gavin.king(a) wrote on 12/24/2008 07:18:25 PM:
(3) web beans competes with proprietary solutions such as Spring and
Seam, and must offer competitive functionality
I need more background here because this sounds like this spec. is
attempting to compete with Spring on its own and as such would need
to independently offer a component model, injection model, context
management, and a host of other things that Spring provides, but
may already be part of the EE platform.
If there are requirements needed from other specs., then let's
drive those other specs. to meet those requirements.
Beginning from these assumptions I find it difficult to avoid the
conclusion that we should be offering the schema-driven, IDE-friendly
style of XML configuration that Spring and Seam offer.
I suggest then, that we surface a requirement for new platform DD
schemas across the board within the EE EG.
Jim Knutson
WebSphere J2EE Architect