Awesome, great work everyone! :-)
2009/4/17 Pete Muir <pmuir(a)>:
I'm pleased to say we have reached the second milestone in the JSR299 TCK. You can
download the distro here:
Some stats:
* we have identified all assertions from Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
(Chapter 10, Appendix B and Appendix C contain signature info only).
* we have extracted XML bean definition, interceptor and decorator assertions from the
main TCK, as these are likely to not be in the final 299 release. This allows us a clearer
picture of status.
* so far we have identified 1085 assertions, of which 695 are tested using 642 tests.
This is 69% of assertions. You can see the full picture at
* Of the 642 tests, 586 can be run standalone, and 21 require a full EE environment. All
can be run in an EE environment.
We are currently using these frameworks to aid testing:
* TestNG
* HtmlUnit
* Apache HttpClient
I want to thank David and Shane for their hard work on the TCK so far.
Our target for the next release is: > 75% coverage of assertions, tutorial guide,
signature tests, ootb running against GlassFish. I will follow up with Roger, Barbara and
Steve on this, as it requires the GlassFish integration to be complete. If we achieve
these goals, we will call it a release candidate.
If you are working on the TCK, you can now start committing to the TCK project again.
You can also commit to the core, but please don't alter the API or the version-matrix
until after the main release.
Pete Muir
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