Hi Emily,
AFAIK WildFly makes use of existing Jandex indexes and if not present a
new one is build on the fly (for deployment and external modules) but
the generated indexes are not persisted.
But in WildFly not only Weld leverages the indexes - all other
annotation-based technologies should use them too.
Dne 15.11.2017 v 14:47 Emily Jiang napsal(a):
Hi Martin/Matej,
For using Jandex to improve bootstrap performance of CDI application, do
you know any application server (e.g. Wildfly) normally requires the
index files to be generated before hand or it can generate on the fly
and then persist it? Do you know whether there is much performance gain
to generate the index files on the fly and then persist it when compared
with not doing it at all (by passing jandex)?
Emily Jiang
WebSphere Application Server, MicroProfile Development Lead
Phone: 44-1962-816278
E-mail: emijiang(a)uk.ibm.com <mailto:emijiang@uk.ibm.com>
Twitter: @emilyfhjiang
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