The usecase: imagine that something like @Stateless is recharacterized
as a stereotype and you want to apply it indirectly via the @action
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On Dec 3, 2008, at 5:32 AM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
On 21 Nov 2008, at 18:07, Gavin King wrote:
> oops forgot to attach the spec
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Gavin King <gavin(a)>
> wrote:
>> I've got feedback from a number of people that stereotype
>> inheritance
>> should be supported, and I agree with this feedback.
I can't see a reason not to support it, except that stereotypes are
already very powerful, so without seeing use cases for which
stereotype inheritance is considerably simpler, I would say it's a
nice-to-have only.
>> I think we should just do it in the simplest possible way and say
>> simply that stereotype declarations are transitive, and
>> meta-stereotypes are inherited by the web bean.
>> Therefore:
>> 1. the sets of interceptor binding types are unioned
>> 2. any conflicts between default scope/deployment type defined by a
>> stereotype and its meta-stereotypes must be resolved by explicit
>> declaration on the web bean
>> 3. all restrictions apply cumulatively
>> And I've written this into section of the attached spec
>> draft.
>> Questions:
>> ========
>> Does anybody think that the default scope/deployment type declared
>> directly by a stereotype should *override* the default
>> scopes/deployment types declared by its meta-stereotypes? This rule
>> makes a lot of sense, but it kinda makes things a little more
>> complex.
>> For example:
>> @RequestScoped
>> @Stereotype
>> public @interface Foo {}
>> @SessionScoped
>> @Foo
>> @Stereotype
>> public @interface Bar {}
>> Should we force a web bean that declares @Bar to explicitly
>> specify a
>> scope, or is it better to let @SessionScoped on Bar override
>> @RequestScoped on Foo.
I agree, it makes more sense for the stereotype to override the meta-
>> Another thing I've just noticed, that applies to interceptor
>> bindings
>> inherited by both stereotypes and other interceptor binding types,
>> is
>> that you could potentially have a web bean with multiple "instances"
>> of the same interceptor binding type - the same type, but different
>> member values. I think we should say that this is a
>> DefinitionException.
>> For example:
>> @Transactional(requiresNew=false)
>> @Stereotype
>> public @interface Foo {}
>> @Transactional(requiresNew=true)
>> @Stereotype
>> public @interface Foo {}
>> @Foo @Bar
>> public class X {}
>> Then X has both @Transactional(requiresNew=false) and
>> @Transactional(requiresNew=true).
>> --
>> Gavin King
>> gavin.king(a)
> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king(a)
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