dan.j.allen(a)gmail.com wrote on 01/09/2009 09:09:01 PM:
> Trial "standards" are never a good
> idea. That's why open source plays an important role in understanding
> what the industry wants prior to nailing things down in a standard.
> I don't think the same could be said here. It's not a conscious effort
> that the platform as a whole is going to move to this XML style and
> doesn't have the time. At least not yet it isn't.
I might be interpreting this wrong, but are you saying that extensible
XML authoring has not been proven in the open source world? That it
isn't now the defacto standard approach to XML configuration? That
developers are not excited about it? I think Spring, Seam, and Mule
all demonstrate that this is a viable approach and that people are not
only accepting it, but expecting it. Why would we want to hold back
A statement was made that it was ok to "trial" the new syntax with WebBeans
and not have the platform follow suit. I was arguing against "trial"s of
anything in standards and that the platform needs to move or not as a
I think there have been "trials" in open source, as it should be. I'm
only stating I don't want a mishmash platform of stuff. I want integration
and consistency.
Jim Knutson
WebSphere J2EE Architect