In fact, that's also what I did understand from reading the spec.
BUT: yesterday I had a long discussion with Pete and it looks like the only real source of
the 'decorated type' is in fact the type of the member which is annotated with
@Delegate! Because the type of the @Delegated bean exactly defines the beans the decorator
will be applied to.
This at least seems to be backed by the weld implementation.
But then another question comes up: why the hell does the decorator itself need to
implement an interface at all? The proxy will simply lookup if the decorator has a
function with exactly the same signature of the decorated type, and if not will delegate
the functions to the @Delegated bean. So defining an interface on the Decorator is nice,
but only makes sure that I can use @Override (in Java 1.6) to get the signature right. But
technically this restriction is not necessary, isn't?
--- Gurkan Erdogdu <gurkanerdogdu(a)> schrieb am Sa, 5.12.2009:
Von: Gurkan Erdogdu <gurkanerdogdu(a)>
Betreff: Re: [weld-dev] Decorator question
An: weld-dev(a)
Datum: Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009, 7:53
What I understand from the spec is that :
1* Decorated types of the decorator must be an interface
Examples :
a) Just implement interface
@Decorator public class X
implements Y
Decorated types of X : {Y}
b) Abstract implementation
@Decorator abstract class X
implement Y
interface Y extends YY
Decorated types of X :
c)Extends class Y that is not
decorator that implement another interface YY
@Decorator public class X extends Y
implement Z;
public class Y
implement YY
interface Z extends
Decorated types of X :
{YY, Z, ZZ}
2* Delegate type of the decorator must be
"implement" or "extends" decorated
1.a ) Proxy that implements {Y}
1.b ) Proxy that implements {Y}
and {YY}
1.c) Proxy that implement {YY, Z,
Moreover, delegate proxy is used for calling chaining of
decorators. Lets say that 3 decorator instance
@Decorator public class A implements X {@Delegate X x
public void checkout(){ ... x.checkout()}}
@Decorator public class B implements X {@Delegate X x
public void checkout(){... x.checkout()}}
@Decorator public class C implements X {@Delegate X x
public void checkout(){.. x. checkout()}}
Then, managed beans with API type containing X
have a 3 decorators if these decorators are enabled. So,
whenever a call is made to the managed bean
instance(decorate method call) first decorator in the chain
is called by the container. Lets say that first decorator is
A, so A's "checkout" method is called and
delegate proxy instance is injected into its injection point
by the container.
@Delegate X x; --> Proxy injected by
the container
public void checkout(){
x.checkout() --> Means that calls another decorator in
the chain if exist, otherwise call actual bean instance
In A, delegate proxy is used for calling another decorator
in the chain if it exists. For above example,
B#checkout() is
called, etc...
If there is no call to the delegate proxy object's
method(x.checkout()), then actual bean instance is called
with skipping other decorators in the chain.
Is this correct?
Gavin King <gavin.king(a)>
To: Mark
Struberg <struberg(a)>
Sent: Sat,
December 5, 2009 6:21:47 AM
Subject: Re:
[weld-dev] Decorator question
Oh, now I understand. Yes, Cat/CatDecorator look wrong to
me. Cat
should be an interface, with a CatImpl.
On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Gavin
King <gavin.king(a)>
> Then I guess I don't understand exactly what it is
that you want here...
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Mark Struberg <struberg(a)>
>> Gavin,
>> my main concern is to pass the TCK.
>> Beside that, I really don't like to propose
new use cases (even if there is one: with @Alternative,
you'd need to subclass every class down the type
hierarchy yourself, with @Decorator 'extends',
you'd be able to decorate the baseclass and that would
be applied to all subclasses automagically).
>> Maybe the TCK folks can look at the CatDecorator,
and add a bit more Decorator tests, so we have a set of
facts we can both rely on? txs!
>> strub
>> --- Gavin King <gavin.king(a)>
schrieb am Fr, 4.12.2009:
>>> Von: Gavin King <gavin.king(a)>
>>> Betreff: Re: [weld-dev] Decorator question
>>> An: "Mark Struberg" <struberg(a)>
>>> CC: "Marius Bogoevici" <mariusb(a)>,
>>> Datum: Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009, 17:51
>>> Look, I just don't see the usecase
>>> for what you're
>>> If you're trying to extend a concrete
class, override some
>>> of its
>>> methods, and delegate some methods back to the
>>> just make
>>> your subclass an @Alternative and call super.
>>> I simply don't see the usecase for having
a whole stack of
>>> these
>>> things. I don't think anyone needs this.
>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Mark Struberg
>>> wrote:
>>> > But if (2) is allowed, then the
restriction on the
>>> Interfaces is pretty restrictive. I cannot see
>>> additional benefit we gain from this
restriction and we have
>>> to delegate all not-overridden methods via a
proxy anyway.
> Can you please give me a hint why this is necessary?
>>> >
>>> > txs and lieGrue,
>>> > strub
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --- Gavin King <gavin.king(a)>
>>> schrieb am Fr, 4.12.2009:
>>> >
>>> >> Von: Gavin King <gavin.king(a)>
>>> >> Betreff: Re: [weld-dev] Decorator
>>> >> An: "Marius Bogoevici"
>>> >> CC: "Mark Struberg" <struberg(a)>,
>>> weld-dev(a)
>>> >> Datum: Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009,
>>> >> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 6:44 PM,
>>> >> Marius Bogoevici <mariusb(a)>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> > a) You can still have (2), if
>>> AnotherBeanClass
>>> >> implements an interface
>>> >> > AnInterface. It's just that
the set of
>>> decorated
>>> >> methods is restricted to
>>> >> > the ones defined in the
>>> >>
>>> >> Actually, yes, that's true. I
should have said
>>> that.
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Gavin King
>>> gavin.king(a)
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> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king(a)
Gavin King
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