversation and
endTransientConversation if there is activateContext and deactivateContext. Why not
something like setupConversation() / cleanupConversation() that always create a transient
conversation that can be later promoted to long-running by restoreConversation /
Yes, this is a reasonable proposal I guess, Nik, did we already iterate through this and
2. It would be useful to be able to force a new conversationId
defined by the client with beginConversation(cid)
Well this exists, with Convesation.begin(id), so I don't understand the request. This
does raise the question of why there is an endConversation() method on ConversationManager
3. This is not directly linked to the ConversationManager interface,
but it would also be useful to be able to observe the same events than Seam 2 dispatches :
BeginConversationEvent, EndConversationEvent, ConversationTimeoutEvent and
ConversationDestroyedEvent (although I'm not sure the last one makes sense with CDI)
Ok, this is really a spec request I guess.