on a clean
linux, OpenJDK machine. Everything worked as expected when following the
instructions of the reference guide. Did you use the older build as
mentioned by Pete in his initial mail a few days before? There might be
an incompatibility with latest ri-int version.
Jay Balunas schrieb:
I have been following the instructions from the reference guide and
readme.txt. I am using OS X, JDK 1.5, and have a completely clean
machine - i.e. no webbeans in the repo, or src work being done.
* /examples/readme.txt describes a different procedure for updating
jboss as 5 that the reference guide.
- I believe the readme.txt version is the out of date one as it's
paths and targets are not correct
Number Guess Example:
* I executed "ant update" in the jboss-as directory and it ran
successfully ( with ANT_HOME set to 1.7.0)
* I then deployed the number guess example as described "ant explode"
( same issue with deploy)
* I received during deployment
10:35:26,062 ERROR [[/webbeans-numberguess]] Error configuring
application listener of class org.jboss.webbeans.servlet.WebBeansListener
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:200)
* I thought the AS might need restarting after the deployer update,
but that did not help.
* I noticed that the web bean api and ri jars were not in the application
* After adding both jars I received:
10:52:08,900 ERROR [[/webbeans-numberguess]] Exception sending context
initialized event to listener instance of class
* This looked like a classloader issue, so I removed the wb api jar
because it was already in the deployer directory but this did not help.
Translator Example:
* showed a similar issue
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Interceptor class not found:
org.jboss.webbeans.ejb.SessionBeanInterceptor in class loader
* This looks like the same type of issue that the numberguess had.
I'm figuring that either I'm missing something in the instructions, or
there might be an issue with a system that is in a clean state. I
checked the pom files to see if there were referencing SNAPSHOT or
alpha (not out yet), but they were using snapshot as expected.
Reference guide refers to "http://seamframework.org/WebBeans" for
downloading webbeans - I'm assuming you are planning on having a
download section there?
I'll try this again with a updated trunk as there were quite a few
commits (although I have looked at what yet). Can't promise I'll get
to it today though :-(
On Dec 19, 2008, at 6:13 PM, Pete Muir wrote:
> OOps, got the URL wrong :-(
> On 19 Dec 2008, at 23:11, Charles Crouch wrote:
>> I'm getting a 404 on the zip url
>> Cheers
>> Charles
>> ----- "Pete Muir" <pmuir(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I uploaded a preview of the alpha1 release of webbeans to
>>> Download the zip, unzip it, and read the readme and the reference
>>> guide to get started with the examples. Any feedback would be superb,
>>> e.g:
>>> * typos in readmes/docs
>>> * errors running the jboss5 updater
>>> * errors deploying examples
>>> * errors building from source
>>> File issues at
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/WBRI - no forum as of
>>> yet.
>>> Jay or Jozef, if you have time to run your finely honed QA eyes over
>>> this, it would be great :-)
>>> Pete
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