The javassist pom.xml didn't help me to build, so I used ant. Maybe you
will have better luck. I hacked together a
~/.m2/repository/org/javassist/javassist/ folder with javassist
for local testing. Let me know if you want a zipped copy of that for
your testing.
Thanks for helping to test the javassist upgrade!
On 10/26/2012 02:25 PM, Ales Justin wrote:
You also need to run incontainer tests.
I can test this for you, np.
On Oct 26, 2012, at 5:56 PM, Scott Marlow <smarlow(a)> wrote:
> The Javassist project will soon release version 3.1.17 (including the
> fix for JASSIST-163). Will Weld want to upgrade to 3.1.17 also?
> Hibernate will probably upgrade and AS also (if everything works).
> I have a local copy of weld-core but was not sure if that is enough to
> test with the javassist trunk. Is there more that we would want to do
> other than just bumping the javassist version in the weld-core pom.xml
> and "mvn clean install test"?
> Scott
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [jboss-as7-dev] FYI, a new version of Javassist will soon be
> available which will have a fix for JASSIST-163 (impacts Weld,
> jbossws-native-core, scannotation, slf4j, Hibernate)...
> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 10:51:33 -0400
> From: Scott Marlow <smarlow(a)>
> To: jboss-as7-dev(a) <jboss-as7-dev(a)>
> After 3.1.17 of Javassist is released and testing looks good, we can
> look at AS7-5127 which is about upgrading javassist in as7 to improve
> performance (as long as the new javassist doesn't break anything).
> Obviously, if Javassist 3.1.17 breaks something, we will not be able to
> upgrade.
> I took a look at which AS7 modules (statically) depend on javassist and
> the list is:
> 1. Weld
> 2. jbossws-native-core
> 3. scannotation
> 4. slf4j
> 5. Hibernate
> I'm testing Hibernate with the new javassist but don't know how to test
> (1), (2), (3), (4) above. Is there anything else that we need to try
> besides the AS7 testsuite to gain confidence that we can upgrade to
> javassist 3.1.17 (after its released soon)?
> I built trunk of javassist locally and caught one minor failure with the
> Hibernate test suite (see yesterdays comments in JASSIST-163). I'm
> built AS7 with the updated hibernate/javassist jars and passed the AS7
> testsuite.
> If anyone wants to do additional testing with the javassist trunk, let
> me know and I'll ask for more time to do testing before 3.1.17 is
> released. Or others could also coordinate through JASSIST-163.
> Scott
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