  • 32 participants
  • 81 discussions
AeroGear Crypto Java 0.1.2 released
by Bruno Oliveira
2 years, 7 months
[UPS] Proposal to change the Push Message Format
by Sebastien Blanc
10 years, 2 months
UPS -> Windows 8 push notifications thoughts
by A577127
10 years, 4 months
GCM limit with 1000 registrationIDs
by Matthias Wessendorf
10 years, 4 months
UPS Production worthiness
by Vivek Pandey
10 years, 4 months
Differences between Firefox OS "native" Push lib and AeroGear's Push adapter
by Sebastien Blanc
10 years, 5 months
Modularizing the Android Library
by Summers Pittman
10 years, 5 months
Issues with Aerogear on Cordova
by Miguel Lemos
10 years, 6 months
[SPS-JS] navigator.setMessageHandler Vs navigator.mozSetMessageHandler
by Sebastien Blanc
10 years, 6 months
cordova plugin release
by Erik Jan de Wit
10 years, 6 months
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