[Android] Android project structure for final
by Summers Pittman
I would like to turn the Android maven project into three separate projects.
aerogear-android: The core library with everything you need to get going
on modern (4.0+) Android devices
aerogear-android-support: Library shims for older (Android 2.3)
devices. This project will also require the android-support-library.
aerogear-android-tests: This will house all of the Aerogear tests for
Android. Currently we use Robolectric for testing, but it doesn't
accurately support some things (Android threading comes to mind) and
doesn't support others at all (Loaders). A solution is to use a project
which runs the tests on a emulator/device. This can also be the
integration test project which we want to make anyway.
11 years, 10 months
[iOS version number] CocoaPods does not love Mx and CRy releases
by Matthias Wessendorf
we are 'shipping' our iOS bits via CocoaPods. In order to specify a
version, your project's Podfile needs to have the following:
pod 'AeroGear', '1.0.0.CR1'
This works fine. BUT... It's also valid to NOT specify a version:
pod 'AeroGear'
Now... it loads the latest and greatest version... not!
(well, usually it does)
-> In our case we get the 'old' M3 version (since the 'M' is BEHIND
the 'C' in the alphabet).
1) DELETE all the old versions from CocoaPods
2) name the CR1 an M4 - but the same problem will occur with the
1.0.0(.Final) :-)
So... I guess.... in order to keep/fix this... we really have to
remove the old versions :-(
For future releases, I'd strongly recommend to NOT use that .milestone
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
11 years, 10 months
Aerogear Forge Plugin
by Sebastien Blanc
Hi all !
I'm pleased to announce that the first version of the Aerogear Scaffold
Plugin for forge is available !
It's still an alpha but thanks to the excellent work and help from Vineet
we have a working plugin :
- CRUD Scaffolding based on your entities.
- One-to-one , many-to-one relation supported.
- AngularJS and bootstrap responsive based.
- Aerogear Pipe and Store used.
There is still a lot to do but you can already play with it, a quickstart
is available here and you should be able to create your first Aerogear App
in 5 minutes ;) https://gist.github.com/sebastienblanc/4961324
An example of a generated application can also be found here :
https://github.com/sebastienblanc/scaffoldtester , please review the
generated code (at least the JS and HTML) and report it to me and I will
update the templates accordingly.
Next steps are :
- Integrate Search feature (using the DataStore filter facilities)
- Integrate Aerogear Pagination (although generic pagination is present now)
- Integrate jQueryMobile (will probably be another plugin)
Enjoy !
11 years, 10 months
cancelAllOperations fails with variable paths
by Christos Vasilakis
during writing tests for "cancel" in authenticator, I found that AFNetworking requires the path of the request to cancel (apart from the method type e.g. PUT/POST). Because we can have multiple paths(eg. /login/logout/enroll or /projects/100 etc) and possible performing simultaneously, we need to cancel them all regardless of the path (as in our spec).
One solution is to override the method that will cancelAllRequests regardless of the path. Something like [1]
11 years, 10 months
AeroGear Controller & Security released 1.0.0.CR1-27022013
by Bruno Oliveira
Morning slackers,
Today we release AG Controller and Security already integrated into our TODO demo https://github.com/aerogear/TODO/pull/21. Dan with his L E G E N D A R Y help introduced some new features on Controller, like custom HTTP headers.
Feel free to test if you're just curious, feedback is more than welcome and complaining is not a option.
"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile
11 years, 10 months
Revisiting the TODO app
by Bruno Oliveira
Hi guys, I'm revisiting our TODO app and I would like to know if it's possible to remove roles and loggedIn attributes from app.js. Why? Currently the access control trusts on local storage (https://github.com/danbev/TODO/blob/master/client/src/main/webapp/js/app....) and not on HTTP status responses from the server (correct me if I'm saying something wrong here) and in nowadays "loggedIn" should be considered useless, because we will trust on HTTP sessions.
Am I wrong? Control it on the client side is easy to bypass.
"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile
11 years, 10 months
[AeroGear-Notifier] Client API
by Matthias Wessendorf
Today, I had a brief chat with Kris about a potential AeroGear
*Notifier* Client
The basic idea is to *wrap* messaging APIs (e.g. Stomp.js, Vertx's eventbus
or Socket.io/Engine.io) behind a common client 'interface'.
Basically the AeroGear-Notifier should be able to *connect* to a messaging
system in order to *subscribe* to a channel to reveice messages from that
channel. The AG-Notifier is also able to *publish* messages to ANY channel.
Of course,*unsubscribe* and *disconnect* are required too...
Sure... the above is not (YET) really a *SPEC*, but it's start.... the JS
API of the AG-Notifier (DRAFT 0.0.1) could looks like this:
/** * Connects to a given URL. The callback is invoked after a
connection has been established. In case of an error, an Error *
object will be passed to the callback
*/AeroGear.Notifier.connect(String url, function callback);
/** * Tears down the connection. The callback is invoked after a
connection has been closed. In case of an error, an * Error object
will be passed to the callback */AeroGear.Notifier.disconnect(function
/** * Subscribes to a channel. The callback function is invoked for
every message, received on the given channel.
*/AeroGear.Notifier.subscribe(String channel, function callback);
/** * Removes the subscription of the given channel.
*/AeroGear.Notifier.unsubscribe(String channel);
/** * Publishes a message to a given channel
*/AeroGear.Notifier.publish(String channel, Object message);
Perhaps a *STATE-MASHINE* would be nice as well:
AeroGear.Notifier.CONNECTING = 0;AeroGear.Notifier.OPEN =
1;AeroGear.Notifier.CLOSING = 2;AeroGear.Notifier.CLOSED = 3;
of the Adapters
The different adapter implementations will be done separately:
Thoughts ?
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
11 years, 11 months