AeroGear Crypto Java 0.1.2 released
by Bruno Oliveira
Good morning, just to let you know we released today the bits for digital signatures and some bug fixes.
Have a happy new year sweet hearts.
2 years, 6 months
The Metrics RESTFUL api... some inconsistencies
by Morten Oftedal
Currently developing an application using UPS 1.1.3 FINAL.
We are using the RESTFUL API for fetching information about sent push messages (metrics) and have noticed some inconsistencies in the data;
The total receivers number per message does not match the total receivers when adding the variant receivers together.
There seems to be some duplicate values when asking for variants. For our application, there are two variants, but the API returns anything from 2-6 different variants with some duplicate Variant IDs.
The number of receivers presented on the aerogear admin GUI seems to be an aggregate of the variants, not of the total receivers number from the message.
Attached is some metrics results with said errors.
Are the numbers representing different things is there some error in counting the number of receivers in one of the methods?
Also when sending push messages with defined user data (such as URLs) this data is not saved in the underlying database. Is this a design choice or an upcoming feature?
Best Regards
Morten Oftedal
8 years, 2 months
aerogear-cordova-push 3.0.1
by Erik Jan de Wit
We fixed a couple of bug on aerogear-cordova-push and would like to release
it. The 3.0.x branch is ready for testing
Erik Jan
8 years, 3 months
Aerogear in Java and Creating Cyptobox using PublicKey
by niteshdev
Hi There,
We are integrating aerogear java library in our java backend.
We have list of users public key in base64 string. Now when I want to send a
encrypted message to our users.
When we are trying to create a instance of CryptoBox then at that time we
need to provide a instance of PublicKey. How do we create a publickey
Instance from a base64 string or raw bytes.
CryptoBox pandora = new CryptoBox(myprivatekey, userspublickey);
For the normal RSA i found this snippet over internet but i am assuming that
this has to be different for Aerogear.
public static PublicKey loadPublicKey(String stored) throws
GeneralSecurityException {
byte[] data = Base64.decode(stored.toCharArray());
X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(data);
KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
return fact.generatePublic(spec);
Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
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8 years, 3 months